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December 13th, 2001, 04:03 PM
I'm putting aside cash until I get enough scratch to get a truly amazing firearm-the 50 BMG. I've always wanted one and want to make sure to get one on case actions are took to ban them. I figure I've got 5 years to save. I don't thinka ban will happen in Bush's time. So I have a while to save, but would like to stay in the $5,000 range. The only rifle I'm familiar with is the one I've seen made by Desert Arms. If anyone has shot one or looked at them I'd appreciate any insights, also on loads/bullets. I was thinking I could machine effective bullets for cheaper than they are available. (About a buck or more, I think) Just give me your thoughts and which ones I should check out. It will have to be ordered no doubt, I have yet to see one in a local gunshop http://theforum.virtualave.net/ubb/smilies/smile.gif

December 14th, 2001, 05:23 AM
I saw a barrett .50 at a gun shop once. They had it sitting (unchained http://assaultweb.net/ubb/icons/icon25.gif ) on the glass display case. The fucker was HUGE!

Imagine lifting 3 sacks of potatos at the same time. Then make it 4 feet long.

5+1 rounds of .50 goodness. http://theforum.virtualave.net/ubb/smilies/smile.gif

Oh, and a $7,000 http://www.thefiringline.com/forums/images/smilies/eek.gif price tag.

Boy, talk about serious temptation for snatch and dash!

And you're not the only one looking at these....

The cross-pollination between Army's Delta and the FBI's HRT has resulted in other activities that the academy source described as "scary." One such development is the HRT's training for the possible use of the Barrett .50- caliber rifle against suspects.

"One HRT operator told me they could use Barretts against people... to shoot someone hiding behind something. I pointed out that if a person was hiding behind something, the shooter could not positively identify the target. "The HRT's training with Barretts was confirmed by the Army Special Forces source who had worked at Quantico. Furthermore, he said he had observed HRT snipers using Barretts to train to shoot people with Norwegian Raufus armor-piercing, incendiary, high-explosive ammunition (API HE) at ranges as close as 500 meters - for all intents and purposes, point blank. (By comparison, the Barrett is routinely used to destroy enemy equipment out to 1,800 meters. This is in contrast to conventional FBI SWAT teams, using .308-caliber rounds on 300-meter targets.)

From http://www.cybernaute.com/earthconcert2000/Militfbi.htm

Seems the FBI isn't happy with just automatic rifles. Seems they know want .50 rifles for blasting those pesky people who refuse to stand still to allow the FBI sniper a clean shot at them.

Now we're forcing them to have to work at hitting us through walls, cars, and even whole houses.

All the more reason for building revetments and berms around your house. Never know when those pesky .50 bullets will come wizzing by.

What's next, Quad Fifties? Mini-Guns? Vulcan Cannons? http://www.thefiringline.com/forums/images/smilies/rolleyes.gif

"I have begun evil, I shall end evil. That is the end that awaits me."

Go here (http://briefcase.yahoo.com/nbk2k) to download the NBK2000 files and videos.

December 14th, 2001, 10:41 PM
You can order some pretty cheap single shots. One of the latest issues of guns and ammo had some .50 bmgs the serbu is the cheapest, lightest, but has the most recoil it's only 2000 but you are put on a waiting list go to www.serbu.com (http://www.serbu.com) for the bfg. Other sites with fifty cals is www.statearms.com, (http://www.statearms.com,) www.barrettrifles.com, (http://www.barrettrifles.com,) and www.armalite.com. (http://www.armalite.com.)
these are all coming out of the guns and ammo mag. The guy that tested them says they are great as long as you don't hold your mouth open, after a few rounds your teeth hurt from the shockwaves. I plan on buying a serbu soon

[This message has been edited by phyrelord (edited December 14, 2001).]

December 15th, 2001, 02:37 AM
If you have an AR-15,check out the Ferret 50-it's a 50 cal. upper that fits on an AR lower.
Price is $1500 through the website,or $1330 if purchased through 37mm.com.

December 15th, 2001, 03:21 AM
Maddi Griffin http://www.maadigriffin.com/ does offer a kit for $125 to build a single shot .50 for under $500.


You'll need a 36" lathe, milling machine, and TIG welder though.

Start buying the ammo now! Because they realize that a gun without bullets is just a club. They've already stopped all transfers of military surplus .50 ammo. So eventually there won't be anymore available.

Don't bother with the plain ball ammo. Get the API (Armor Piercing Incendiary) or APIT (API Tracer) since that'll be the first to run out.

"I have begun evil, I shall end evil. That is the end that awaits me."

Go here (http://briefcase.yahoo.com/nbk2k) to download the NBK2000 files and videos.

December 15th, 2001, 03:36 AM
They used to sell 'almost finished' rifles too,'till the fed's came in and confiscated them (no serial #'s!).Can't wait for more info on the MG-6!.

"That which does not kill us,makes us stronger"

December 15th, 2001, 09:33 AM
NBK, that kit is interesting! Due to the extremely low cost I might just have to make one, I'll update you guys if I decide to do it. I already have a lathe, milling machine, and a TIG welder-lucky me http://theforum.virtualave.net/ubb/smilies/smile.gif
I've been looking around for API ammo, but all I can find is your run of the mill soft lead and copper bullets. Where can I get API's or incendiarys?

December 15th, 2001, 09:44 AM
Well, I just got done looking at the sight for that kit and found out that thanks to the assholes at the BATF I won't be assembling my very own 50 BMG anytime soon, it appears.I was all hyped up that I would be able to afford something as magnificent as a 50 BMG! Hopefully the feds will slacken and they can sell them again.....Damn I'm pissed now.
If anyone has any info on why they can't sell anymore or when they will be able to re sell I'd appreciate it. I'm in the process of e-mailing them now.

HMTD Factory
December 15th, 2001, 12:12 PM
Completely Outrageous Story! my moral went
down 200 points.

Here's why they are outta business now.


Read how the two agents framed Steward by asking him to "tighten the scope" on an AR-15, then pulled out the badge? Outrageous.

There's no use registering guns neither, when
they want to get you, they will "FIND" an un-registered gun in your home.

HMTD Factory
December 15th, 2001, 01:28 PM
Well the first day hearing relieved me a


As to ways to get a decent .50BMG, without registering a new receiver, or staggering cost, AR-15 upper is probably the way to go, like MacCleod pointed. (There is
a company that makes grenade launcher style
.50BMG that mounts under AR-15, but the gun need registering, and the company does not have a website)

Home-build a .50BMG from scratch is a gunsmith work not even every gunsmith has experience with. That's why when I hear someone said he wants to build a .50BMG, I
flinch a little. (Sometime ago a newbie guy asked if he can build a .50BMG from a 12Ga shotgun action, the question sent me skyward)

I wouldn't recommend lathe turned bullets to save cost, lead is too soft for that pressure, copper is too hard for some loads.
If you want to save, there are pulled bullets
from military surplus, and they too come in AP, APIT, etc.

December 15th, 2001, 04:53 PM
The maadi griffin site STILL sells a book for $125 that tells you how to build it yourself for <$500.

They also sell sabots for .308 that launch .223 at 4,000+FPS. .50 sabots launch a .308 at a mile a second. http://theforum.virtualave.net/ubb/smilies/smile.gif

As for ammo, look in the "Shotgun News". Looks like a newspaper (sort of). Everything gun related can be had there.
"I have begun evil, I shall end evil. That is the end that awaits me."

Go here (http://briefcase.yahoo.com/nbk2k) to download the NBK2000 files and videos.

[This message has been edited by nbk2000 (edited December 15, 2001).]

December 15th, 2001, 07:06 PM
NBK, thanks, I had a copy of the shotgun news and located some bullets.
I saw the book but I think I would have trouble making the barrel and receiver. However, I could do a reasonable amount and don't think assembling the kit would be that bad.
I read the article about him HMTD, it pissed me off even more. Especially the part about the Redhawk pistol that they "found" in his bedroom. Argh.
NBK, I saw that mile a minute sabot for the 50-WOW!

December 15th, 2001, 07:46 PM
You would have to drill the barell, and chamber with a drill press from stock metal rod, and because the steel is "common" and not really designed for this you would have to leave the walls of the barell really thick. A homemade .50 would be less like a rifle, and more like a cannon.

the finished "rifle" would probably weigh over 100 pounds.

The plans probably call for a commericially made barell.

Teamwork is essential.
It lets you blame someone else.

December 16th, 2001, 06:10 AM
Yeah,most of the builder's plans use a purchased surplus barrel.I dug out an old copy of the Shotgun News-The maadi-griffin builder's kit (with all finished parts) was $1999,and the non-ffl kit (unfinished reciever) was $1824.It had a template bonded on the reciever,showing were the cuts were to be made,which he claimed could be done with a drill and a dremel tool.Even came with instructions on how to do the headspacing.
Not surprised that the fed's found a way to bust him,though.I spoke to the guy once about the kits (back in Dec. 99),and he spoke rather adamantly about refusing to cooperate with any future gun laws,as he felt they were all unconstitutional.
There's a site called the Football web page-
That sells plans for a falling block type 50 cal. for $50.Not a bad looking weapon,for the price.
HMTD-do you know if that company ever finished,shipped any of those lowers?.I called about those also,and you had to pre-pay for them-the guy said they needed the money to finish making the 1st. batch of rifles.

"That which does not kill us,makes us stronger"

December 16th, 2001, 06:57 AM
That Johnny .50 is one scary mutha. You see his spelling?!

LOOK OUT! REDNECKS GOT A GUN!! http://theforum.virtualave.net/ubb/smilies/wink.gif

Also, I didn't see any extractor. How are you supposed to get the spent shell out, poke it out with a stick down the barrel?

Anyways, I found this thread at TFL.


Cops can't find super gun

William Kaempffer, Register staff December 13, 2001

NEW HAVEN � The Westville man who allegedly stockpiled assault weapons, bullets and hand grenades at his parents' home had purchased a banned .50-caliber sniper rifle in May from a Seymour pawn shop, state police said.
However, the weapon has not been found, and police won't say whether Charles Cornelius, a 31-year-old laborer, had plans for the big gun.

On Wednesday, a Superior Court judge increased bail on Cornelius, of 851 Forest Road, to $2.6 million cash, as police prepared another arrest warrant in connection with the powerful rifle.

A warrant already had been signed by a judge in Superior Court in Derby, said state police Sgt. J. Paul Vance.

Meanwhile, police still were searching for the weapon, a Barrett 82-A1, described as a long-range sniper rifle that can fire armor piercing and incendiary rounds up to 2,000 yards.

According to the Barrett Firearms Web site, the weapon, with a carrying case, costs $7,300. The scope is sold separately. Barrett is located in Murfreesboro, Tenn.

During a demonstration for Congress some time ago, a Marine sniper blasted through a manhole cover with the .50-caliber round.

"That's the big one," said Tom Diaz, who authored a study on the sale of sniper rifles for the Violence Policy Center in Washington, D.C. "That's the one the Marine Corps is using right now in Afghanistan and the special forces used in the Persian Gulf War. It's pretty scary."

More than a decade ago, the U.S. government sent 25 high-powered Barrett sniper rifles to a group of Muslim fighters that included Osama bin Laden.

Here, it is illegal for civilians to possess the weapon, police said.

"The only people who can legally possess it in Connecticut are police officers and the military," said Vance, the state police spokesman.

However, according to state Rep. Michael P. Lawlor, D-East Haven, semi-automatic .50-caliber sniper rifles still can be purchased legally in the state and only an automatic version is outlawed. Lawlor said he plans to advance legislation next year that would regulate the weapons.

State police were specifically searching for the gun Tuesday when they executed a search-and-seizure warrant at 851 Forest Road, where Cornelius lived with his parents. Authorities didn't find it but did recover a cache of assault rifles, hundreds of rounds of ammunition and volumes of hate literature. The literature included manuscripts from Matt Hale's Church of the Creator, a white supremacist group that has held rallies in Wallingford.

Vance said police had no evidence that Cornelius had planned any attack with the weapons.

But it has become clear that he had a caustic animosity toward Hopkins School, an exclusive, private institution that neighbors said expelled Cornelius in the 1980s. The sprawling, wooded campus is across the street from the Cornelius home.

Cornelius attended the school from 1982 to 1987 and law enforcement and neighbors confirmed that he held a longstanding grudge. He allegedly planned to send hateful, anti-Semitic letters to a batch of alumni, sources said. It wasn't immediately clear if any letters had been sent before police arrested him Tuesday.

"Guys like this shouldn't have any guns, let alone any gun that would you allow to shoot at an armored limousine a mile away," Lawlor said. "These are the kind of people we're worried about."

Officials with the state police Special Licensing and Firearms Unit believe that Cornelius bought the sniper rifle in May 2001 after he stole the identity of a dead Pennsylvania resident. Under the name of Jason E. Johnson, Cornelius obtained birth certificates, a driver's license, Social Security card and firearms permits to complete the purchase of the gun from the Seymour Pawn Shop. The gun was illegally imported by the pawn shop from a Nevada gun dealer and turned over to Cornelius, police said.

According to Diaz, during the Gulf War, the gun took out Iraqi armored personnel carriers at a range of 1,800 yards. At least one of the rifles was found at the Branch Davidian compound in Waco, Texas.

"This isn't a question of gun control," Diaz said. "It's a question of national security."



Better hope the cops never arrest you and find out you have a .50. You'll NEVER make the bail.

Convict: What you in here for?

You: Shoplifting some batteries.

Convict: Why haven't you bailed out?

You: It's $2.6 million, cash.

Convict: ?! http://www.thefiringline.com/forums/images/smilies/eek.gif

That'd make for interesting conversation, huh? http://theforum.virtualave.net/ubb/smilies/smile.gif

"I have begun evil, I shall end evil. That is the end that awaits me."

Go here (http://briefcase.yahoo.com/nbk2k) to download the NBK2000 files and videos.

HMTD Factory
December 16th, 2001, 12:30 PM
MacCleod: If you are referring to the "grenade launcher style" .50 attachment for AR-15, I don't know if they are already making them or selling them. I have never called them or e-mailed them.

The ad has "patend pending" printed next to the half-page size conceptual drawing. Not likely a scam(since it's a pretty good design)

If they have trouble starting their first batch of product it's their problem. Don't send your money yet, I know I wouldn't.

The problem with small business like that is-- they can't get a grant from the government when they don't have equipments. (If they start a business building .50BMG guns using government money, it is funny. It's funnier when the government try to put them out of business later.)

HMTD Factory
December 16th, 2001, 01:08 PM
I remember there's a company that sells a model of cheaper .50, using "lock into the barrel" design concept. It does not require a conventional receiver : There's locking lugs and recess milled into the barrel, so a short bolt locks its lugs into the barrel directly, loading and ejecting is direct at the breech area. (The gun is a "lock into the barrel" + "breech plug" design)

A similiar rifle can be build with modified .50 barrel blank and a homemade bolt, plus a firing mechanism. A firearm savvy person can build a safe working one under 400$ I think. The question is : Will someone lend you a .50BMG chamber reamer?

December 16th, 2001, 02:21 PM
Yeah,that's the one;I talked to them when I first saw the shotgun news ad probably a year,year and a half ago.I hope they get them done before too much longer (if not done already),as the anti-gunners are trying to attach more gun restrictions to any new anti-terror bills that will be up for vote in Jan.,and it's a safe bet they'll focus on 50's.Wouldn't mind getting one of those under-barrel jobs myself!.

"That which does not kill us,makes us stronger"

November 15th, 2003, 01:32 AM
List of vendors for .50 BMG arms and assecories (includes some barrel mfg's)


November 15th, 2003, 02:46 PM
The AR-50's made by ArmaLite are redily available both used and new. Checkout GunBroker.com or GunsAmerica.com . Priced under $2500.00 alota umph for the buck. www.kieslersonline.com usually has .50 BMG surplus ammo made in the 80's for $119.00 per 100 linked in 50 cal ammo cans. This is not a weapon your going to fire or want to fire 100 Rds. on a days outing ;)

November 17th, 2003, 09:55 PM
The plans offered for the Maadi-Griffin 50 BMG are very well written. You can make one with 36" lathe if you intend on turning down a surplus barrel. A smaller lathe is fine if you order a barrel all ready turned for the Maadi- Griffin from Montana Rifleman it sells for less than $300.00. Instead of a mill you can get by with a mill/vise attachment for your lathe made by Plagram. Shot money. As far as a welder you can get by with a mig or arch if you have too. Heat treating reciever,trigger parts, bolt and firing pin are less that $70.00 including the 4140 steel all parts should be under $500.00 total time if you know how to work steel and buy the barrel should be under 100 hours. If you want to learn more about the 50 go to the Biggerhammer/barret.net site (I hope I'm not breaking any rules by giving this site out. If so I'm sorry) There are many good people on that site that know their stuff about 50's. Currently if you have an Ar lower I beleive that there are 3-5 uppers that are well made and under $1500.00. Again if you want a very well made 50 that is very accurate for under $2000.00 the by all means the Serbru. I believe he has a few in stock now. He also makes a carbin modle that is under 20 lbs that is very accuate. If yo want a heaver 50 that is well made and accuate in the $2000.00-$2500.00 range then go to State Arms or Armilight both good shooters I hope this helps

November 25th, 2003, 05:07 AM
Any rifle in .50 BMG is an awesome rifle. The ar-15 replacement upper scares me because 2 little steel pins hold it to an aluminum reciever... its designed for the recoil of .223 not .50 bmg. I've fired a M2HB full auto and its amazing . If you want this gun so bad just kidnap some army guys family and hold them for ransome till you get your gun....jk floating around the internet is a shot video of a .50 bmg single shot handgun... The brownells catalog # 56 pg.35 has a .50 bmg throating reamer they might have a thick enough barrel blank too....

December 17th, 2003, 12:37 AM
Who makes a .50 BMG upper for an AR? All the .50 uppers I've seen for ARs are .50 Beowulf, not BMG. There is a big difference. The Beowulf isn't near as long as a BMG. The round doesn't have near the velocity.

Dave the Rave
December 17th, 2003, 11:38 AM
I've uploaded a Ragnar Benson's homemade .50 bmg to the FTP. I haven't any experience on building a gun THAT big, but , as far as i know, it looks quite simple to build.

December 18th, 2003, 02:31 PM
Has anyone seen any Raufoss .50 bullets kicking around for reloading with? Or maye the complete rounds? I've been searching high and low for those and for SLAP rounds...

They'd make my upcoming Barrett M99-1 ever so much more fun.

December 22nd, 2003, 12:31 AM
I have seen a place that sells raufoss and slap bullets (not assembled ammunition) but IIRC they were damn expensive and I can't rmember where it was that sold them.

December 29th, 2003, 02:10 AM
You can find the .50 cal AP and sometimes the API bullets at a good gun show. They will sometimes have slight pull marks but this doesn't really hurt anything for plinking.
A Google search shoud turn up a few suppliers.

December 30th, 2003, 03:58 AM
I purchased a set of Maadi-Griffith plans when they were $125. The steel should cost $100 or less, depending of sourcing. The weapon appears to be no problem to fabricate. Consider jobbing out the components to several competent machinists hungry for work. Begin purchasing your ammo and ammo components now. Powder, brass, projos and dies are available from several sources.
One of the most appealing aspects of owning a weapon of the 50 BMG caliber is the many different types of ammo manufactured for this weapon.

December 30th, 2003, 06:54 PM
Who makes a .50 BMG upper for an AR?
Ferret is one company that makes .50BMG uppers for the AR-15 and AR-10 lower receivers.
The one they show on the page is using a special "single shot lower receiver" that doesn't accept a magazine.

The ar-15 replacement upper scares me because 2 little steel pins hold it to an aluminum reciever... its designed for the recoil of .223 not .50 bmg.
The lower receivers of the AR-15 and AR-10 series rifles don't need to be overly strong (that's why they are made of aluminum) as all the pressure/force of the round is contained in the upper receiver. The lower receiver simply holds the fire control parts, allows a pistol grip to be attached, and serves as a place for the magazine to go. Calvary Arms actually makes a completely plastic AR-15 lower receiver. http://www.cavalryarms.com/

March 8th, 2004, 06:13 PM
Check out the web site. It's not fancy but there are some cool videos there..




I would be happy to give input on a particular rifle if you have one in mind.

March 8th, 2004, 08:34 PM
That's a nice site man. It really makes you realise just how stupidly big these are when you compare the size of the grips (which are relatively standard on all rifles) to the action. Btw the easiest way to complete a .50 BMG seems to me to be completing an 80% AR lower and a .50BMG top, which aren't registered.

March 8th, 2004, 11:28 PM
www.wideners.com They have all the .50 BMG components you'll need.


March 23rd, 2004, 11:04 PM
While on the subject of snpier rifles:

I co-wrote a govt. grant for CheyTac's new .408 round, and I was fortunate enough to be invited to their Idaho proving grounds. I shot off 4 rounds from their new Intervention rifle(now the m200) and I would say that the recoil rivaled even that of the .50. However at ranges above 1000m, the KE of the .408 was MORE powerful than the standard .50 fired from a similar rifle.

In addition, the ACCURACY was the most amazing thing that i've ever seen. Their sniper put a 4-inch grouping at 3000 Yds. and said that he was SHAKY that day. Apparently in their controlled tests, the bullet is so stable it will form a 3-inch grouping until it goes below mach at nearly 5000 Yds. ! :eek:

I actually HAD their Intervention rifle in my basement when I was writing the grants, and it was the most beautiful thing i've ever held. I was toying with it in my backyard and I almost came when I worked the action!

Its a shame they didn't provide any ammunition ;)

EDIT: heres the press release for the .408 round

I will scan in and post the patent and the full grant later this week for any who would like to see it.

April 21st, 2004, 02:17 PM
I have idea about smooth-bored rifle 0.50 Im read, what Steir �Manlicher firm designed AMR(anti-material rifle ) with smooth-bored barrel 1100mm length, caliber 15.2mm and slapped sub caliber arrow bullet 6,2mm diameter and metal-plastic shell. Issue many manual about construction 0.50 sniper rifle-one small problem- barrels Obtain it from E-bay or local gun suppliers may be unavailable Maybe used smooth-bored barrel for accuracy, with poor man dart shot- slapped tungsten or hard steel drill with silver soldered fins and glued smokeless powder charge with electric or percussion igniter Smooth barrel this-only tube This system cheap , available and ready obtainable then system based on surplus gun barrels

April 21st, 2004, 02:46 PM
I have idea about smooth-bored rifle 0.50 Im read, what Steir �Manlicher firm designed AMR(anti-material rifle ) with smooth-bored barrel 1100mm length, caliber 15.2mm...

Where did you read that? I'm very interested in steyr mannlicher products, but I haven't heard from that invention before. This austrian factory produces great weapons.

April 21st, 2004, 05:19 PM
Check out the following link: www.steyr-aug.com/amr.htm

In fact it's not a new invention but it was developed in the mid-1980s.

Being almost 6 feet long this rifle is more like a cannon and not very practical. I read somewhere it would require at least two persons to be operated efficiently. Though I think the energy delivered by this bullet is much higher than a .50BMG.

At 1450 m/s the kinetic energy would be 15500 foot pounds (21000 joules) whereas a 550grs .50BMG round at 900 m/s usually has around 10300 foot pounds (14000 joules) of energy.

April 22nd, 2004, 12:17 AM
Teshilo, you can get barrels for the Vulcan, GAU-8, and even Bofors 40mm L60, but they're all rifled. For a smoothbored barrel, you basically need a piece of high pressure pipe. Suitable thick walled stainless with a good bore finish might be available as lab or industrial equipment.
Smoothbore barrels are not more accurate unless you have really good finned projectile.
Silver-soldering fins onto a piece of steel drill stock is probably not a good idea. It would be close to impossible to get them aligned for even decent accuracy without professional skill and equipment.
If I were doing this, I would buy commercial tungsten carbide rod, which I think can be bought at about $8.50 for enough for a round (3/8x3"=10x76mm)(I'm thinking for a 20mm round here), then grind a taper on the front with a groove to crimp on an aluminum nosecone, and grind a long taper on the rear with a further reduction and threads for a flush fitting aluminum tail piece, which I would silver-solder on (as a solid cylinder) before milling the fins precisely in line with the centerline. Then I would assemble a sabot around the rear taper. I would make it by cutting a suitably large round bar in half and milling the cut faces flat, then clamping the half-bars together and turning their outer surface until it forms a cylinder a few thousandths of an inch less than the bore diameter of the gun. Then I would cut it into a "spool" shape with a roughly square profile or somewhat squatter, with a stem extending to the rear to hold the dart shaft. The inside would be reamed to fit the tapered body of the dart. It would be assembled with o-rings in grooves on the spool 'rings'; the rear ring would also have a crimp groove to fix it to the cartridge case.
As for the glued-smokeless charge, the R&D for that is up to you! If I were to make a caseless cartridge, I would use partially nitrated paper impregnated with wax, or fully nitrated paper with polyurethane varnish to seal the outside. The reason I wouldn't try glued smokeless is that it would seriously alter the burnrate, probably unpredictably. It -could- allow you to use powder meant for smaller caliber rifles, but as I said, the R&D is up to you.
Caseless systems do have a problem with breech sealing, though, so I would use a semi-caseless if I couldn't get suitable brass casings. The case base would be a few cm long -just long enough to have the start of the thin walls which expand against the chamber and provide most of the sealing, and a ring of thin rubber sheet lining it and extending just past the edge of the base. The rest of the cartridge would be the combustible case, powder charge, and projectile. This is basically how American combustible cased 120mm tank rounds are made. (their seal is case rubber, but I can't think of a way to improvise a precise rubber casting)
Another reason I would use a metal base is that it would provide a convenient base for the primer to sit in. If you can't get metal cases, you probably can't get the really big primers used in .50 BMG ammo, so you either want to mix 1-5% flash powder with your charge (I have not tried this in a gun, but it definitely improves ignition), or use a 2-stage primer, where a standard rifle primer fires into a tube or chamber filled with flash or BP.

Aikon: I'm pretty sure the AMR is from the early 90's. Back in the day when "High-Tech" meant all-plastic and the name emded in "-2000" :)
world.guns.ru has a page on it:

April 22nd, 2004, 03:21 AM
There is an interesrting discussion about the subject here :

http://www.roderuscustom.tzo.com/cgi-bin/ib3/ikonboard.cgi?s=4087632306e8ffff;act=ST;f=3;t=331; st=0



Jacks Complete
April 22nd, 2004, 07:01 PM

there are a few bugs on that website for CheyTac. However, from the looks of things, I need a newer version of the PDF reader - sadly WinXP is acting up and won't allow me to install anything that needs the windows installer!

Anyway. Do you have any idea what sort of muzzle energy this rifle has? Muzzle velocity? I am going to start saving, I think, since I know you can buy anti-tank rifles in this country with the right variation, and $12000 is "only" �6,757.66!

Wonder how much a round costs?

April 22nd, 2004, 09:01 PM
The barret you talked about in the second post of this made me search out the barret light fifty... The M82A1

in comparison against an m16a2 standard infantry rifle:


one last pic (nice):

Ripped info of gun:

Caliber: .50 BMG (12.7 x 99mm)
Operation: Short Recoil, Semi-Automatic
Overall Length: 1448 mm
Barrel Length: 737 mm
Feed Device: 10 Round Detachable Box Magazine
Sights: 10X Telescopic :o though its not like we cant just get a better scope ;)
Weight: 12.9 kg empty
Muzzle Velocity: 854 m/s (M33 Ball) (we wouldnt use ball)
Max Effective Range: 1800 meters
Expected accuracy: 1.5 - 2.0 MOA or better

and for Fingerless: get saving,

Category: Big .50 Caliber Rifles GA#: 976292398
Model: **Barrett M82-A1 50 BMG NIB** Seller #: Seller Stock # 82a1

Price: $7,495.00 Seller: Southwest Firearms
Return Policy: 3 Days
Shipping Terms: Actual Cost
Credit Cards: Visa Mastercard AMEX Discover
FFL Dealer

-PS FOR EDIT, the [img] didnt work for the pic links of some, so thats y there are urls

April 22nd, 2004, 09:23 PM
Canadian army snipers use the McMillan TAC 50.

personally although not as "cool" looking as the barrett Semi auto, I like it more because of its accuracy. Supposidly kicks like a mule though (doesn't have the dampening mechanisms like the movable barrel that the barrett has).

links on both tac 50 and canadian snipers in afghanistan:

Biggerhammer.net has a barret M82A1 demo vid if anyone hasn't seen it yet.

Speaking of 50's a while ago some guy held up a money truck (armored truck carries money from stores and banks) with a 50 cal... I guess that is why they banned 'em (made them prohibited?)up here. (I am assuming, maybe the gov has more foolish reasons)

April 22nd, 2004, 10:30 PM
Jack's Complete:

In theory you can get one, if you get the right variation on a FAC. I heard on one of the islands off the coast of England there is a range suitable, but again having the range to shoot it is only one of the problems. The views of FAC officers varies around the country, some will let you have a certain calibre rifle for some things, others won't. But troubles getting one aside, it would be a hell of a lot of fun :)

Jacks Complete
April 25th, 2004, 08:18 PM
I have heard that there are only three ranges in the UK that have standing orders that allow .50 BMG, but I am not sure that it is true. Certainly the vast majority can't handle anything above .22 or some pistol calibres.

I know that Altcar can handle it, near Manchester, at up to 800 yards. Bisley can't. Those are the two biggest ranges in the UK. There are more than a few that have danger areas that go out into the sea, and that let the military shoot anti-tank missiles and the like, so .50 must be allowed on those... Does anyone know?

zaibatsu, I heard there was one range where the target went on a little island, and you shot at it from extreme ranges, but it might have been a wind-up!

May 8th, 2004, 02:47 PM
Main problem for 0.50 - his wild recoil.In industrial made big calibre rifle used various methods: in 20 mm- recoilless tube, in other- hard frame absorbing recoil and transmit it to the other surface, various compensators etc...For home made 0.50 example with recoilless tube more like..

May 8th, 2004, 08:16 PM
Speaking of 50's a while ago some guy held up a money truck (armored truck carries money from stores and banks) with a 50 cal... I guess that is why they banned 'em (made them prohibited?)up here. (I am assuming, maybe the gov has more foolish reasons)

To the best of my knowledge, there have been no .50 caliber weapons used in crimes. Edit: At least in the US.

To use a .50 to kill the driver of the armored car would be foolish. Why shoot the only person that can open the door :D

I am sure that a .50 *would* be a great way to let the driver know that he should open or you *could* put an API through his brain pan. ;)