Suppose I have CA1 root certificate and two intermediate CA2 and CA3 certificates issued by CA1. Would it pose any security issue if all of the intermediate certificates were installed in the root store? I'd like to know what's the purpose of this intermediate certificate store and when should I use it. I understand that it is created to store intermediate certificate authorities, but is there a reason why it was created specifically and why I can't keep all my certs in the root store?
There is a similar question about the windows store for intermediate certificates, but it does not answer my question completely. Instead, it focuses on why it is necessary to store the intermediate certs in general, and is there a case when it is really needed. In my case I understand that storing intermediate certificates is necessary, but I'm asking why there is a need to create a separate "folder" for storing intermediate certs in windows, while it is possible to just bundle them together with root CA certs.