How can a process be hidden inside another one?

Is the process moved into another process and turned into a thread with it's own run loop?

How exactly does a process get moved? I see this Metasploit command, migrate PID which seems to do this.

I would like to know how this works internally, does it use IPC or if the memory of the process is being moved into a target process with PID, how is this done and how does the process being migrated continue to run?

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    Process migration in metasploit has been explained here: https://security.stackexchange.com/questions/90578/how-does-process-migration-work-in-meterpreter – Arminius Oct 08 '16 at 04:14

1 Answers1


Is the process moved into another process and turned into a thread with it's own run loop?

Essentially Yes.

Nick Mckenna
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