Yes, I know it's a tricky question and a bit personal, but I really don't know much about the security that is in place by default in apple and I don't really know how secure it is and how it would improve by installing and antivirus in my mac.
This question is for a mid size company of ~100 employees and I am a developer, like the other 15 of us.
After an email thread in which I said I had no antivirus in my MAC, (I never did in any of my previous jobs) I got an answer from my CSO that I should install an antivirus A.S.A.P. and that I should take care of this issue.
He didn't recommend any software and he didn't say that I needed to have an antivirus because of anything specific. He said just that I needed to have one.
Is there any security practice that can be done in OSX, or is there any antivirus already installed within the system? I am trying to explain to him that the antivirus is not really needed in OSX, but I don't really know many arguments more than the typical it's a different file system than Windows (which is the company's standard)
What do you think about this case, would you install something? and if so, is there anything recommended?
Could you help me or him giving more arguments to why it's needed or not to have antivirus? Something more than just saying "We need one"?
Sorry for the personal and long question but I didn't find a similar question on the forum that is up to date
PS: Forgot to say the mac is mine (had to buy it cause they don't give anything other than windows).