The common web application attack vectors don't apply to a strictly static website. Without interactive elements there are no accounts to hijack or cookies to steal. Nonetheless, you should provide your visitors with encrypted access - even if you're not hosting delicate content.
Use HTTPS with HSTS to ensure some degree privacy and the integrity of your content to visitors. Adding HPKP to a static site might be unnecessarily paranoid and you have to be careful when deploying it. The other discussed security measures are mostly irrelevant for a static site, but they are so simple to implement that you might still decide to use them.
Yes, do it. With free SSL certificate providers like Let's Encrypt you need a very good reason not to switch. HTTPS protects privacy and integrity of the transmitted data which is desirable even with static content.
Scenario for an integrity violation: If you offer downloads, a man-in-the-middle attacker could tamper with the files to deliver malware. Example of a privacy violation: My employer, the owner the WiFi hotspot I'm connected to or my ISP could all see which exact articles I'm reading and content I'm downloading from your site. With HTTPS however, I would mostly expose metadata (the IP address I'm connected to, the hostname due to SNI, etc.).
HTTP Strict Transport Security
Yes, do it. HSTS helps to enforce that users only use HTTPS to connect to your website, thereby preventing SSL stripping attacks. If you roll out HTTPS, it makes a lot of sense to follow up with HSTS. It's easily implemented by adding an additional response header, like this:
Strict-Transport-Security: max-age=31536000
Since HSTS only takes effect from the first time a user encounters the header (TOFU model) and until the max-age
timeout is reached, you might even want to submit your site to the HSTS preload list. This has the effect that users will start connecting via HTTPS from their very first visit.
Be aware that it's troublesome to switch back to plain HTTP after enabling HSTS.
HTTP Public Key Pinning ("Certificate Pinning")
It depends. While HSTS tells the browser to strictly use HTTPS for a given time, a HPKP header specifies which certificates the browser should trust in the future. Pinning public keys from the certificate chain protects users against an attacker replacing your certificate with a rogue one. Such an attack is very unlikely since the adversary would need to compromise a CA to be able to issue rogue certificates (although that has happened before). Additionally, you have to be careful when setting up HPKP since a defective deployment could make your site unavailable to previous users.
Detectify Labs have an excellent article on HPKP with a more optimistic conclusion:
So should you use HPKP? Yes, you should. If you pin correctly, the
chance of everything going south is pretty small.
Content Security Policy
Yes, but you might not really need it. The CSP was created to mitigate XSS and related attacks by limiting which resource type from which origin is allowed to be loaded by your site. Since you have a purely static website and probably don't embed external sources at all, it might not be an actual attack vector. A sensible policy would depend on which kind of resources you are loading. For example, this restrictive policy header only allows content from the same origin:
Content-Security-Policy: default-src 'self'
Clickjacking protection
Yes, why not. Clickjacking attacks trick a user into unwittingly interacting with your website through a disguised frame. If you have no interactive elements however, there is no actual damage to be done. (In a better world cross-origin frames would be an opt-in feature, though.) The implementation is straightforward. This example disallows any frame embedding at all:
X-Frame-Options: Deny
Note that the XFO header has been declared obsolete in favor of the frame-ancestors
CSP directive:
Content-Security-Policy: frame-ancestors 'none'
Content sniffing protection
Yes, why not. If you don't correctly declare content types, browsers might guess (sniff) the type (although that behavior has become less common). This is particularly dangerous with user content that is supposed to be non-executable but determined to be an executable format after sniffing due to a missing content type. With your static site that will hardly become an issue. Just to be safe you could add the following header to prevent sniffing (but it's not a replacement for properly declared MIME types):
X-Content-Type-Options: nosniff
See also: Does X-Content-Type-Options really prevent content sniffing attacks?
Also have a look at the OWASP Secure Headers Project for more details on security-relevant headers with some real-life examples.