I'm running Greenbone Security Assistant 7.0.2 (on Kali Linux) and the default performance reporting currently goes a "Fallback Report" which only dumps /proc/meminfo to the screen. A note on the page implies that there's more rich reporting but I haven't been able to find anything documented for setting up or enabling it. I'm assuming it's more or less standard RRD reporting. Anyone know how to configure this?

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1 Answers1


Quoting the relevant part of the source code documentation:

Prerequisites for generating system reports:

  • A program in the PATH, with usage "openvasmr seconds type", where seconds is the number of seconds before now that the report covers, and type is the type of report. When called with type "titles" the script must print a list of possible types, where the name of the type is everything up to the first space and everything else is a title for the report. When called with one of these types openvasmr must print a PNG in base64 encoding. When called with the special type "blank", openvasmr must print a PNG in base64 for the Manager to use when a request for one of the titled types fails. openvasmr may indicate failure by simply refraining from printing.

Disclaimer: Answer of a NVT Dev @ Greenbone

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