View Full Version : Caselman Air-powered Machine Gun
November 4th, 2006, 10:08 AM
While visiting the Luty's website I stumpled over a new part of his page
where he describes an improvised air gun. If this is true I can't wait to
see the plans.
Does anyone know more about the Caselman gun?
Minutes after writing the above I discoverd that page:
There's a link to the plans as well!!! :)
November 4th, 2006, 09:56 PM
Wow, thanks aikon.
I saw Luty's site last night and couldn't be bothered to find the plans, thanks!
WARNING (for dial up users): 27.54MB
A mixture of propellant based mechanics and pneumatics.
November 13th, 2006, 10:04 AM
Just wanted to add my thanks for those plans.
This is a really nice looking unit. A quick summary of the main features -
It claims 30 high pressure shots per fill, or up to 150 if your just plinking (requires a lighter spring to be used). Claims power is similar to a .32acp. 30 round detachable mag and a two stage trigger for semi/full auto firing.
December 7th, 2006, 02:48 PM
URL was dead.
This one should work:
December 10th, 2006, 06:38 AM
I see Luty is selling the plans now. Strange since the South American guy was on about how they should be free to the public. Having said that, the project pictures from the New Zealand gunsmith are interesting. If he supplies better detailed blueprints with the plans, then they may be worth the money.
The whole idea of homemade, big bore airguns may just start driving the cops nuts.
December 11th, 2006, 10:55 AM
I'd like to say thanks for the plans, I think I shall have a go myself, but I'll try to make it more aesthetically pleasing, maybe with a bit more wood furniture.
December 14th, 2006, 09:23 PM
I spoke w/ Jeff Caselman in the mid 90's and he never even mentioned that the plans were ever even available. I took notes during our conversation and if I remember correctly he wanted something like $1,200 U.S. to build me one.
I was in the process of purchasing a Farco pneumatic shotgun from Air Rifle Specialists and they were the people that turned me onto Jeff Caselman. This is the first I've actually seen of any photos but it is pretty much as he discribed it.
I wound up purchasing a Brigand from Dennis Quackenbush and I would highly recommend his products due to the workmanship, pricing, performance and service after the sale.
If anyone comes up w/ a copy of the Jeff Caselman video that goes w/ the blueprints I'm sure we'd all like a copy.
December 19th, 2006, 04:40 AM
I'll add my thanks here as well, as that is a project that Really interests me... being a machinist oriented person! :rolleyes:
December 21st, 2006, 06:49 AM , mentioned above, which used to have about 25,000 files at one stage, mostly English but also many in Portuguese and other languages, has been out of action for at least a year or two. However, before they went away, I downloaded almost everything of real value.
April 9th, 2007, 10:32 PM
It would be nice if any members that have a copy of his video and better scans would share them.
April 29th, 2007, 06:34 AM
I'm working on a caselman amg rebuild . Slowly , very slooowly , but I'll get there eventually .
The pics on luty site are by me btw . But now that he's selling the plans , he won't get any more . Keep the net free !
If someone who has looked at the plans understands the trigger mechanism , I'd like to discuss that .
I'd like to modify it to have a full auto / selective / burst option.
Jacks Complete
April 29th, 2007, 01:57 PM
soikedubois, you mean you took the photos, or that you designed it?
Pretty big claims, either way.
And if you are the guy who took the SMG photos then reported him to the cops, you deserve a kicking.
Some proof might be a good idea.
April 29th, 2007, 04:48 PM
@jacks Complete : I don't understand . I can't see my own post , but obviously you can .
You can't see your own posts, but a moderator can, because your posts were not yet approved. NBK
Anyway ;
The "new zealand gunsmith" pictures luty is showing on his site are parts made by me on my lathe . Pictures were send to him cause I needed a soulmate to discuss certain parts and techniques .
I' m not a gunsmith , but a talented amateur .
Little did I know he was gonna sell plans instead of distributing them like Mad Abe intended .
And no , I didn't report anyone to the cops :)
I didn't sayd I designed the gun , that credit goes to Mr J. Caselman only .
And he did a tremendous job , believe me .
But I've studied his plans , cad redrawn many of them , converted to metric adapted to parts I can obtain over here and made a start building the gun .
I'll be converting it to airgun pellets because of availability and because of legal stuff round here .
Right now the project's on hold , I'm converting my mill to cnc .
If you want proof , tell me where to send a picture of the parts I've already made . I'll put a piece of paper behind displaying a text you choose .
Jacks Complete
May 1st, 2007, 11:16 AM
I thought I had approved it before replying. Ah well.
You could happily post a pic of whatever part you want, perhaps a part completed one, and sign it to us at RS. Or just show us the CAD plans, I'm sure that there are many here who would like a copy!
May 2nd, 2007, 07:00 AM
Here's a picture of the firing valve , with a sign with my name on it , today's date and .
That OK as proof ?
Basement Builder
May 4th, 2007, 08:03 AM
I have just started a build of the Caselman. I am working on item #5, Firing valve holding area.
The Caselman is a second project I am working on whenever I run at of material for the Low Temperature Differential Stirling Engine I am building. Therefore my Caselman build is going slow.
I have looked at the trigger group info and would discuss anything you would like.
May 8th, 2007, 03:37 PM
Basement builder ,
do you think the trigger assembly is capable of selective fire .
Or is it full auto or nothing .
I would very much like to be able to switch between selective/full auto . But that's gonna require modifications to the trigger assembly , and I'm not quite familiar with that .
Also , caselman welded hif firing valve assembly to the breechblock .
Don't knwo if that's a good idea.
Might cause warpage of the breech and or the valve .
So I intend to modify it to use some kind of bracket and an O-ring to attatch the valve .
I've also used a red copper seal instead of heavy plastic .
This is because I'll probably be using CO2 , and CO2 eats plastics for breakfast .
Oh and btw , do share some pictures of progress will you
May 9th, 2007, 05:51 AM
The trigger is a two stage selective fire trigger.
Pressing the trigger only to the first stage moves down the disconnector (part number 44, PN 44) and the sear (PN 45) is pulled downwards by the groove in the front of the disconnector and releases the striker. On recoil the striker moves back and disengages the the disconnector which enables the sear to move upwards and catch the striker (PN 9).
Pressing the trigger down the whole way pulls the sear down as described but it also moves the hook shaped front of the full auto sear trip upwards.
Upon pulling the trigger the first time the striker (PN 9) moves forward and fires the weapon on recoil both the bolt (PN 17) and the striker move backwards the sear goes up and catches the striker and the bolt moves alltheway forward pushes a projectile from the magazine into the breach and on on reaching it's end of the forward movement the brass overlay (ring around the bolt body) trips the front hook projection of the auto sear trip lever which moves down and pushes the sear down with the pin (PN 41). This goes on as long as the trigger is hold alltheway down.
Hope this helps.
May 13th, 2007, 04:31 PM
I see . Now I understand. Yes that makes sense.
So a simple lever locking the trigger in it's first position could already do the trick. To secure the gun in selective mode only. More like a legal issue for me then a must have.
Thanks , and watch this tread for progress. Although it'll take a month or two more before the mill 's operational again.
May 15th, 2007, 06:35 AM
What you want is semiautomatic fire not selective fire. Selective fire capability let's you choose between firing a single shot or burst fire, for legal considerations you need to install a semiauto only trigger. Which is simple.
You just leave out the auto sear trip lever (part number 41) completely, that's all and the gun is only capable of semiauto fire. No other alterations are needed nor would they make any sense.
Have fun!
Basement Builder
May 23rd, 2007, 08:02 AM
Well I finally had some time to work on some more components last night. My wife has the camera visiting her family, so no links to pictures -- sorry.
I completed the following items last night:
3 - Firing Valve Seat
4 - Firing Valve Body
I am still working on 5 - Firing Valve holding Area. I am having a tough time drilling out the 9/16 diameter hole in the steel with the inxpensive drill bits I have. I switched from drill bits to a boring bar but I do not have one long enough. Soikedubois, was your part #5 made from steel. It almost looks like aluminum in the pictures.
I ordered some 3/32 drill rod for item 2, Firing Valve stem, but they sent me 7/64. So this is on hold a little longer. I have some 3/32 steel rod, but I assumed I needed something like O1 steel so I could harden it.
I plan on trying to make item 7, Firing Valve Spring guide, tonight. It says 22 ga. on the drawing and if I remember right, 22 gauge material is about 0.029 inches thick. Therefore I was assuming that the spring guide is hollow. Can anyone confirm
I also received my O1 tool steel for 9, Striker, so I may look at starting that this week also.
Another question for everyone. The barral called out is a Select 311 bottom groove. Can anyone give my an information on this item.
September 1st, 2007, 03:37 PM
The extremely rare Casleman video.
5min and 2 min clips.
Shows it sawing a 2x3" timber in two.
September 2nd, 2007, 08:36 AM
Unfortunately, the linked file for the complete plans and video is corrupted at .95MB, out of 65MB, making it useless. :(
September 3rd, 2007, 04:09 PM
the linked file for the complete plans and video is corrupted at .95MB
I downloaded it perfectly and re-upped it to Megaupload:
September 3rd, 2007, 06:34 PM
Both, the download and the file, were fine (I'm talking of the link on YouTube).
You normal-click on the link (no right-click/save as) and you end up on a horrid little page written in some extinct language. It does have an input box where you write the password, "caselman", and you get the file.
It is a zip file with a PDF inside which contains 2 YouTube videos as attachments.
September 3rd, 2007, 09:16 PM
Yes, I tried that, getting the password prompt for the download, entering the password, and getting dropped at .95MB of the file, every time. :(
Perhaps you could upload it to the FTP instead?
September 4th, 2007, 03:46 AM
Perhaps you could upload it to the FTP instead?
I'll put it in the open in the upload folder on TMP's ftp. I'll say here when it is done.
September 6th, 2007, 03:31 AM
Breakfast is served....
It's in TMP's upload folder, out in the open, no sub-folder, "caselman plans with videos.pdf" - 63 MB.
I would've said it much earlier but the forum wasn't accessible.
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