RoRaZ and 40F4 made some real good points.
Another thing is, that especially in the health sector or finance sector, respectively in any enterprise that needs to use software specially crafted for their exquisite usage, it sometimes might not be possible to update the operating system without causing bugs in essential and expensive software that cannot be easily replaced. Especially hospitals work a lot with rather old Windows versions, making them highly vulnerable. Next thing is, it's not only the desktop systems; any (e.g. medical) device can build up on an operating system like Windows, and from what I learned those hardly ever receive any updates.
Just because there are fixes that doesn't mean that fixes are an easy option to take for everyone. The private user will not be concerned by this problem, but the private user is rather seldom the target group for exploits like EternalBlue.
0xffffffff ffd00000 is the virtual address for 64-bit systems, if it is 32-bit, then it is just 0xffd00000