March 4th, 2003, 01:48 AM
A new voice
Posts: 33
From: MO,USA
Registered: JAN 2001
posted February 05, 2001 08:27 PM
I recently made a chest plate piece of light duty armor out of an old music stand, which I am almost positive is aluminum, or some tough mix with aluminum that is 1/16 inch thick. I cut it to an octagonal shape that is taller than wide. I cut off corners so when hit they would not dig into the shoulders. I also bent it to fit my shape somewhat. What I did to test it was fold a small rag up so it was about 4"X4" and less than half inch thick, put that towards top. Then i taped it one, and put it over my thin shirt. I then took a steel rod that was 3 feet long and hit self as hard as I could while holding it in middle. Didnt feel a thing. Then took a hammer, and hit self quite hard, but not on hammer tip, but layed flat. What I am wondering is what would puncture it? It seems to be quite durable, and most definatly cut proof. I am also pretty sure that I am not gonna have to ever use it, but hey, its fun. Another thing, is there ever a use for this? Since it is only 1/16" thick, and somewhat tall, if you were running and fell over just right, it might cut your neck, but not if you kept the top low. But once again, i am wondering is it worth it? It weighs basically nothing. I dont exactly want to try it myself, because my knives are not worth messign up, even the crap ones.
Posts: 1474
From: somewhere in florida
Registered: SEP 2000
posted February 05, 2001 08:42 PM
you could use it for paintball if it fits comfortably to your body beacuse paintballs just fuckin hurt when they hit your stomach 2nd is your fingers, this would probably stop a bb or pellet but I wouldnt use it for much else cept if you were to provoke a fight and hide this under your shirt so he breaks his hand!
A new voice
Posts: 33
From: MO,USA
Registered: JAN 2001
posted February 05, 2001 09:15 PM
Hehe, that would be funny if the person broke their hand. I think i might use it for paintball, but it is a little large. Last time I went, I only got hit in the mask and gun. I am not sure this thing would be small enough for paintball, would be hard to bend over or be flexible, but then again most of the time, you are crouched, not bent over (if you are bent over, dont want to know what you are doing). What i was wondering more was how you all think it would perform against maybe a knife or anything else. I know its still gonna hurt like nothing else in the world if you say, got hit by a bat. But I am thinking it might prevent a broken rib or something.
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Posts: 135
Registered: JAN 2001
posted February 05, 2001 09:31 PM
it depends on how your hit if it is a thrust it may go through especially if the guy doing it is big or the blade is a tanto point. now if it's a cut or slashing motion i doubt it will penetrate it. what ever you do don't shoot arrows at it they will penetrate more than you think, especially kevlar believe it or not my uncle shot an arrow through kevlar, but i think it was only first generation so that might explain it.
Posts: 1474
From: somewhere in florida
Registered: SEP 2000
posted February 05, 2001 10:04 PM
well what about hinging it? just put some rivets in it and use small hinges to make it flexable so you have several plates instead of one, if you could get more stands you could attach them together by wire of something and make a vest you must be able to cut them well to do something like this and be able to get the pannels really close.
Frequent Poster
Posts: 258
From: Australia
Registered: SEP 2000
posted February 06, 2001 03:45 AM
lol umm get tramua plates for it, don't shoot anything at it othre than a BB gun, paintball gun or airrifle and you should be fine
Frequent Poster
Posts: 164
From: dunno
Registered: JAN 2001
posted February 06, 2001 07:54 PM
Don't understimate the power of a bb gun. A .177 bb travelling at 1000 fps, which many pellet rifles do, could possibley penetrate 1/16 inchg steel. All i know is that in 6th grade my friend shot a bb through 6 slabs of ice and right through a steel above ground pool, we tried to plug it up, but the structurual integrity gave and the whole side of the pool collapsed in an hour
Posts: 1474
From: somewhere in florida
Registered: SEP 2000
posted February 06, 2001 08:11 PM
you see, bb's ricochet when fired directly at a metal surface and pellets flatten out, I have seen the music stands he is talking about and they wil stop a pellet beacuse they dont have a very good sectional density, now 22 pellets, well that's another story
Frequent Poster
Posts: 164
From: dunno
Registered: JAN 2001
posted February 07, 2001 05:09 PM
BB's ricochet when fired at a metal surface, i disagree, possibley because the bb's i use(copperhead,are copper-coated lead,i know they don't ricochet at 1000 fps. Unless there is a lot (1/5 of an ich) of backing, a high quality rifle will penetrate
Frequent Poster
Posts: 100
From: 000
Registered: SEP 2000
posted February 07, 2001 05:25 PM
Lead air rifle slugs have higher sectional density than, and will deliver more energy and penetrate better than steel bb's, though i dont think .22 cal slugs would have (much) more sectional density than .177, due to the greater surface area.
(i think lead slugs weigh around 8 grains, compaired to 5 for steel bb's).
If you fire steel bb's at steel plate, she'll come back at you hard and fast , but it wont be a problem with sheat metal.
[This message has been edited by ST (edited February 07, 2001).]
Posts: 2312
From: England
Registered: SEP 2000
posted February 07, 2001 06:03 PM
I think 1000fps is a little over-rated for a BB gun, since a few more fps and it'd go supersonic, something which air rifles don't tend to do for stability reasons.
If you want to make holes in things with an air rifle, use Prometheus pellets, a steel spear in a nylon sabot/jacket, sails straight through 1mm steel.
Incidentally, I tried shooting a 1.5mm transparent(ish) fibreglass PCB, it stopped a .177 lead pellet with ease at 12fpe.
Frequent Poster
Posts: 164
From: dunno
Registered: JAN 2001
posted February 07, 2001 08:17 PM
My air gun which i purchased reasoably for 250.00 goes 1250 fps, it suprisingly doesnt lose muchaccuracy before 40 yards, and it's actual velocity is 1126, i chronied it, if u are interested in it i will send a link to a website with it...i could if you'd like, but i was not speaking theoretically, what i know is that this gun shoots high 1000's and puts my coppercoated bb's through decently thick sheet metal from a old abandoned trailer home
Posts: 2312
From: England
Registered: SEP 2000
posted February 08, 2001 08:35 AM
Was the gun intended for solely firing BB's? Becuase a high powered air rifle may well be sub sonic but stick a BB in it and it could easily go super sonic. I said that about most air rifles being sub-sonic beacause pellets work best upto (IIRC) 950fps, higher and they become unstable. Also the shockwave created at Mach 1 tends to make pellets tumble, plus if they then drop below Mach 1 downrange then accuracy gets even worse.
Frequent Poster
Posts: 164
From: dunno
Registered: JAN 2001
posted February 08, 2001 03:18 PM
The pellet rifle was intended for pellets but i use bb's they don't slide out of the barrel unless you really hold it upside down
A new voice
Posts: 33
From: MO,USA
Registered: JAN 2001
posted February 08, 2001 09:25 PM
Well, i tested out the armor with the crappy pellet gun i have. I used 15 grain pointed crossman (I think) pellets. The gun is .22, and supposed to get 850 fps, but when I tested it out with the crappy pellets that came with it, it got 550 or maybe 450. I imagine it goes faster with these good pellets. Anyway, it just dented the metal at point blank range. Pellet expanded to about .30 or so, and had 100% or so weight retention. The only lead lost was a little mark like you had drawn a circle. I saw that one post on increasing velocities, so if/when I find some brass, I want to try that.
Frequent Poster
Posts: 119
From: Petersburg
Registered: DEC 2000
posted February 10, 2001 06:45 PM
My pellet gun is supposidly supposed to get 495fps thats what is said on the box(got it at wal-mart for 34 bucks) I dented a slimfast can wich is pretty thick 15-20 yards and it knocked the can 5 ft away from the stand I had it on I tried shooting the can with the muzzle of the gun dirrectly against the metal so that it wouldnt riccochete and hit me(had that happen from at 15 ft away and it almost punctured the skin) It did pierce the can put didnt enter it just split the dent. I also tried shooting a quater from about 10 ft away and I hit the edge of the quater splitting the pellet down to about 3 cm from the end. Is this good for 400's fps?
A new voice
Posts: 33
From: MO,USA
Registered: JAN 2001
posted February 10, 2001 07:28 PM
Well, that does not sound bad for that speed, or that price. I paid $35 for this chinese gun. That is still not bad for .22 at 500 fps, although my potato gun goes faster than that. I made an armor piercing pellet today and tested that. I had an old track spike, 1/4" i think needle. I thought "hmm, that looks about the right size for my pellet gun". Well, i did have to grind down part of it. Then, my pointed pellets have a little groove where the skirt meets the head. I took an exacto and cut that very easily. Then I sanded it approximatly 90 degrees so it stood up straight. Then, I put a ring of CA (super/crazy glue) on the skirt, which had a hole in the middle. I held on the track spike and it bonded VERY well. The normal pellets weighed 15 grains, but this AP one weighed 24 grains exactly. The pellet ended up being .655 inches long compared to about .35 for normal pellet. It turned out very straight and fit into gun well. It pierced the metal but bounced back off after it got to a part that was squar to the point. I am going to test the next one I made just now. What I just did was grind off the square part so now it is a long point, instead of a short one with a square spot. It is 22.4 grains now. Ok, I just tested it. The hole is somewhat bigger, but not much. This shot the skirt seperated and flew off and hit a couple walls in my room unlike last time, where the skirt was only bent some. The larger of the 2 holes is about .084 or .083 inches. Not real big, but this is against metal. These would be vicious against flesh I bet. I cannot verify accuracy, as I cant test these in the city limits with a cop living behind me . The gun is an inaccurate piece anyway. But I bet these pellets would stabilize decently since they are only 50% heavier. I know they make 28 or 30 grain pellets, so I bet these would do decently. Since the track spikes I use cost like 15 cents each, I might have to try other stuff. But I sure do like these long pellets, they look cool.
Posts: 2312
From: England
Registered: SEP 2000
posted February 10, 2001 08:26 PM
You should definately try Prometheus pellets, so much easier and cheaper than making them!
Also any got any idea of the maximum range from a 12fpe air rifle? The warning that came with my springer said "may be dangerous upto 300yds". Execept I was talking to a guy in the gun shop today about getting a PCP, we got talking about efective range and he said he'd taken a starling off a fence post (clean kill) at 100yds. He also claimed to have taken pot shots at a flock of ducks 700yds away and could see the pellets hitting the water they were in! This guy's got more PCP's than I've got fingers, is he talking crap or just very bad at paceing distances?
Frequent Poster
Posts: 403
From: England
Registered: SEP 2000
posted February 10, 2001 09:23 PM
i think he's bullshitting a little bit, a starling at 100 yards? Aren't they a little small? Anyway, i think the effective range for a .22LR rifle is 150 odd yards, so i don't think that he could have done it, unless he was using an FAC rifle, like a custom stalker rifle, uprated to like 300 ft/lbs
Handguns don't kill people... Half as well as full-auto
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A new voice
Posts: 33
From: MO,USA
Registered: JAN 2001
posted February 10, 2001 09:34 PM
He may not be kidding. There are pellet rifles that will shoot those 30 grain pellets a bit over 1000 fps. Sure, they are precharged 3000 psi scuba stuff, but maybe he has one of those? Those are made for shooting stuff, so if he had a scope, it could be possible. Plus, nobody ever mentioned how many shots he took did they? Those precharged ones can shoot like 15 times. And at 100 yards, it would not make a real loud noise either.
Posts: 2312
From: England
Registered: SEP 2000
posted February 10, 2001 09:38 PM
No way! A .22LR goes much further than 150yds! An average modern air rifle can hit a drawing pin at 50yds so a starling at 100yds doesn't sound too unfeasible, I definately remember him saying the starling shot was with a 12fpe rifle. I'm not sure but the 700yd story might have been with the 20fpe rifle he dropped into the conversation.
I basically want to know what the maximum range is (ie before the pellet drops to the ground) not the effective range.
BTW the stalkers can be tuned upto 340fpe! Shame I haven't got £3300 to spare
Frequent Poster
Posts: 403
From: England
Registered: SEP 2000
posted February 10, 2001 09:54 PM
Yeah, i know .22's go for way more than 150 yards, but i was meaning effective range or something like that. People who shoot 12ft/lb air rifles shoot up to 50 yards, thats for kills on birds etc. Thats not to say that the pellet doesn't go further, but the curve it like too great, and its just damn hard!
What i meant with the .22LR thing, is that although the bullet may be able to travel way further than 150 yards, a magazine said this is the maximum limit people usually shoot out to. This is different because of the less pronounced curve etc. Hope this has cleared up what i said!
Handguns don't kill people... Half as well as full-auto
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A new voice
Posts: 33
From: MO,USA
Registered: JAN 2001
posted February 10, 2001 10:15 PM
Sorry bout last post, forgot we were talking about 12 foot pound air guns. BTW, how many ft lbs would one of those 30 grain pellets at 1000 fps have?
Posts: 2312
From: England
Registered: SEP 2000
posted February 10, 2001 10:50 PM
Got you about the effective range, but I still reckon you could hit accurately over 150yds with a .22LR, you might have to hold over a bit, or zero your scope accordingly.
Spudgunner, nearlyu all PCP's are charged to 3000psi.
A new voice
Posts: 33
From: MO,USA
Registered: JAN 2001
posted February 10, 2001 11:01 PM
Ok, 66 is not bad. I was not sure what a PCP was, so I ignored that part of it. Effective range for a .22lr can be well over 200 yards, depending on ammo. I think I read that Aguila (?) SSS 60grain bullets are good to over 200 yards. And if you had your scope ready, you could easily hit something with that. But with regular .22, if there was any wind, it would be VERY hard to hit anything. However, I am sure it can be done with a little practice.
A new voice
Posts: 33
From: MO,USA
Registered: JAN 2001
posted February 05, 2001 08:27 PM
I recently made a chest plate piece of light duty armor out of an old music stand, which I am almost positive is aluminum, or some tough mix with aluminum that is 1/16 inch thick. I cut it to an octagonal shape that is taller than wide. I cut off corners so when hit they would not dig into the shoulders. I also bent it to fit my shape somewhat. What I did to test it was fold a small rag up so it was about 4"X4" and less than half inch thick, put that towards top. Then i taped it one, and put it over my thin shirt. I then took a steel rod that was 3 feet long and hit self as hard as I could while holding it in middle. Didnt feel a thing. Then took a hammer, and hit self quite hard, but not on hammer tip, but layed flat. What I am wondering is what would puncture it? It seems to be quite durable, and most definatly cut proof. I am also pretty sure that I am not gonna have to ever use it, but hey, its fun. Another thing, is there ever a use for this? Since it is only 1/16" thick, and somewhat tall, if you were running and fell over just right, it might cut your neck, but not if you kept the top low. But once again, i am wondering is it worth it? It weighs basically nothing. I dont exactly want to try it myself, because my knives are not worth messign up, even the crap ones.
Posts: 1474
From: somewhere in florida
Registered: SEP 2000
posted February 05, 2001 08:42 PM
you could use it for paintball if it fits comfortably to your body beacuse paintballs just fuckin hurt when they hit your stomach 2nd is your fingers, this would probably stop a bb or pellet but I wouldnt use it for much else cept if you were to provoke a fight and hide this under your shirt so he breaks his hand!
A new voice
Posts: 33
From: MO,USA
Registered: JAN 2001
posted February 05, 2001 09:15 PM
Hehe, that would be funny if the person broke their hand. I think i might use it for paintball, but it is a little large. Last time I went, I only got hit in the mask and gun. I am not sure this thing would be small enough for paintball, would be hard to bend over or be flexible, but then again most of the time, you are crouched, not bent over (if you are bent over, dont want to know what you are doing). What i was wondering more was how you all think it would perform against maybe a knife or anything else. I know its still gonna hurt like nothing else in the world if you say, got hit by a bat. But I am thinking it might prevent a broken rib or something.
Frequent Poster
Posts: 135
Registered: JAN 2001
posted February 05, 2001 09:31 PM
it depends on how your hit if it is a thrust it may go through especially if the guy doing it is big or the blade is a tanto point. now if it's a cut or slashing motion i doubt it will penetrate it. what ever you do don't shoot arrows at it they will penetrate more than you think, especially kevlar believe it or not my uncle shot an arrow through kevlar, but i think it was only first generation so that might explain it.
Posts: 1474
From: somewhere in florida
Registered: SEP 2000
posted February 05, 2001 10:04 PM
well what about hinging it? just put some rivets in it and use small hinges to make it flexable so you have several plates instead of one, if you could get more stands you could attach them together by wire of something and make a vest you must be able to cut them well to do something like this and be able to get the pannels really close.
Frequent Poster
Posts: 258
From: Australia
Registered: SEP 2000
posted February 06, 2001 03:45 AM
lol umm get tramua plates for it, don't shoot anything at it othre than a BB gun, paintball gun or airrifle and you should be fine
Frequent Poster
Posts: 164
From: dunno
Registered: JAN 2001
posted February 06, 2001 07:54 PM
Don't understimate the power of a bb gun. A .177 bb travelling at 1000 fps, which many pellet rifles do, could possibley penetrate 1/16 inchg steel. All i know is that in 6th grade my friend shot a bb through 6 slabs of ice and right through a steel above ground pool, we tried to plug it up, but the structurual integrity gave and the whole side of the pool collapsed in an hour
Posts: 1474
From: somewhere in florida
Registered: SEP 2000
posted February 06, 2001 08:11 PM
you see, bb's ricochet when fired directly at a metal surface and pellets flatten out, I have seen the music stands he is talking about and they wil stop a pellet beacuse they dont have a very good sectional density, now 22 pellets, well that's another story
Frequent Poster
Posts: 164
From: dunno
Registered: JAN 2001
posted February 07, 2001 05:09 PM
BB's ricochet when fired at a metal surface, i disagree, possibley because the bb's i use(copperhead,are copper-coated lead,i know they don't ricochet at 1000 fps. Unless there is a lot (1/5 of an ich) of backing, a high quality rifle will penetrate
Frequent Poster
Posts: 100
From: 000
Registered: SEP 2000
posted February 07, 2001 05:25 PM
Lead air rifle slugs have higher sectional density than, and will deliver more energy and penetrate better than steel bb's, though i dont think .22 cal slugs would have (much) more sectional density than .177, due to the greater surface area.
(i think lead slugs weigh around 8 grains, compaired to 5 for steel bb's).
If you fire steel bb's at steel plate, she'll come back at you hard and fast , but it wont be a problem with sheat metal.
[This message has been edited by ST (edited February 07, 2001).]
Posts: 2312
From: England
Registered: SEP 2000
posted February 07, 2001 06:03 PM
I think 1000fps is a little over-rated for a BB gun, since a few more fps and it'd go supersonic, something which air rifles don't tend to do for stability reasons.
If you want to make holes in things with an air rifle, use Prometheus pellets, a steel spear in a nylon sabot/jacket, sails straight through 1mm steel.
Incidentally, I tried shooting a 1.5mm transparent(ish) fibreglass PCB, it stopped a .177 lead pellet with ease at 12fpe.
Frequent Poster
Posts: 164
From: dunno
Registered: JAN 2001
posted February 07, 2001 08:17 PM
My air gun which i purchased reasoably for 250.00 goes 1250 fps, it suprisingly doesnt lose muchaccuracy before 40 yards, and it's actual velocity is 1126, i chronied it, if u are interested in it i will send a link to a website with it...i could if you'd like, but i was not speaking theoretically, what i know is that this gun shoots high 1000's and puts my coppercoated bb's through decently thick sheet metal from a old abandoned trailer home
Posts: 2312
From: England
Registered: SEP 2000
posted February 08, 2001 08:35 AM
Was the gun intended for solely firing BB's? Becuase a high powered air rifle may well be sub sonic but stick a BB in it and it could easily go super sonic. I said that about most air rifles being sub-sonic beacause pellets work best upto (IIRC) 950fps, higher and they become unstable. Also the shockwave created at Mach 1 tends to make pellets tumble, plus if they then drop below Mach 1 downrange then accuracy gets even worse.
Frequent Poster
Posts: 164
From: dunno
Registered: JAN 2001
posted February 08, 2001 03:18 PM
The pellet rifle was intended for pellets but i use bb's they don't slide out of the barrel unless you really hold it upside down
A new voice
Posts: 33
From: MO,USA
Registered: JAN 2001
posted February 08, 2001 09:25 PM
Well, i tested out the armor with the crappy pellet gun i have. I used 15 grain pointed crossman (I think) pellets. The gun is .22, and supposed to get 850 fps, but when I tested it out with the crappy pellets that came with it, it got 550 or maybe 450. I imagine it goes faster with these good pellets. Anyway, it just dented the metal at point blank range. Pellet expanded to about .30 or so, and had 100% or so weight retention. The only lead lost was a little mark like you had drawn a circle. I saw that one post on increasing velocities, so if/when I find some brass, I want to try that.
Frequent Poster
Posts: 119
From: Petersburg
Registered: DEC 2000
posted February 10, 2001 06:45 PM
My pellet gun is supposidly supposed to get 495fps thats what is said on the box(got it at wal-mart for 34 bucks) I dented a slimfast can wich is pretty thick 15-20 yards and it knocked the can 5 ft away from the stand I had it on I tried shooting the can with the muzzle of the gun dirrectly against the metal so that it wouldnt riccochete and hit me(had that happen from at 15 ft away and it almost punctured the skin) It did pierce the can put didnt enter it just split the dent. I also tried shooting a quater from about 10 ft away and I hit the edge of the quater splitting the pellet down to about 3 cm from the end. Is this good for 400's fps?
A new voice
Posts: 33
From: MO,USA
Registered: JAN 2001
posted February 10, 2001 07:28 PM
Well, that does not sound bad for that speed, or that price. I paid $35 for this chinese gun. That is still not bad for .22 at 500 fps, although my potato gun goes faster than that. I made an armor piercing pellet today and tested that. I had an old track spike, 1/4" i think needle. I thought "hmm, that looks about the right size for my pellet gun". Well, i did have to grind down part of it. Then, my pointed pellets have a little groove where the skirt meets the head. I took an exacto and cut that very easily. Then I sanded it approximatly 90 degrees so it stood up straight. Then, I put a ring of CA (super/crazy glue) on the skirt, which had a hole in the middle. I held on the track spike and it bonded VERY well. The normal pellets weighed 15 grains, but this AP one weighed 24 grains exactly. The pellet ended up being .655 inches long compared to about .35 for normal pellet. It turned out very straight and fit into gun well. It pierced the metal but bounced back off after it got to a part that was squar to the point. I am going to test the next one I made just now. What I just did was grind off the square part so now it is a long point, instead of a short one with a square spot. It is 22.4 grains now. Ok, I just tested it. The hole is somewhat bigger, but not much. This shot the skirt seperated and flew off and hit a couple walls in my room unlike last time, where the skirt was only bent some. The larger of the 2 holes is about .084 or .083 inches. Not real big, but this is against metal. These would be vicious against flesh I bet. I cannot verify accuracy, as I cant test these in the city limits with a cop living behind me . The gun is an inaccurate piece anyway. But I bet these pellets would stabilize decently since they are only 50% heavier. I know they make 28 or 30 grain pellets, so I bet these would do decently. Since the track spikes I use cost like 15 cents each, I might have to try other stuff. But I sure do like these long pellets, they look cool.
Posts: 2312
From: England
Registered: SEP 2000
posted February 10, 2001 08:26 PM
You should definately try Prometheus pellets, so much easier and cheaper than making them!
Also any got any idea of the maximum range from a 12fpe air rifle? The warning that came with my springer said "may be dangerous upto 300yds". Execept I was talking to a guy in the gun shop today about getting a PCP, we got talking about efective range and he said he'd taken a starling off a fence post (clean kill) at 100yds. He also claimed to have taken pot shots at a flock of ducks 700yds away and could see the pellets hitting the water they were in! This guy's got more PCP's than I've got fingers, is he talking crap or just very bad at paceing distances?
Frequent Poster
Posts: 403
From: England
Registered: SEP 2000
posted February 10, 2001 09:23 PM
i think he's bullshitting a little bit, a starling at 100 yards? Aren't they a little small? Anyway, i think the effective range for a .22LR rifle is 150 odd yards, so i don't think that he could have done it, unless he was using an FAC rifle, like a custom stalker rifle, uprated to like 300 ft/lbs
Handguns don't kill people... Half as well as full-auto
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A new voice
Posts: 33
From: MO,USA
Registered: JAN 2001
posted February 10, 2001 09:34 PM
He may not be kidding. There are pellet rifles that will shoot those 30 grain pellets a bit over 1000 fps. Sure, they are precharged 3000 psi scuba stuff, but maybe he has one of those? Those are made for shooting stuff, so if he had a scope, it could be possible. Plus, nobody ever mentioned how many shots he took did they? Those precharged ones can shoot like 15 times. And at 100 yards, it would not make a real loud noise either.
Posts: 2312
From: England
Registered: SEP 2000
posted February 10, 2001 09:38 PM
No way! A .22LR goes much further than 150yds! An average modern air rifle can hit a drawing pin at 50yds so a starling at 100yds doesn't sound too unfeasible, I definately remember him saying the starling shot was with a 12fpe rifle. I'm not sure but the 700yd story might have been with the 20fpe rifle he dropped into the conversation.
I basically want to know what the maximum range is (ie before the pellet drops to the ground) not the effective range.
BTW the stalkers can be tuned upto 340fpe! Shame I haven't got £3300 to spare
Frequent Poster
Posts: 403
From: England
Registered: SEP 2000
posted February 10, 2001 09:54 PM
Yeah, i know .22's go for way more than 150 yards, but i was meaning effective range or something like that. People who shoot 12ft/lb air rifles shoot up to 50 yards, thats for kills on birds etc. Thats not to say that the pellet doesn't go further, but the curve it like too great, and its just damn hard!
What i meant with the .22LR thing, is that although the bullet may be able to travel way further than 150 yards, a magazine said this is the maximum limit people usually shoot out to. This is different because of the less pronounced curve etc. Hope this has cleared up what i said!
Handguns don't kill people... Half as well as full-auto
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A new voice
Posts: 33
From: MO,USA
Registered: JAN 2001
posted February 10, 2001 10:15 PM
Sorry bout last post, forgot we were talking about 12 foot pound air guns. BTW, how many ft lbs would one of those 30 grain pellets at 1000 fps have?
Posts: 2312
From: England
Registered: SEP 2000
posted February 10, 2001 10:50 PM
Got you about the effective range, but I still reckon you could hit accurately over 150yds with a .22LR, you might have to hold over a bit, or zero your scope accordingly.
Spudgunner, nearlyu all PCP's are charged to 3000psi.
A new voice
Posts: 33
From: MO,USA
Registered: JAN 2001
posted February 10, 2001 11:01 PM
Ok, 66 is not bad. I was not sure what a PCP was, so I ignored that part of it. Effective range for a .22lr can be well over 200 yards, depending on ammo. I think I read that Aguila (?) SSS 60grain bullets are good to over 200 yards. And if you had your scope ready, you could easily hit something with that. But with regular .22, if there was any wind, it would be VERY hard to hit anything. However, I am sure it can be done with a little practice.