View Full Version : Remote controlled 50Cal turret on suburban truck
November 6th, 2002, 12:05 AM
Check this out!
<a href="" target="_blank"></a>
I would love to get the plans on how to make that baby.
Weapon seems to be a M2HB 50Cal machinegun. The uses for a vehicle or just the turret on its own is limitless.
Check their complete website: <a href="" target="_blank"></a>
<small>[ November 05, 2002, 11:20 PM: Message edited by: Zyklon_B ]</small>
November 6th, 2002, 12:39 AM
It seems from their website that Ibistek makes this stuff for potential military buyers and it would as such be unavailable to civilians. However, many companies that make things like this seem to be willing to sell to US civilians, as long as it's not for export. They get REAL touchy about that. As for the turret, some of the video camera turret ideas mentioned in other posts could be combined with NVG (night vision) optics, and the signal piped down via cable to a CCTV unit in the cab, or one of those cameras that transmits via RF could be used instead. Of course, all the cameras and NVG optics would be behind round (or better yet, very thick half-bubble shaped) Polycarbonate or Lexan shields. I've been thinking about how to add the capacity for .50 automatic fire, since that wouldn't be normally available to a civilian. I believe the best bet for that would be to put a fairly powerful solenoid behind the thumb-trigger of one of those semi-auto M2HB's (having a trigger between the grips that requires depressing by two thumbs, instead of a trigger within a trigger guard that is pressed with one finger is actually an advantage. It means that one doesn't have to try to fit a powerful enough solenoid into the space within a trigger guard.). The solenoid's plunger would be pushed back and forth by electrical pulses from a 555 timer circuit (with an additional relay controlled high current circuit that includes the solenoid itself, if more current was needed than the 555 oscillator circuit could provide), an electromechanical timing circuit, or, if one wanted it to remain legal (as in one bullet fired for every one press of the trigger-or in this case a switch), one could control the solenoid with a quick acting momentary switch that one would have to pres each time to fire a round. Still, even using the "legal" method, one could still fire the .50 from the safety of the vehicle, and could probably get off 150-200 rounds per minute if one had a quick acting enough switch and nimble enough fingers. Oh, and Zyklon_B, as a final note, didn't you just copy the web address for the Cobra from the telesniper thread? Mabye it does deserve a new thread, mabye not, I won't try to call that.
<small>[ November 05, 2002, 11:40 PM: Message edited by: A43tg37 ]</small>
November 6th, 2002, 04:58 AM
No matter how legal the components may be, or how sqeaky clean your past may can bet your anal virginity that the feds will lock you up for the rest of your life in prison if you actually built one.
Things like this are too "powerful" to be allowed to exist outside of the proper hands...meaning the feds and their pig lackeys. Think the feds would like the idea of a "mere" civilian owning something capable of shooting down an apache (by surprise, natch <img border="0" title="" alt="[Wink]" src="wink.gif" /> ) or blowing away the presidential motorcade?
Nope, they sure don't. In fact, only "highly sophisticated terrorist networks" would have "sniper weapons" capable of such "mass destruction". Did I forget any buzzwords?
And, yes, he did copy the link.
Charlie Workman
November 7th, 2002, 03:38 PM
I have a buddy in AZ who makes something similar. He calls it the "Raptor". It's a modified Surburban with a pop-up .30 caliber minigun in the sunroof. Carries 4,000 rounds standard, with an option for 8,000 more.The sales tape he gave me is impressive. It literally chewed its way through a cinderblock wall to get at what was behind it. As the blurb on the tape said "Instant fire superiority". No shit, huh? Won't tell me who he sells them to, but he assured me
there are none in use in this country. I figure oil sheiks and such. I'll have to tell him about this one. Keep tabs on the competition.
"To paraphrase Aristotle, life is a gas!"
November 7th, 2002, 04:32 PM
I think your opinion of the atf's stance on heavy firepower might be a bit too harsh... while it is not exactly easy to get one's hands on such hardware, it certainly isnt impossible... there are plenty of companies selling .50's these days, granted maybe not full auto, but there are a number of pre-ban, full auto M2HB's to be bought.. when you consider a CHEAP .50 will run you a few thousand, and a good bolt action .50 might go for 5 to 7k, 10 or 15,000 for a full auto M2 aint that bad of a price.... As far as the more exotic weapons like miniguns and cannons go, well there sure arent alot of pre-ban guns avalible out there, but you can still make your own... thats the catch that i just find fucking hilarious... you can buy a newly manufactured minigun.. the only legal customers for such would be law enforcment agencies or the military. etc... BUT you CAN jump through the federal hoops and pay the taxes to get yourself a class II and build one for your own inventory...
The government will let you have just about anything these days.. just so long as you fill out the forms and pay the fees...
November 8th, 2002, 04:14 AM
Waco...Ruby Ridge...any of these ring a bell?
And these are just the ones that even the sheeple have heard of. There's THOUSANDS of people, from joe blow to Class 2 and 3 dealers and manufacturers who've been fucked by the ATF over the pettiest of things. And I mean "Sitting in Federal prison for 10 years" kind of fucked.
Besides which, if they know you have this kind of weapon, you can't ever use it without them knowing it was you, now could you? Not very RTPB.
November 8th, 2002, 05:23 AM
RTPB #7 Better to have it and not need it, than need it and not have it :D
i sure would'nt mind one just sitting in the garage....just in case...
if someone were to build one you would want to keep it secret so only you know about it, nigh impossible i bet <img border="0" title="" alt="[Wink]" src="wink.gif" />
November 8th, 2002, 05:29 AM
Thats why there are websites like this, so you can make one.
It would'nt have the same power, but a hopper fed, 20-gauge slug gun would be alot easier to get ammo for...
December 20th, 2002, 02:17 PM
I WANT ONE for Christmas !!!!!!! <img border="0" title="" alt="[Wink]" src="wink.gif" />
How about posting something relevant and useful on your first post? I mean you've waited months for it, why would you want to lose it straight away? You've had enough time to read other posts and find out what happens to people like you - Zaibatsu
<small>[ December 21, 2002, 06:50 AM: Message edited by: zaibatsu ]</small>
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