View Full Version : hybrid air cannons
August 19th, 2004, 04:27 AM
While researching air cannons i came across an interesting new type. Its called a hybrid aircannon. Basicly you inject the 3 or 4 times as much propane as you normally would into the chamber and then pump either 45psi or 60psi (depending on if you used 3 to 4 tmes as much propane) into the chamber. In order to keep this mix from escaping you use a burst disk such as aluminum foil, which is placed in a union. When the mix is ignited 250 to 300 psi of hot expanding gases will be produced. Here is a link to were more infomation can be found here (
August 20th, 2004, 06:15 PM
AT LAST someone that dares using those perfect sized D batteries to their full potential.More propane more pressure more dangerous more powerful, the ideal christmas toy for kids
August 25th, 2004, 12:44 AM
The concept of the internal combustion engine is what gave me the idea for a "supercharged" launcher. - The link in paintabatt's thread is the 2nd or 3rd? person who built a working "hybrid". - I could go no about this Topic endlessly, but that would be rather rude.
I can honestly say that I was the "first" person to ever fabricate the "hybrid", and it was "the" subject for months on the SGTC Forums.
-- A "normal" metered amount of propane in a Combustion Launcher will generate approx. 40psi ( 4.03% fuel mixture by volume / air in chamber at atmospheric pressure (14.7psia) ).
-- A 2x/2atm mix will generate 120psi ( 8.06% fuel mixture by volume / air in chamber at 15psig. )
-- A 3x/3atm mix will generate 180-210psi ( 12.09% fuel mixture by volume / air in chamber at 32psig. )
-- A 4x/4atm mix is NOT recommended, because the pressure that is generated upon ignition exceeds the safety pressure of a SCH80 PVC Union
( which is 235psi@73*F)
These "toys" are not recommended because of the risks involved. Some people have had their Union and/or their Chamber "grenade" , which makes me wish that I never explained how to make one in the first place. But I was so full of myself because the Launcher was inexpensive to build, easy to build (no machining of parts, or special skills needed) , and was more powerful than ANY pvc-based launcher known to mankind. ;)
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