On official site they (Trezor) emphasize that you should never store your recovery seed digitally. But this seems to me absolutely strange. First of all we live in 21st century. And paper (or even steel) backup is easy to lose and you cannot easily password-protect them.
So I was thinking about using a separate keepass database that is stored on multiple devices and clouds, BUT is decrypted only in safe environment. For safe environment I choose live Tails system. I believe such approach is good because:
Much harder to loose my seed
Much easier to store
- Still cannot be hacked, decrypted not by me, keyloggers won't work
- This db is supposed to be used only in emergency case, so it is feasible to spend like 30-60 minutes just to recover my seed, because it won't happen often
The only risk is to forget encryption password since I am not going to use it often - so I will create some schedule to recall & check it like once a week.
Are there any drawbacks I don't see?