I have a question related to the WPS push-button capability on my router. I know that there is some material on the web about this question, but I haven't found anything that's current enough for my liking. Most posts are from 2011-2013.
I have a Netgear N600 router. It is running the latest firmware issued by Netgear for my model.
My router has a WPS button on it.
My router is in a secure location.
Here's my question:
Is my network as secure as my network password as long as I keep the WPS pin disabled, even if I keep the push-button capability of WPS enabled?
I understand, based on some things that I've read, that, when WPS first came out, there was a lot of concern about vulnerabilities of the pin-code functionality of WPS. However, it still isn't clear to me if the push-button feature of WPS is a vulnerability.
I'm asking because I'm imagining being able to combine a very secure WiFi password--one that is long, random, and of varied character sets--with the convenience of not having to type in the password on every device in my network. The imagined benefit is obvious--great security and convenience.