Context: Angular site is hosted on S3 behind CloudFront, separate from Express server that is used as API and almost all requests are XMLHttpRequests. All requests are sent without cookies (withCredentials = false by default) and I use JWT Bearer token for authentication by taking it from cookies in angular and placing to Authorization
header (This technique is kind of what is described in CSRF Wiki page).
On Express site I do not allow Cookie
header in Access-Control-Allow-Headers
Cookies have secure: true
flag, and are NOT httpOnly
because I need to manually access them in angular.
Also I've read in this Medium article that JSON-Web-Tokens(JWT )/Bearer Tokens
is without a doubt one of the best methods of preventing CSRF
Question 1: Will I add extra security if I'll add X-XSRF-Token header to each request and for example make the mechanism stateless by checking for that same value in JWT payload? (I'we read about it in this thread)
Question 2: Do I actually need extra security efforts agains CSRF taking all that I described?