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View Full Version : .22 semi auto action

October 21st, 2003, 02:51 AM
Does anyone have usable diagrams for a semi auto action similar to an AR 7 or 10/22 please???
I am going to leave Australia because I cant own a semi auto rifle without a parlimentery commitee allowing me to- so if anyone could please share diagrams blueprints I would be appreciative.

October 21st, 2003, 05:43 AM
Living in Australia really sucks doesn't it? A-BOMB was building his own AR-7 and you should be able to find it if you search the Improvised Weapons section.

October 21st, 2003, 10:50 AM
If you want some thing easy get a 80% completed ruger 10/22 receiver, you just need to drill some holes and file/mill in a couple of slots then you just get a 10/22 parts kit and put in the bolt, trigger group barrel attach a stock of whatever you want you could even make it a pistol it you wanted. There are a bunch of differnet companies that make them just search it in google. Though if you dead set on making it from scratch, I suggest a winchester type of weapon they are much easier to built, If you want I can provide some simple drawing to get you started.

October 21st, 2003, 12:14 PM
closed bolt or open?

I would go for a closed bolt with hammer.

maby an improvised mp5 or AK bolt design...

October 21st, 2003, 05:01 PM
Mine is closed bolt right now, but it could be either. If anyone is interseted send me a email and I'll send you some diagrams and stuff.

October 21st, 2003, 07:47 PM
A-BOMB, he can't get an 80% completed receiver in Australia due to the fascist laws we have. He said he is moving to another country though so he may be able to get it there.

October 22nd, 2003, 03:40 AM
Does Spain have any better gun laws than Australia?? I am only going for a few months but that should do to reconnoiter some self loading gun designs:)
Any suggestions for open bolt or closed bolt operation?? I already have an open bolt prototype but the bolt is too heavy and wont return to recock the trigger :( it is very difficult to take much more metal from the bolt as I have already drilled and ground alot of it away.

October 22nd, 2003, 06:55 AM
Why can't you just use a stronger spring for returning the bolt?

October 22nd, 2003, 07:57 AM
Open bolt operation- the spring is the driving force behind the bolt; the blowback from the .22LR is insufficient to push the bolt back to the starting position- thus recocked and ready to fire.

October 22nd, 2003, 07:22 PM
Then your spring is to powerful, maby you could find a new spring or make the springaction longer.

it would be nice to see a drawing/picture of your design.

October 23rd, 2003, 01:26 AM
I have to copy some CAD at the moment but give me an hour or three and I should have you a picture of the action. Tell me something kvitekrist how do you define open bolt operation - the way I understand open bolt is to be the bolt is held back against a compressed spring held by the sear when the sear is released the bolt travels forward strips a round from the magazine, chambers it and is fired by a fixed firing pin on the bolt face.
Also; A Bomb could you post/email the diagrams of your action please?

October 23rd, 2003, 05:29 AM
Ammonal, have you tried using a more powerful kind of .22LR ammunition such as Aguila Super Maximum? Apparently Aguila SM is a very high pressure load and has been known to cause case bulging in 10/22 actions. It should have a lot more power for pushing the bolt back.

A-BOMB, I would also like your diagrams to be posted here or emailed to me.

October 23rd, 2003, 09:20 AM
Since there has been alot of intrest in .22 semi-autos and the like recently I'm making a website that will have the file and my progress on my AR-7 and zipguns on it it will be up in a few hours.

October 23rd, 2003, 09:30 AM
Yes indeed kvitekrist, the spring was too strong, I honestly dont know what I was talking about. Once it was replaced with the only softer spring that I had from a motor bike carburettor and after 50 rounds and 7 feed jams it looks like I might have a working submachine gun(I do not want to start any fights over handgun rounds being fired in a longer barrel and all that, I just call it a sub gun because it has a short barrel)

October 23rd, 2003, 09:38 AM
I have been using Winchester powerpoints for the last 500 rounds, which are good and reliable in a standard length 22, in a cut down 22 which has a 9 inch barrel they had reduced penetration ability, and for the semi auto they were just plain crap. I used a box of 22 remington Cyclone and these had a lot more speed and penetration with the 5 inch barrel of my sub gun. Once I get some online storage I will post links to a heap of photos of my single shot cut down winchester, and the semi auto.

Has anyone suggestions for some easy to get free storage on the net??

I doo, go to www.imagestation.com and sign in using: ID: theforum and PASS: viewingpics

I've used image station a while now and it workes good.. I created that account for so that others wouldn't have to register themselves just to view my pics, videos are allso allowed there. And there are no size limit as far as I understand. I think it would be great if all E&W memebers who need a place to out their stuff could use the same account, it would make things easier. The risk is that someone gets pissed at us and deletes the things in the folder though. If oyu wan't to be shure your pics stay online then create a new account otherwise you can use the one I suggested...


October 26th, 2003, 09:14 AM
A bomb, I am not trying to act like some knowledge ignorant little kewl but I have sent you 2 emails and I am just wondering if you have your current email?
Also I was wondering if you had the website up on semi auto .22's?