Let's us an example of why security questions are a bad system:
You have forgotten your password, and go to a page to reset your password by answering questions. We all know these questions are horrible and easy to guess, or find out. So recomended advice is to choose an answer and change a few letter into numbers and symbols to prevent it from being easily guessed by people or machines. Now you've forgotten what those changes you made were! So worse yet if the answer was short it is easily brute forced with enough computing power. Let's do another comparison:
The similarities don't stop there. To keep the personally identifiable information secure you must hash or encrypt it (ideally hash) it in the database. In other words security questions are nothing more than extra passwords to remember. OWASP even recommends against them because they fail to all of the exact same tests as passwords. They are hard to remember if safe from guessing, and worse yet actively harm usability. However to an attacker at this point it is only just slightly more viable for them to brute force the password on the account directly than trying to figure out or brute force the security questions and also hack the email account. You have gained no extra security because this actively hurts users if they forget these passwords security questions and it means they can't ever reset their password.
Only using a password reset link should be sufficient of the two methods because it also uses the security features of the email account, including rate limiting and hopefully mfa authentication. So really don't use password reset questions. Even better if the email uses TLS it is sent encryoted.