October 14th, 2003, 02:59 AM
Just curious to see what toys everyone out there has that they can proudly say they made themselves.
I'm not too sure about authorities and using this site as an excuse for a raid, so post pics at your own descretion.
There should be no problem with any authority about posting pictures of decorative knives or swords that you made yourself though.
link to pic (http://members.shaw.ca/kickass-chris/pics/JhonnyKnifeFinished.jpg)
The total length from blade-tip to the butt of the handle is 15" with the blades being 10" each and the handle being 5".
I TIG welded this out of a piece of stainless steel pipe that I had to flatten out into a sheet.
It took a hellofa lot of clamping, heating with a rosebud tip on an oxytorch, and bending with a combination of metal tongs and a hammer to finally end up with a flat-ish piece of stainless steel that I then cut with a plasma arc cutter, TIG'd together, and buffed up with a fine grit 5" flapper(sandpaper) disk.
I don't know how many times I had to resharpen that damm tungston, but I enjoyed TIGing this piece and think it's welded fairly decently for my first time actually using this welding method.
This is also my first decorative/home-security piece that I made, and I'm quite proud to show this off to everyone.
linked the picture instead/DBSP
I'm not too sure about authorities and using this site as an excuse for a raid, so post pics at your own descretion.
There should be no problem with any authority about posting pictures of decorative knives or swords that you made yourself though.
link to pic (http://members.shaw.ca/kickass-chris/pics/JhonnyKnifeFinished.jpg)
The total length from blade-tip to the butt of the handle is 15" with the blades being 10" each and the handle being 5".
I TIG welded this out of a piece of stainless steel pipe that I had to flatten out into a sheet.
It took a hellofa lot of clamping, heating with a rosebud tip on an oxytorch, and bending with a combination of metal tongs and a hammer to finally end up with a flat-ish piece of stainless steel that I then cut with a plasma arc cutter, TIG'd together, and buffed up with a fine grit 5" flapper(sandpaper) disk.
I don't know how many times I had to resharpen that damm tungston, but I enjoyed TIGing this piece and think it's welded fairly decently for my first time actually using this welding method.
This is also my first decorative/home-security piece that I made, and I'm quite proud to show this off to everyone.
linked the picture instead/DBSP