Designating the CSRF cookie as HttpOnly doesn’t offer any practical protection because CSRF is only to protect against cross-domain attacks.
This can be stipulated in a much more general way, and in a simpler way by remove the technical aspect of "CSRF cookie".
Designating a cookie as HttpOnly, by definition, only protects against access via document.cookie
or equivalent JS methods. It doesn't prevent any HTTP interaction that may have been caused by JS code; any interaction that the user does via HTML elements, like a form submission, can be started by JS. There is no meaningful distinction of how something was started; in fact, you can claim "the user started it" by pointing to the user typing it the URL of the current Webpage, or that of some Webpage that linked to the current Webpage.
That is also the reason why the concept of "autoplay of video" isn't well defined, and cannot be prevented reliably: what constitutes a voluntary user action to start a video is a user interface concept, not a DOM (Document Object Model) concept. The browser doesn't know autoplay from user made a gesture to play a video, unless the video starts before the user makes any move (such as "space to scroll down"). (One can try to "wack a mole" autoplay in a few cases, like one can try to "wack a mole" (detect, black-list) annoying Web ads, or sharing information with third party domains, but without guarantee of coverage.)
Unless JS is completely turned off on a domain, any user action inside the frame controlled by the Website should simply be assumed to be doable by script of the Website. One the modern Web, who turns off JS completely on most domains? Almost no one.
So the generalized observation is:
Designating any cookie as HttpOnly doesn’t offer any practical protection against any against attacks that perform actions that the user might perform through the interface of the Website.
Note that reading all cookies (including those marked HttpOnly) is not done by the interface of the website, it can be done only with the Inspector tool of the browser, or the HTTP proxy for cookies sent over HTTP.