I need to store masked PAN with first six digits and last four digits along with the card expiry month and year. Is it safe to do it according to the PCI rules?
Regarding four digits has been previously discussed in the following post.
Minimum Requirements For Storing Last Four Digits
It mentions that storing first six digits and last four digits is ok with PCI compliance. Is there a official PCI documentation with this information?
I referred to pci_dss_v2 and pci_fs_data_storage, but could not find an answer.
3.3 Mask PAN when displayed (the first six and last four digits are the maximum number of digits to be displayed).
The rule most are referring is the 3.3 requirement. But this only applies if I am displaying the PAN, but it does not mention anything about storing first six + mask + last 4 digits. Appreciate any help...