My OpenPGP key consists of three identities and two subkeys. I now would like to create a revocation certificate for the master key.
pub 4096R/2J9F2349 2016-05-10 [expires: 2016-11-06]
uid My Name <>
uid My Name <>
uid My Name <>
sub 4096R/APF6B2U1 2016-05-10 [expires: 2016-11-06]
sub 4096R/HGS4421E 2016-05-10 [expires: 2016-11-06]
When using this command
gpg --output revocation_certificate_2J9F2349.gpg --gen-revoke 2J9F2349
I am asked if I want to create a revocation certificate for
sec 4096R/2J9F2349 2016-05-10 My Name <>
Why does GnuPG show me only the first email address? Does this mean that the other identities won't be affected by a revocation? I want to create a revocation certificate for the master so that if I'd ever used it, the entire key (including all subkeys) should become useless.