I was thinking about a password hashing scheme that would work roughly as follows.
for i:=0 to n do
password = HASH(password)
private_key = GenerateRandomKey(ED448)
public_key = GetPublicKey(ED448, private_key)
signature = Sign(private_key, password)
hash = "$"+n+"$" + Base64(public_key) + "$" + Base64(signature) + "$"
When verifying password, the verificator would repeat the password hashing step and see if the signature verifies the given data.
Edit: I just realized this same thing could be achieved by just using the PBKDF2 output (strong random salt and password) as private key, multiply it and publish salt and public key as password hash.
Are there some problems with this scheme? In practice, I was thinking about using something like PBKDF2-HMAC-SHA256 as hash and including salt with this too.