I've consulted this question, but I'd like to hear some more input.
I'm building a scraping app that is going to act as an aggregator of sorts for a large number of businesses which use a few popular (in that industry) tracking/staffing/inventory management systems. In order to access those and scrape the info, we need their usernames and passwords so they will get accessed a lot.
What I've surmised from my research is that the optimal route would be to set up a separate node on AWS whose sole purpose is to house the passwords, and make it accessible only internally and only to the node that will be doing the work.
I will be providing an API: ask for a scrape and ye shall receive the results later (results not actually being sensitive).
Now, is there a way to add a password on top of all that, or is that more or less enough? This will not be an application that's known far and wide, but I'm concerned as losing the auth info would be a catastrophe for these businesses.