I am totally new with PGP, and I would like to know how I can initiate a mail exchange with it.
I created my public/private keys, and posted my private key on the MIT PGP Public Key Server. I can find it on the site now.
What's next? How do I create the encrypted message? (without the need of any software. I just want to understand)
I'm thinking about:
# I write my message
$ vim message
$ cat message
Hello, can you read this?
# Add the fingerprint of my public key so the recipient will be able to find the public key on pgp.mit.edu.
$ gpg --fingerprint my-mail-address >> message
# Create the message (I imported the recipient's public key)
$ cat message | gpg --encrypt --armor -r recipient@mail.address
Version: GnuPG v1
Is this right?