You never know what a person who hacked your computer is doing. Sometimes they not only hack a password but are continuously spying on your actions on your computer.
According to, sometimes a computer has malware on it and then a hacker uses that malware to control what that computer is sending out in which case the computer is called a zombie computer. For most zombie computers, the user doesn't notice anything unusual happen after their computer becomes a zombie computer and the malware was made in a way that will not cause them to notice anything unusual so that they would be less likely to notice the problem and do something about it.
I think that giving up internet entirely will stop hackers from hacking any more information from your computer or your actions or from making your computer be a zombie computer. Maybe you could get a professional to repair your computer to get rid of any malware, but there's a chance that hackers will keep on infecting it more badly before you get it repaired making it harder to repair if you don't give up internet right away and do without it until after it's repaired.
I don't know if there are any computers you can buy that have internet and are more secure by not enabling as many programs to be downloaded. If there are, maybe you could give up internet entirely and then buy such a computer and then use internet that requires a cord to make sure your old computer isn't receiving an internet connection and hackers can't continue hacking information from it or making it be a zombie computer.