According to this article Iran has criminalized the usage of encryption and VPNs. According to this blog post it is still possible to use SSH tunnels in Iran.
For me SSH is encryption and thus forbidden in the Iran, but I wonder how online banking, which requires SSL, works over there and if OTR (eg for pidgin) and PGP/GPG are forbidden, too.
The reason why I ask this is pretty simple, I know some people traveling through asia who upload their videos to my server via sftp. I have no ftp installed because of security concerns, sftp was fine for me and them.
I don't want to bring them in any danger because of using sftp and would rather istall ftp and open ports till they are in india (I heard pakistan handles it pretty much the same way).
To clarify: I do not want any way to circumvent the iranian regulations, just a clear information on how encryption laws are applied in iran and under which circumstances.