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View Full Version : Building a bb-gun

September 5th, 2004, 09:31 AM
I have searched the forum but not found information about this.
Can anyone provide me with plans or has anyone of you even successfully built one?

Trigger Mike
September 5th, 2004, 09:44 AM
That doesn't seem like it would be too difficult.I was thinking of starting a similar project but something more along the lines of buying a really cheap pellet gun and modifying it to make it more powerful before building one from scratch.Things like adding a more powerful spring and lengthening the barrel for beter accuracy.Maybe even opening up a hole in the slide and adding a little lever to hold the slide back so I can put darts into the chamber. One problem I had before was the spring was too powerful for the gun and it ripped apart when I fired it.Anyone have any ideas on how to strenghten the gun or any other mods I could make?

September 5th, 2004, 12:01 PM
Why would you want to home build a BB gun unless you live in area where they
are outlawed ? Too many models and plenty of access in my area to even
consider a "home brew" device. The idea of increasing the power of an existing
model has its merits though !

September 5th, 2004, 01:05 PM
First off all, this info is taken from an other site and I havent tried it. But I am quite sure it will work if you do your best :)

for the aerosole can I recommend a big CO2 pressured aerosole can, I dont mean a real gas tank but like hair spray and deo etc.. you can buy them In hobby shops, they dont contain super heavy pressure or anything but they will get the job done better then hair spray of a co2 tank that will prob destroy the barrel.

The File:

The idea is rather simple however rather hard to get to work. The gun is powered by an aerosole can that is fitted into a recession in the stock. There is an inner and an outer barrel in which the inner slides freely within the outer. I found these tubes at a hobby shop. the inner has to be a perfect fit for an air rifle slug and also inside the outer barrel.
As the picture below shows, as the trigger is pulled back the inner barrel also moves back sealing the hole in the inner barrel for the magazine against the top of the outer barrel. As the inner barrel moves back it also pushes down on the nozel of the aerosole can sending a jet of gas up the barrel shooting off the slug, the trigger is released, the barrel moves forward and another slug falls into the barrel and is ready for the next shot. A fully automatic version may be made possible by mounting the magazine back along the barrel so as the barrel slides back the hole opens in the magazine alowing slugs to freely flowinto the path of the flowing gas. For this to work a stronger power source would be needed.

To avoid jamming pointed slugs should be used, another possibility that i hadnt thought of while constructing this weapon is the use of steel BB's , if these were used there would be no problem of jamming and it may be possible to hold the BB in the barrel by use of a magnet to stop it rolling out the end of the barrel.


September 5th, 2004, 09:01 PM
i had a thought of this idea, was to make BB gun out all steel because it easier to work than plastic and stronger. the gun would work by using extra long pin that would be propelled by an external hammer and therefore the propel the BB pellet. unfortnatley, there are known to be some (e.g Bali) BB Guns that just fall to apart within about 100 rounds.

also i thought of another design, was to mount one of those co2 little canesters used to pump up bike tires and mount it in the hand grip of the gun.

Skean Dhu
September 6th, 2004, 01:05 PM
If you were to go to the www.spudtech.com, and joined their forums you would find a wealth of information on making your own bb guns. Also http://www.air-power.net/ has some good pictures of bb guns people have built, theres also a harpoon gun built by a former memeber who shall remain nameless.
But as tmp said why build your own when there are ones that will work 100% of the time being sold for about as much sometimes cheaper than it will cost for you to make one found on the above sites

September 12th, 2004, 09:58 AM
Im not to into the whole bb gun idea - not that im against yours, just the idea in general. My friend spent a good £250 on a M1773 which was basically a mix between the colt commando and the M4 Carbine and it wasnt exactly brilliant. I find the hop up on BB guns are extremely annoying and most of the time in my experience you end up shooting shit all over the place with no real accuracy.
NBK put up a thread a year ago on something I think was called the vulcun or something simular to that name. I was basically a vamped up BB mini gun that tore through some crazy shit.

September 12th, 2004, 12:30 PM
The "vulcan" bb gun refered to can be seen atwww.montysminiguns.com,its quite an awesome machine but at $5000 well out of my price range,unfortunatly.

September 12th, 2004, 02:19 PM
Just something interesting to note, the design was orignally made by Lowry, the guy who originally started this place :p

September 12th, 2004, 08:45 PM
I haven't seen them myself but apparently there are plans around the net for the us talon/ uk stealth which looks pretty awesome. If the specs are worthwhile, it could be worth a build

September 12th, 2004, 11:27 PM
The "vulcan" bb gun refered to can be seen atwww.montysminiguns.com,its quite an awesome machine but at $5000 well out of my price range,unfortunatly.
Is it made out of solid gold, or something like that?

Hobbit Porn
September 13th, 2004, 02:07 AM
Not quite bugger... but it is a laser sighted mini-gun
I know I'd be asking a hefty sum if I was making and selling those types of BB guns.


September 17th, 2004, 05:44 PM

Improvised Airsoft Barret

September 18th, 2004, 05:07 AM
As airsoft is my main hobby (and where I use most of my pyros) I may be able to offer some pointers, so here goes:

http://www.airsoftdynamics.net - UK airsoft supplier and custom gun retailer. Have a look at some of the gas rifles in here.

As you can see, most of the prices are reasonable compared to building one yourself.

If you are used to the cheap "springer" pistols and rifles I can understand why you would be disappointed with their performance. In the UK we use guns that fire 0.2g BBs at around 328fps (0.99J or 0.73ft lb muzzle energy). Using heavier BBs will improve the accuracy and hitting power at the cost of range.

It is possible to upgrade most of them by replacing springs/pistons etc (particularly some of the sniper rifles - see the APS2, with no end of upgrades) but unfortunately current UK law means that anything firing above 1.35J or 1ft lb muzzle energy is classed as a firearm (full auto being section 5 - the same legal category as a real full auto weapon) so most of us don't upgrade beyond that as we mainly shoot each other for fun with them.

The gas guns are easier to raise the muzzle energy on - you simply use a higher pressure gas. The main problem there is that your seals might blow out or if it's a blowback model, the slide may shear off and hit you in the eye! (It has happened...)

As for hop up, it's basically a piece of rubber that pokes into the top of the chamber to impart backspin on the BB which creates lift and thus a more level flightpath - it needs to be set for the weight of BB you are using. Cheap springers have fixed hop up which is set for the really lightweight (0.1g) BBs. On a decent gun you have a small wheel or a screw to adjust it - it takes a while but really improves the range and accuracy.

What sort of velocities and energy levels were you thinking of? I know some people who have upgraded their guns to silly levels for use as air rifles.

January 30th, 2008, 11:39 PM
Does any one know where I'ts possible to buy quality .177 bb guns in Bali? The ones I have bought in the past are underpowered and have a tendency to fall apart :mad:
I will be buying at a store in person if possible.

January 31st, 2008, 04:04 AM
Only airgun worth of home building would be girardoni type.
(google for info)

January 31st, 2008, 09:21 AM
Only airgun worth of home building would be girardoni type.
(google for info)

It's girandoni ;)

And yes, it is a very powerful airgun, designed in the 18th century and possibly even used in the 2nd W.W. against Nazi soldiers. :cool:

January 31st, 2008, 09:29 AM
So, are you trying to make a 6mm AIRSOFT or a .177/.22 air rifle/pellet gun?
I can understand the desire to make one. But usually isn't worth the effort. Sure you can use your time and money as you wish. The air rifle that I personally have is a cheap (20eur) GoldCup brand one, it is good for what I bought it for, plinking but not really anything else.
If you want to hunt with your air rifle get a good brand .22 PCP (Pre-Charged-Pneumatic).

If you want to make a airsoft gun I'd say that its not a very good idea money wise, but if you make it from good materials it will hopefully be a good learning experience.
Around here people just get commercial "tuning kits" for their airsoft guns to increase power.
A friend of mines airsoft APS-2 has a custom wooden stock, (he sells a wooden version of the regular one) a extra-long precision barrel (6,03 mm) thats Teflon coated, "zero-trigger" trigger modification and a more powerful spring. The gun shoots at 3J with a 0.25g pellet.
Also that airsoft "M82 Barret" is at least from my point of view closer to Holmes .50cal then
a real M82 Barret, the real one being magazine fed.

Charles Owlen Picket
January 31st, 2008, 09:56 AM
....but unfortunately current UK law means that anything firing above 1.35J or 1ft lb muzzle energy is classed as a firearm
My God! Is there anything that country will NOT legislate against? I would imagine the folks in the UK are just used to it and consigned to sigh and turn away....But Jesus, Lord! Every time I read something about the UK it's "against the law". :( I really don't understand that deeply entrenched "nanny-state" mentality.

The reason why I exclaimed with such intensity is that I am presently looking at some material that described the level of energy to break human skin tissue consistently with a .22 projectile is approx 5.3 ft lbs. perhaps it's less with a .177 projectile but....<sigh>. You can almost hear the refrain..."you can put an eye out with that thing!" as Mum rushes over to grab the item from the boy's hands.

January 31st, 2008, 07:32 PM
It's girandoni ;)

And yes, it is a very powerful airgun, designed in the 18th century and possibly even used in the 2nd W.W. against Nazi soldiers. :cool:

Rifles like that are still designed and sold, not by major companies, but from skilled "gunsmiths".

That story "from ww2" you read on Lutys web page, seems to me like a bit hoax (as far as for place), because as far as I know, Austria was never occupied, it was a part of Germany.

January 31st, 2008, 07:46 PM
Partisan air rifle information on Luty's web page was pulled from http://www.beemans.net/Austrian%20airguns.htm, it has a little more detail regarding the rifle.

February 5th, 2008, 01:52 PM
Building a BB gun, shouldn't in theory be to difficult. You might want to buy a cheap/second-hand BB gun and de-construct it to see the parts and how they work, before attempting to construct your own.
It would be a fun project, and if sucessful I would personally like to see it. Though I myself wouldn't build a BB gun.