During penetration testing on a website, the tests have found a local file inclusion vulnerability in an old wordpress plugin that was installed. An attacker can exploit the LFI vulnerability to include /etc/passwd and also the index page, however when including /proc/self/environ, all the attacker sees is this:
Isn't /proc/self/environ supposed to show other information? Such as your user agent? If so, why is it that for this website, all it shows is CONTEXT_DOCUMENT_ROOT?
I know that when an attacker includes /proc/self/environ and it does show their user agent, they can use tamper data for example to change their user agent to PHP code and upload a shell for example or open outbound TCP connections etc.
So, basically since this is all /proc/self/environ shows, does that mean that /proc/self/environ is basically safe from attackers? Or can they somehow manipulate this to show their useragent and run PHP code? (Forgive me if this is a stupid question, I am somewhat new to security. Also, ignore the elephant in the room: The actual LFI vuln will be fixed so it isn't vulnerable at all, but I am still curious about my /proc/self/environ question.)