I'm considering getting an S/MIME certificate that verifies my name and email address. I've been trying to ascertain what information "leaks" if I do.
The Wikipedia page on S/MIME says:
Depending on the policy of the CA, the certificate and all its contents may be posted publicly for reference and verification. This makes the name and email address available for all to see and possibly search for. Other CAs only post serial numbers and revocation status, which does not include any of the personal information.
What exactly is this referring to? CRL's? Or does that seriously mean that some CA's have some sort of public interface for searching for issued certificates and the information contained in them?
And how do I even find out what a given CA's policy is? I learned about Certification Practice Statements and Certificate Policies and read my chosen CA's ones, but they do not contain this information (or I failed to find it).
My name and email address are hardly secret information, but I do not want them becoming publicly searchable. Of course the public certificate itself would contain them.
To be specific, I'm looking at GlobalSign and their PersonalSign 2 certificates. Yes, I did contact their support but they did not respond (at least yet).