July 6th, 2003, 08:40 AM
Everyone knows the COB, a 12 gram CO2 cartridge usually filled with a LE. I wanted to discuss all the variations of these, what they can be used for, and the best or easiest methods of construction.
How to make
First they have to be empty. If you don't have a gun to empty them in, lightly tap it with a nail and hammer while holding securly until you hear a ssss then put it outside for a minute. I always drill out the top, the bigger the hole, the faster it will be filled. But with LE's, you have to worry about confinement. I know I have made the holes slightly too large for use with Pryodex before, IIRC I used a 9/64" bit. It did seem to make a decent rocket though. Next, you'll need a large straw or something that will snugly fit over the top. The top is just a little over 1/4" wide. Then you'll need something to poke in the filler with. I usually use a bottle rocket stick. What ever is close and not metal. Then fill your straw or funnel and poke it on down. Repeat until filled how ever much you want it to be. It's been my experience that with most LE's you'll only need to fill it about half way or so to rupture the container. If you plan to ignite it with a fuse, I always like to put the fuse on a strip of duct tape, then put the tape around the cartridge. Then when I want to use it I will pull off the tape and fuse, put the fuse in, and put the tape around the fuse and cartridge to make it waterproof (if you are using waterproof fuse). This makes it pocket proof for me so the fuse won't be fucked up when I need it.
How to personalise
Antipersonnel - Get a length of duct tape, 8" will do, and cover all but the last 1 or 2" on each side with bb's. Then snugly wrap the bb laden tape around the COB making sure it is no more than 1 bb thick in any one spot (for even dispersion). However, you can apply more than one layer of the bb tape for more shrapnel. I have made only one or two of these and they seemed considerably louder. At a 7' distance, bb's were sunk approximately 1/2" into wood, which was somewhat soft. They were filled with Pyrodex, FFFG equivalent. HE would be much preferable for AP COB's. Needless to say, don't watch these go off, bb's fly fucking everywhere except from the ends of it.
Shotgun Compatable Antipersonnel - Someone could drill out the top of a cartridge big enough so it could take bb's. Then you could put in some bb's and glue and put it in a drill or something to keep it spinning long enough for the glue to dry the bb's on the inside of it. Then it could be filled with a HE.
Antivehicular - As NBK2000 mentioned here, ( might could put a SC into a COB. Needs researching to find the stand off distance (if any), iniation, ect.
Incendiary - If you have thermite, I would think you could use it as the filler. I haven't made any of these, but I would think it would burst the cartridge before it melted through it. If it does it would probably spread it around good, but I don't know if all the thermite would be ignited. Never used thermite so I don't know the characeteristics of it.
Smoke - You could fill with the KNO3/sucrose smoke mix or possibly KClO3 based smoke mixes if it is compatable with the cartridge (steel with the Lead seal on top I think). Be careful though, the thin metal of the cartridge will carry heat well, may start a fire.
Nonlethal Irritant - Might be of use to someone, someday. Read this ( to get an idea as to what to use as a filler.
Sticky COB - You could cut a 3" * 2 1/2 strip off of a sticky mouse trap. Then you could wrap it, sticky side out, around a COB with super glue on it. Just before use, you could pull off the protective paper and stick or throw it at the intended target, biological or not. Could be combined with the AP COB to make a sticky AP COB.
With a HE COB, you could use it as a lock pick, small FAE initater, stun grenade (bit of shrapnel though :D), or just a generaly destructive device. Ie; someone wants to leave in their vehicle, and you don't want them to. Stick a sticky COB on their fuel tank. Some of these are compatable with NBK2000's idea of putting them in a 12 guage shotgun. The antivehicular COB would be interesting. Complicated though, like how to detonate at the correct distance. Also, you might get some shrapnel from one of them, since it is more or less directly ahead of you.
Hope someone else has some other ideas along these lines. Some consider COB's a little K3VVl™, they are a little, but they do seem to have possibilitys. Everyone do be careful if you make any of this stuff, esp if it goes out of a gun. Any comments welcome.
How to make
First they have to be empty. If you don't have a gun to empty them in, lightly tap it with a nail and hammer while holding securly until you hear a ssss then put it outside for a minute. I always drill out the top, the bigger the hole, the faster it will be filled. But with LE's, you have to worry about confinement. I know I have made the holes slightly too large for use with Pryodex before, IIRC I used a 9/64" bit. It did seem to make a decent rocket though. Next, you'll need a large straw or something that will snugly fit over the top. The top is just a little over 1/4" wide. Then you'll need something to poke in the filler with. I usually use a bottle rocket stick. What ever is close and not metal. Then fill your straw or funnel and poke it on down. Repeat until filled how ever much you want it to be. It's been my experience that with most LE's you'll only need to fill it about half way or so to rupture the container. If you plan to ignite it with a fuse, I always like to put the fuse on a strip of duct tape, then put the tape around the cartridge. Then when I want to use it I will pull off the tape and fuse, put the fuse in, and put the tape around the fuse and cartridge to make it waterproof (if you are using waterproof fuse). This makes it pocket proof for me so the fuse won't be fucked up when I need it.
How to personalise
Antipersonnel - Get a length of duct tape, 8" will do, and cover all but the last 1 or 2" on each side with bb's. Then snugly wrap the bb laden tape around the COB making sure it is no more than 1 bb thick in any one spot (for even dispersion). However, you can apply more than one layer of the bb tape for more shrapnel. I have made only one or two of these and they seemed considerably louder. At a 7' distance, bb's were sunk approximately 1/2" into wood, which was somewhat soft. They were filled with Pyrodex, FFFG equivalent. HE would be much preferable for AP COB's. Needless to say, don't watch these go off, bb's fly fucking everywhere except from the ends of it.
Shotgun Compatable Antipersonnel - Someone could drill out the top of a cartridge big enough so it could take bb's. Then you could put in some bb's and glue and put it in a drill or something to keep it spinning long enough for the glue to dry the bb's on the inside of it. Then it could be filled with a HE.
Antivehicular - As NBK2000 mentioned here, ( might could put a SC into a COB. Needs researching to find the stand off distance (if any), iniation, ect.
Incendiary - If you have thermite, I would think you could use it as the filler. I haven't made any of these, but I would think it would burst the cartridge before it melted through it. If it does it would probably spread it around good, but I don't know if all the thermite would be ignited. Never used thermite so I don't know the characeteristics of it.
Smoke - You could fill with the KNO3/sucrose smoke mix or possibly KClO3 based smoke mixes if it is compatable with the cartridge (steel with the Lead seal on top I think). Be careful though, the thin metal of the cartridge will carry heat well, may start a fire.
Nonlethal Irritant - Might be of use to someone, someday. Read this ( to get an idea as to what to use as a filler.
Sticky COB - You could cut a 3" * 2 1/2 strip off of a sticky mouse trap. Then you could wrap it, sticky side out, around a COB with super glue on it. Just before use, you could pull off the protective paper and stick or throw it at the intended target, biological or not. Could be combined with the AP COB to make a sticky AP COB.
With a HE COB, you could use it as a lock pick, small FAE initater, stun grenade (bit of shrapnel though :D), or just a generaly destructive device. Ie; someone wants to leave in their vehicle, and you don't want them to. Stick a sticky COB on their fuel tank. Some of these are compatable with NBK2000's idea of putting them in a 12 guage shotgun. The antivehicular COB would be interesting. Complicated though, like how to detonate at the correct distance. Also, you might get some shrapnel from one of them, since it is more or less directly ahead of you.
Hope someone else has some other ideas along these lines. Some consider COB's a little K3VVl™, they are a little, but they do seem to have possibilitys. Everyone do be careful if you make any of this stuff, esp if it goes out of a gun. Any comments welcome.