i have tried this poc:
against a windows 8 target that i own, the code exits with an error that says:
impacket.nmb.NetBIOSTimeout: The NETBIOS connection with the remote host timed out.
The error occures wherever there is conn.recvSMB().
although smb is running on port 445, all firewalls and security rules are deactivated (Anti-virus, Windows Firewall, SmartScan ...etc).
Does that mean my Win 8 box is pretty safe from Eternalblue? Also, is Windows Firewall enough to stop all those SMB attacks? If yes, then why Eternalblue is such a big deal? i mean a lot of Windows 7/8 come with Firewall activated by default.
Edit: I have tried a universal "exec calc.exe" shellcode and tried all possible numbers in numGroomConn parameter (3,4,5 ...etc)