Random character sequence is hard to crack, but also hard to remember.
Words (or concatenation of words) are easy to remember, but also easy to crack with brute force methods, such as iterating dictionaries of words. An ideal thing is a mapping between intelligible words and (apparent) random sequence of characters.
So let us start from a phrase that is easy to remember, such as "I love pizza".
The strategy to convert common words into obfuscated stuff is to use the ASCII codes of characters. Consult ASCII table :
I -> 73 (it's capital I), whitespace -> 32, l -> 108, o -> 111 and so
This convertor turns "I love pizza" into "073 032 108 111 118 101 032 112 105 122 122 097"
Of course, you can remove the white spaces between the codes, and also add an uppercase letter and a special character
(some that you will surely remember), to make the password compliant to password policies.
The generated string - "073032108111118101032112105122122097"
- looks pretty random. There is no way to guess that every group of 3 consecutive
digits has a special meaning. Maybe the higher frequency of 0 and 1 could suggest they represent delimiters - or the fact that on every 3rd position,
starting with first position, there is either a 0 or 1, but that's hard to notice. Just in case, you can multiply this with a key number, lets say, 2. The
resulting number will no longer be an ascii representation of intelligible characters, unless you divide that with the key number that only you know.
The nice thing is that all you need to remember is the phrase "I love pizza", go to the website that makes the conversion, and that's it, you have your password.
A second strategy is to write this phrase in a text editor (take care with any extra whitespaces, tabs, new line characters, as they will affect
the output), save it as a .txt
file, and than compute the checksum of the file with a tool such as WinMD5.exe .
The checksum will be your password. I must emphasize that the tool is consistent - I computed the checksum for 3 different files, but all containing
the same text "I love pizza" (with no space after), and everytime I got the same checksum, which is 3341068d21d0b7b773518d08d21450b0
Again, you can add at the end a special character, maybe an uppercase letter, just to make your password compliant with any policies.
And, again, you will not need to remember anything else than the phrase "I love pizza", and the tool will generate the password for you.