So apparently Hell has finally and completely frozen over: the next major update for Windows 10 will be able to natively run Bash, related tools, and even some broader set of Linux binaries/programs from the Ubuntu repositories.
From technical info released so far, the update this summer will add Linux subsystem components to Windows, on top of which will sit a special image from Canonical of Ubuntu user-mode components. The subsystem components translate Linux system calls to Windows system calls. (In essence, it's an emulator-like situation.) Bash, ssh, apt, and other components will run natively, but Canonical says so will "most of the tens of thousands of binary packages available in the Ubuntu archives". Including stuff like apache and MySQL.
Okay, so that brings two closely-related questions to mind that I don't have the knowledge re. Linux development & software architecture to answer:
Is it plausible that exploits designed to work on Linux/Ubuntu components & programs (eg. Shellshock for Bash, if it already hadn't been discovered & patched) could work on Ubuntu on Windows to some degree?
Is it plausible that some malware written to run Ubuntu/similar Linux distros will now be able to run natively on Windows 10?
Note: I ask not so much really with existing exploits and malware in mind, but thinking more about whether Ubuntu on Windows will allow exploit creators & malware developers in the future to go "cross-platform" simply by targeting stuff to work on Ubuntu (Ubuntu user-mode territory, anyways).