September 23rd, 2003, 08:37 AM
The military has this neat new toy called the MCCM (Modular Crowd Control Munition) which is supposed to be a "non-lethal" version of the claymore, using hard rubber pellets instead of steel shot.
The "rubber" pellets are actually high-durometer PVC spheres .33" in diameter. They are held in a plastic matrix which is a plate drilled with holes of slighly larger I.D. than the pellets OD., so that the pellets are held in a uniform pattern and don't rattle around inside the casing. This also serves as a kind of barrel to direct the rubber "bullet" (pellet) in the proper direction.
The pellets are propelled with less than an ounce of sheet explosive, of the PETN type, to a velocity of ~300FPS. This is enough to hurt you, but not kill you, as long as you're not standing directly in front of it when it goes off.
With this loading, and the usual claymore size and placement on the ground, the pellets hit the ground within 100 feet.
Now, don't let the term "Non-lethal" fool you, because this isn't harmless. The pellets will penetrate the body if you're less than 15 yards away from it, and through clothing too. I've seen pictures of what these kinds of pellets (fired from shotguns) can do to a person. You'd have penetrating wounds of an inch or so depth, which would be very painful and disfiguring, even if it doesn't kill you.
However, that doesn't concern us, since we wouldn't be on the receiving end anyways. :)
An application would be to use this as a deterrent to kevlar roaches interfering with any activities you might be engaged in at the time they so rudely interupt you, like when you're making off with the loot. ;)
See, killing someone (especially pork) means no statute of limitations, so you always have that hanging over your head. But, if you blast them with hundreds of rubber pellets which puncture their body in multiple places to a depth of several inches, leaving them crippled from the pain...but alive...then after 8 years (or whatever it is), you're untouchable.
You get away, they get a disability pension, and everyone's happy. :p
You're also saving explosives, since the SKC uses less than 20 grams, whereas the normal claymore uses about 700 grams, 35x more. :o So you could make 35 SKC's with the same amount of explosive as one normal claymore. :D
Plus, the SKC (Soft-Kill Claymore) can be used in situations where using a full-powered one could get you killed. Like, for instance, directing them at your hideout to take out surrounding bacon. If you use normal claymores, then you'd be spraying your own position with fragments, as well as the bacon. BAD!
But, if the pellets are lightweight rubber or plastic, then the frags are unable to penetrate into your abode by the time they reach it, if they don't hit the ground first.
You could even use these indoors because the pellets are too light and soft to penetrate through interior walls, but are still going fast enough to fuck up anyone inside the room, as well as being deafened by the explosion of an ounce of explosive in the confines of a room. I'd imagine the pellets would do quite a bit of ricocheting around too.
I've whipped up a nice .GIF animation showing the general construction of the SKC, but it's 640Kb, too large to up here or on my server, so I've upped it to the Pizzaman briefcase. Only took me an hour to make it but I'm happy with it.
http://briefcase.yahoo.com username: jakio50 pass: tehwin
The patent number for this is 6,298,788.
The "rubber" pellets are actually high-durometer PVC spheres .33" in diameter. They are held in a plastic matrix which is a plate drilled with holes of slighly larger I.D. than the pellets OD., so that the pellets are held in a uniform pattern and don't rattle around inside the casing. This also serves as a kind of barrel to direct the rubber "bullet" (pellet) in the proper direction.
The pellets are propelled with less than an ounce of sheet explosive, of the PETN type, to a velocity of ~300FPS. This is enough to hurt you, but not kill you, as long as you're not standing directly in front of it when it goes off.
With this loading, and the usual claymore size and placement on the ground, the pellets hit the ground within 100 feet.
Now, don't let the term "Non-lethal" fool you, because this isn't harmless. The pellets will penetrate the body if you're less than 15 yards away from it, and through clothing too. I've seen pictures of what these kinds of pellets (fired from shotguns) can do to a person. You'd have penetrating wounds of an inch or so depth, which would be very painful and disfiguring, even if it doesn't kill you.
However, that doesn't concern us, since we wouldn't be on the receiving end anyways. :)
An application would be to use this as a deterrent to kevlar roaches interfering with any activities you might be engaged in at the time they so rudely interupt you, like when you're making off with the loot. ;)
See, killing someone (especially pork) means no statute of limitations, so you always have that hanging over your head. But, if you blast them with hundreds of rubber pellets which puncture their body in multiple places to a depth of several inches, leaving them crippled from the pain...but alive...then after 8 years (or whatever it is), you're untouchable.
You get away, they get a disability pension, and everyone's happy. :p
You're also saving explosives, since the SKC uses less than 20 grams, whereas the normal claymore uses about 700 grams, 35x more. :o So you could make 35 SKC's with the same amount of explosive as one normal claymore. :D
Plus, the SKC (Soft-Kill Claymore) can be used in situations where using a full-powered one could get you killed. Like, for instance, directing them at your hideout to take out surrounding bacon. If you use normal claymores, then you'd be spraying your own position with fragments, as well as the bacon. BAD!
But, if the pellets are lightweight rubber or plastic, then the frags are unable to penetrate into your abode by the time they reach it, if they don't hit the ground first.
You could even use these indoors because the pellets are too light and soft to penetrate through interior walls, but are still going fast enough to fuck up anyone inside the room, as well as being deafened by the explosion of an ounce of explosive in the confines of a room. I'd imagine the pellets would do quite a bit of ricocheting around too.
I've whipped up a nice .GIF animation showing the general construction of the SKC, but it's 640Kb, too large to up here or on my server, so I've upped it to the Pizzaman briefcase. Only took me an hour to make it but I'm happy with it.
http://briefcase.yahoo.com username: jakio50 pass: tehwin
The patent number for this is 6,298,788.