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October 22nd, 2004, 10:32 PM
I don't hear too much about rock salt and the applications besides using it in shot gun shells.

I was thinking it could be used in other applications if you could make moulds out of it for either small explosive device casings or for some kind of projectile other than a shot gun shell.

Any and all information you might have would be appreciated and I'd like to brain storm on this a bit and see what creations may come up.

Thanks in advance.

October 23rd, 2004, 11:23 AM
What are 'rock salts' ? If you start a topic, maybe it is nice to give some info on the subject...

October 23rd, 2004, 01:05 PM
Rock salt is mined, most likely have to be purified before it end up as regular salt. Used to have it in ice cream machines..

October 23rd, 2004, 02:37 PM

You have given us no idea what you are trying to achieve. Nor why the hell you'd want to use rock salt. You've also started a new thread before establishing yourself here.

You'd best explain quickly what the hell this is about, and why it is worthy of a new thread. Else you and this thread is gone.

Child-of-bodom, rocksalt is used to grit roads in the winter to stop them freezing. It's also used as a less-than-lethal shotgun load, usually by farmers or railroad workers to scare off kids.

October 23rd, 2004, 06:09 PM
I work for a railroad....I wish they'd give me rock salt loads to scare off kids....
That would be more fun than I can even imagine.

But in today's world of litigation, I can't see any practical use for rock salt in a firearm or any explosive. You are just going to open yourself up to criminal charges not to mention the potentialy huge civil lawsuits. Mcdonalds lost 25 million for their coffee incident and Dominoes (then the largest chain in the world) lost 73.5 million in their case. Mucho bad news....

October 23rd, 2004, 06:54 PM
If rock salt was used as a casing as an explosive... when it went of wouldn't it it just vaporize? I cant see the rock salt keeping together well enough to do any damage, all I can think of is the salt turning into a very fine powder that did nothing. And also, why would you use rock salt, as a CASING for an explosive? I dont think it would have enough resistance to be used effectivly for an explosive casing. I'm thinking it would be much like a cardboard tube!

October 23rd, 2004, 10:02 PM
And it would corrode your shotgun aswell

October 24th, 2004, 05:25 AM
The only explosive use I know of for "salt" is it's use in ANFO in some Coal mines to lower det temperature and the chance of ignition of Coal dust.
I can't think of any other possible use exept scaring the shit out of kids as above ;) (not to mention stinging :D ).

October 24th, 2004, 07:45 AM
To avoid barrel corrosion, just use either an old barrel that you don't need, or use a totally homebuilt shotgun, like a 3/4 inch steel pipe slap-fire.

I've mentioned this in some other topic a while back, but NaOH prills are much nastier than rock salt... The corrosion is a LOT worse though, so don't put it through any barrel you want to keep.

October 24th, 2004, 07:49 AM
In 'Kill without Joy' John Minnery talks about replacing normal shotgun shot with rock salt, in order for the projectile to dissolve shortly after use leaving less traces. Useful for close range only of course. Guess that's where the idea is from. But when used with high explosives it would probably just been blown to a fine powder, it's too brittle.

October 24th, 2004, 01:45 PM
Reminds me of a scene in Tarantino's movie KILL BILL Vol. 2... "Budd" shoots Uma Thurman in the chest with a double-barreled shotgun loaded with rock salt... "Now...that gentled you down some, didn’t it? Yep... Ain’t nobody a badass with a double dose of rock salt dug deep in her tits" :D

October 24th, 2004, 09:48 PM
Sorry for starting a new post I don't get on much.

As for the rock salt I don't use it in my shot gun but have heard it being use in the area around me. (Very rural area and lots of thieves)

Most of those incidences go unreported.

The main reason I started this thread is I wanted new ways thought up for new easy to build and less lethal devices that would exact allot of punishment to the target intended and to be low cost and efficient within a short radius to lessen the extent of the damage to the surrounding area in question.

Also any new chemical formulas and or devises would be appreciated that are less lethal and practical for use.

Sorry again for any inconveniences I just wanted a brain storm session to start not a flaming war.

But thanks to all those that put in valid information.

I was also thinking for the Rock Salt Casing what if I added a sleeve of plastic, card board, or wood around the main charge to dampen the shock of the blast.

Would that work?
Or should I go trail and error on that?

These are only going to be tested but not applied for actual use incase some of you were wondering from my above text.

October 25th, 2004, 03:15 PM
I heard about this but never saw anyone use it. But in this thread was onr interesting idea...NaOH prills? I heard that NaOH can actually clean steal, but didn't think about it. But corrosion question made me think about it again. I know for sure that salt cause corrosion but believe that water is necessary for this to happen. On the other hand it is not advisable to melt hydroxides and carbonates in nickel and iron crucibles (I don't know is this labware called that way in english). So this is the question - which one salt or hydroxide are more corrosive to gun barrel?

October 26th, 2004, 08:09 PM
If you are talking about a general deterrent devise, one idea would be to make a simple boobytrap.
Take a steel pipe of whatever diameter you want and put an end cap on it. Drill a small hole in it and put in a pull-type detonator. Then give it a gunpowder charge and fill the rest of the pipe with rock salt. Place it alongside a path at an angle as to hit someone in center mass (and hidden, of course). Then just run a trip wire infront of it as to put the target in a perfect position.
I kept it in general because I don't know what all you have to use, but you should get the idea. If you ever decided to make it lethal, just replace the rock salt with shot, bearings, nuts, screws, whatever.

October 27th, 2004, 09:06 AM
FUTI, NaOH is much more corrosive to metal than salt is.

It will almost certainly ruin any barrel it is fired from, so use an old barrel or an entirely homebuilt shotgun.