Back in 2008 a wireless defibrillator was shown to be hackable. At this year's Black Hat conference a presenter showed exactly how to hack into a wireless insulin pump. Both of these demonstrated the ability for the potentially lethal hacking of wireless medical devices.
(Here's a shameless plug.) I and a couple other authors put together a book chapter that mentioned our concerns about security of various wireless medical devices available at
While no known lethal viruses exist at this point, manual hacks becoming available brings the concept of such viruses one step closer. Perhaps I'm a pessimist, but it seems to me that assassination attempts between countries or companies would have the potential for producing such a virus... or just dumb chance that another virus on wireless networks may trigger serious problems with such a devices.
Do you have similar concerns or am I being overly concerned? Has anyone else seen or discovered lethal security issues with other wireless medical devices?