aireplay-ng is not available for Mac OSX. How can I inject frames into the network? I am only concerned with sending deauth packets.

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3 Answers3


EDIT: Kismac2 is also no longer being maintained however the current build still works on OSX High Sierra

Kismac2 has a very large set of functions, including deauth.


Although kismac-ng (a previous incarnation) has been abandoned, kismac2 is now the tool of choice for most pentesters and wardrivers who need a quick overview of networks, and several attacks.

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You can compile aircrack suite from source code. A guide is in the aircrack-ng webpage

Or if you don't want to compile you can download it from Macports as said in the same webpage

Mr. E
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To give you an answer you could work with, I uploaded my Kali image to the hub. Just start docker (in our case docker engine for OSX) and give it a shot. It works.

docker run --name pen-tests -ti --net="host" --privileged -h kali fitz4815162342/pen-tests /bin/bash

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    just general advice never run some random docker image from the internet, especially a privileged docker image. – JBirdVegas Aug 16 '19 at 19:17