I just started learning the OWASP ZAP Proxy using Webgoat. I am running these on my Mac.

I have configured Zap to listen to my Firefox, but I'm only able to send HTTP GET requests, there are no POST requests showing up.

I also tried to use the Firefox add-on Tamper Data, and I also get no POST results.

When I tried the same task on my Windows desktop, it works fine.

Zap with no Post showing

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  • On the top left pane, it appears there's a request marked "POST". Is that an old request or the one you're looking for? – Ohnana Jan 28 '16 at 16:01
  • I believe this may be due to the form on each environment. On your Mac machine, your vulnerable application may only be accepting `GET` requests, where on Windows, your application is only accepting `POST` requests. For example: `
    ` vs. `
    `. See if you can change the vulnerable value from `GET` to `POST`, and let us know. Otherwise, you may be missing an option somewhere.
    – Mark Buffalo Jan 28 '16 at 17:51
  • @Ohnana It is the post request I got when I login to webgoat, and its the only post I get. – Z.Zhe Jan 29 '16 at 17:09
  • Maybe you're not making any more post requests then? – Simon Bennetts Jan 30 '16 at 12:04

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