Nowadays it is possible to inspect (unencrypt) TLS (HTTPS) traffic inside an organization. The mechanism consists in using a root CA that is configured in the web client and a network device that receives the HTTPS connections and forge a on-the-fly certificates for the destination using that root CA. So, for this TLS traffic inspection you need to control both the endpoints and the network. Some network devices such as IPSs, proxies and DLPs implement this.
Traffic inspection has a business case: organizations may want to protect themselves against information leaks and malware communicating using these encrypted channels. If traffic inspection was not possible, organization would have a hole that would be exploited by attackers.
However, I'm not sure about the future and what is the trend. I have read about certificate pinning for example that tries to avoid traffic inspection to some point.
Are future versions of TLS going to avoid traffic inspection?
Nowadays all HTTPS traffic could be inspected using this mechanism? Including Google, Apple, Microsoft...