June 21st, 2003, 01:10 PM
New Member
Posts: 3
Registered: JUN 2001
posted 06-27-2001 06:28 PM
Dear friends,
I have a problem. My neighbor and I have a bet on car exaust flames. He says that all they are are movie effects. I beg to differ that it can be done with any vehicle. Could you please tell me how to rig a contraption up. Does a spark plug in the exaust pipe work?
Posts: 2383
From: England
Registered: SEP 2000
posted 06-27-2001 07:56 PM
That spark plug in the exhaust shit from the Anarchist Crapbook is pure BS and fundamentally flawed on several acounts. If you have a copy of the crapbook, delete it now, it's a complete waste of electrons. If you're fortunate enough to have a printed copy you've just saved yourself buying toilet paper this week.
There is no combustible fuel in the exhaust of an engine running properly, it's very obvious that there isn't.
Depends what you saw in the movies, if it was a 20ft long 10 second jet of flames then yeah it was an effect. Small flames can be emitted from the exhaust during a back fire, which can be done by turning off the engine and coasting in gear (so the engine is turning over) then turnign the ignition back on. Because the egine was turning over it was injecting fuel into the cylinders as normal, but because the ignition was not on, the fuel was not ignited and so passed unburnt into the exhaust. When you turn the ignition on the hot exhaust gas ignites the unburnt fuel in the exhaust and an explosion results. Although I know of someone that blew his exhaust off doing this when the explosion wave hit the muffler.
On TV you often see flames emitted from an exhaust when the engine fires up, this is the same thing as the back fire, but you'd have to crank the engine over for quite a while to get enough fuel into the exhaust for it to back fire. Although if you're using a Merlin engine it'd probably dump a gallon of fuel into the exhaust faster than you can say "mpg"
Why have I written so much for a lame thread? If I wasn't so bored I probably would have closed this thread, it's you're lucky day.
New Member
Posts: 12
Registered: JUN 2001
posted 06-28-2001 01:43 AM
to make an easy Jame's bond smoke screen with your exhaust fill the window washer bottle with oil, run the hose from the pump to your carby
spose you could also put some kind of irritant also
hey all
you dont need a long neck to be a goose
Frequent Poster
Posts: 134
From: uk
Registered: MAR 2001
posted 06-28-2001 07:19 AM
i recall that one out of the "anarchists cookerybook"( ) too
Posts: 2383
From: England
Registered: SEP 2000
posted 06-28-2001 05:39 PM
You mean run the hose from the oil filled washer bottle to the exhaust manifold... Oil in the carb may muck it up and the engine won't run properly! Chemical irritants might be broken down into harmless chemicals if injected into the cylinders and explosed to the combustion cycle!
Frequent Poster
Posts: 62
Registered: MAR 2001
posted 06-28-2001 06:30 PM
Anthony what are you a mechanic or something
Posts: 1513
From: somewhere in florida
Registered: SEP 2000
posted 06-28-2001 06:38 PM
GOD NO! do nto inject anything into your engine, carb other than fuel (gasoline, diesel, methanol, whatever) oxyagen or n2o
I dont recomend you inject anything deeep into your muffler either, it could gum up in there and screw things up. in some stunt airplanes they make smoke trails by having a screen in their exaust pipe witch gets heated in by the exaust gasses and then a sprayer sprays castor oil through it. if you ere to do this on your car I would recommend making sure the screen isnt restricting the exause too much I also think you shouldn't run a rubber, plastic or metal tube directly to your exaust and a check valve is nessasary if you have too big a hole in your tail pipe (you shouldnt). I would have a ceramic link to the exaust and I wouldn't put oil in my window wiper tank.
Posts: 2383
From: England
Registered: SEP 2000
posted 06-28-2001 06:40 PM
No, closest thing I've ever done to being a mechanic was servicing cars at a garage for school work experience.
New Member
Posts: 3
Registered: JUN 2001
posted 06-28-2001 10:01 PM
Anthony thanks. Jorge my neighbor said the spark plug thing. I found jolly roger and all his shit to be shit. If I cant trick this 87 Mazda to do that is there another way.In gone in 60 seconds they start the car up and it has flames no back fire. Propane settling what is it. Help I lose a 100 big ones.
New Member
Posts: 3
Registered: JUN 2001
posted 06-28-2001 10:04 PM
Whats a Merlin engine?????
Posts: 2383
From: England
Registered: SEP 2000
posted 06-28-2001 11:02 PM
The thing from Gone in 60 seconds (sounds like someone with premature ejaculation) might be an affect, asking someone who runs a big V8 or similar could probably tell you. I've seen flames coming from the exhaust manifold (no exhaust system fitted) of 3l V6 but I think it was quite running rich.
I dunno, I think when the engine started it would push the unburnt fuel out of the exhaust (where it apparently burns at the tail pipe), but there's enough oxygen in the exhuast for it to combust inside, so no flames would exit. If there wasn't enough oxygen then the fuel vapour would be ejected unignited because if you put your hand over the tail pipe, especially when the engine has just started it's no where near hot enough to ignite any fuel pushed through the exhaust.
Any Mustang owners that can answer yes/no rather than my benal ramblings?
BTW The Rolls Royce Merlin engine powered the WWII Spitfire fighter plane and after the war someone built a car around one of these engines. It's still going today although in it's 3rd incarnation because it keeps catching on fire
I only managed to find these links:
I think there must have been several different cars, there were certainly many version of the Merlin engine. The biggest one here is 27l and 1000bhp
Info about the spitfire, one version had a 1700bhp Merlin. Although it seems the last version of the Spitfire used a 2000bhp Rolls Royce Griffon engine which gave a top speed of 440mph and a ceiling of 40 000ft and use them to shoot down the V1 Buzz bombs
Interesting some of the stuff Google turn up.
Posts: 1513
From: somewhere in florida
Registered: SEP 2000
posted 06-28-2001 11:23 PM
you could spray gasoline or propane in to the very end of the tailpipe and have it ignited by a spark genorator, I would not recomend rigging up something to your spark plug power supply for your safety and the well bein of your car. if you are going to use propane you could probably use a N2O solenoid valve or a high pressure line purging solenoid valve if you have the time. a good ignitor for one would be a cheap stun gun and a 12 volt dc to 9 volt dc power converter for cars and wire it to the battery connector for the stun gun and run long wires through aquarium air tubing for fairly ok insulation (just keep the wires away from eachother.) and when the wires get near the exaust attach one end of the wires to the top of the spark plug and the other underneath the spark plug grounded area pinched between the tailpipe and thegrounded area of the sparkplug.
Frequent Poster
Posts: 253
Registered: NOV 2000
posted 07-03-2001 02:27 PM
there are several kits to add fuel injection or propane to your tailpipe.
very rich mixtures can also lead to raw fuel in the exhaust which can ignite.
also, sometimes if you take out the cat, it will get you some flames.
Frequent Poster
Posts: 95
From: Germany
Registered: OCT 2000
posted 07-07-2001 06:23 PM
If you've got an old car it'll exhaust some carbon monoxide that will be able to burn. Though I don't know if its concentration is high enough (12.5% will be sufficient).
Posts: 2383
From: England
Registered: SEP 2000
posted 07-08-2001 08:14 PM
CO burns??!!
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Posts: 123
Registered: APR 2001
posted 07-10-2001 08:48 AM
The easiest is get yourself an old Mazda 626 (at least 12 years old) with stickshift gear and let it run downhill (engine on).
I had one of these and all the car drivers in my rear were constantly frightened of the flames it produced when backfiring which it did quite a lot.
At night it was just real fun while riding the car you could see these huge flashes lighting all what's behind your car, hehe...
I've sold that car a year ago. Consumed faaaar too much fuel.
Did I sell it or did I just leave it in a parking lot at a small railway station after damaging the engine beyound repair, destroying its interior with a flash bomb and taking the licence plates with me? Hmm... can't recall...
New Member
Posts: 3
Registered: JUN 2001
posted 06-27-2001 06:28 PM
Dear friends,
I have a problem. My neighbor and I have a bet on car exaust flames. He says that all they are are movie effects. I beg to differ that it can be done with any vehicle. Could you please tell me how to rig a contraption up. Does a spark plug in the exaust pipe work?
Posts: 2383
From: England
Registered: SEP 2000
posted 06-27-2001 07:56 PM
That spark plug in the exhaust shit from the Anarchist Crapbook is pure BS and fundamentally flawed on several acounts. If you have a copy of the crapbook, delete it now, it's a complete waste of electrons. If you're fortunate enough to have a printed copy you've just saved yourself buying toilet paper this week.
There is no combustible fuel in the exhaust of an engine running properly, it's very obvious that there isn't.
Depends what you saw in the movies, if it was a 20ft long 10 second jet of flames then yeah it was an effect. Small flames can be emitted from the exhaust during a back fire, which can be done by turning off the engine and coasting in gear (so the engine is turning over) then turnign the ignition back on. Because the egine was turning over it was injecting fuel into the cylinders as normal, but because the ignition was not on, the fuel was not ignited and so passed unburnt into the exhaust. When you turn the ignition on the hot exhaust gas ignites the unburnt fuel in the exhaust and an explosion results. Although I know of someone that blew his exhaust off doing this when the explosion wave hit the muffler.
On TV you often see flames emitted from an exhaust when the engine fires up, this is the same thing as the back fire, but you'd have to crank the engine over for quite a while to get enough fuel into the exhaust for it to back fire. Although if you're using a Merlin engine it'd probably dump a gallon of fuel into the exhaust faster than you can say "mpg"
Why have I written so much for a lame thread? If I wasn't so bored I probably would have closed this thread, it's you're lucky day.
New Member
Posts: 12
Registered: JUN 2001
posted 06-28-2001 01:43 AM
to make an easy Jame's bond smoke screen with your exhaust fill the window washer bottle with oil, run the hose from the pump to your carby
spose you could also put some kind of irritant also
hey all
you dont need a long neck to be a goose
Frequent Poster
Posts: 134
From: uk
Registered: MAR 2001
posted 06-28-2001 07:19 AM
i recall that one out of the "anarchists cookerybook"( ) too
Posts: 2383
From: England
Registered: SEP 2000
posted 06-28-2001 05:39 PM
You mean run the hose from the oil filled washer bottle to the exhaust manifold... Oil in the carb may muck it up and the engine won't run properly! Chemical irritants might be broken down into harmless chemicals if injected into the cylinders and explosed to the combustion cycle!
Frequent Poster
Posts: 62
Registered: MAR 2001
posted 06-28-2001 06:30 PM
Anthony what are you a mechanic or something
Posts: 1513
From: somewhere in florida
Registered: SEP 2000
posted 06-28-2001 06:38 PM
GOD NO! do nto inject anything into your engine, carb other than fuel (gasoline, diesel, methanol, whatever) oxyagen or n2o
I dont recomend you inject anything deeep into your muffler either, it could gum up in there and screw things up. in some stunt airplanes they make smoke trails by having a screen in their exaust pipe witch gets heated in by the exaust gasses and then a sprayer sprays castor oil through it. if you ere to do this on your car I would recommend making sure the screen isnt restricting the exause too much I also think you shouldn't run a rubber, plastic or metal tube directly to your exaust and a check valve is nessasary if you have too big a hole in your tail pipe (you shouldnt). I would have a ceramic link to the exaust and I wouldn't put oil in my window wiper tank.
Posts: 2383
From: England
Registered: SEP 2000
posted 06-28-2001 06:40 PM
No, closest thing I've ever done to being a mechanic was servicing cars at a garage for school work experience.
New Member
Posts: 3
Registered: JUN 2001
posted 06-28-2001 10:01 PM
Anthony thanks. Jorge my neighbor said the spark plug thing. I found jolly roger and all his shit to be shit. If I cant trick this 87 Mazda to do that is there another way.In gone in 60 seconds they start the car up and it has flames no back fire. Propane settling what is it. Help I lose a 100 big ones.
New Member
Posts: 3
Registered: JUN 2001
posted 06-28-2001 10:04 PM
Whats a Merlin engine?????
Posts: 2383
From: England
Registered: SEP 2000
posted 06-28-2001 11:02 PM
The thing from Gone in 60 seconds (sounds like someone with premature ejaculation) might be an affect, asking someone who runs a big V8 or similar could probably tell you. I've seen flames coming from the exhaust manifold (no exhaust system fitted) of 3l V6 but I think it was quite running rich.
I dunno, I think when the engine started it would push the unburnt fuel out of the exhaust (where it apparently burns at the tail pipe), but there's enough oxygen in the exhuast for it to combust inside, so no flames would exit. If there wasn't enough oxygen then the fuel vapour would be ejected unignited because if you put your hand over the tail pipe, especially when the engine has just started it's no where near hot enough to ignite any fuel pushed through the exhaust.
Any Mustang owners that can answer yes/no rather than my benal ramblings?
BTW The Rolls Royce Merlin engine powered the WWII Spitfire fighter plane and after the war someone built a car around one of these engines. It's still going today although in it's 3rd incarnation because it keeps catching on fire
I only managed to find these links:
I think there must have been several different cars, there were certainly many version of the Merlin engine. The biggest one here is 27l and 1000bhp
Info about the spitfire, one version had a 1700bhp Merlin. Although it seems the last version of the Spitfire used a 2000bhp Rolls Royce Griffon engine which gave a top speed of 440mph and a ceiling of 40 000ft and use them to shoot down the V1 Buzz bombs
Interesting some of the stuff Google turn up.
Posts: 1513
From: somewhere in florida
Registered: SEP 2000
posted 06-28-2001 11:23 PM
you could spray gasoline or propane in to the very end of the tailpipe and have it ignited by a spark genorator, I would not recomend rigging up something to your spark plug power supply for your safety and the well bein of your car. if you are going to use propane you could probably use a N2O solenoid valve or a high pressure line purging solenoid valve if you have the time. a good ignitor for one would be a cheap stun gun and a 12 volt dc to 9 volt dc power converter for cars and wire it to the battery connector for the stun gun and run long wires through aquarium air tubing for fairly ok insulation (just keep the wires away from eachother.) and when the wires get near the exaust attach one end of the wires to the top of the spark plug and the other underneath the spark plug grounded area pinched between the tailpipe and thegrounded area of the sparkplug.
Frequent Poster
Posts: 253
Registered: NOV 2000
posted 07-03-2001 02:27 PM
there are several kits to add fuel injection or propane to your tailpipe.
very rich mixtures can also lead to raw fuel in the exhaust which can ignite.
also, sometimes if you take out the cat, it will get you some flames.
Frequent Poster
Posts: 95
From: Germany
Registered: OCT 2000
posted 07-07-2001 06:23 PM
If you've got an old car it'll exhaust some carbon monoxide that will be able to burn. Though I don't know if its concentration is high enough (12.5% will be sufficient).
Posts: 2383
From: England
Registered: SEP 2000
posted 07-08-2001 08:14 PM
CO burns??!!
Frequent Poster
Posts: 123
Registered: APR 2001
posted 07-10-2001 08:48 AM
The easiest is get yourself an old Mazda 626 (at least 12 years old) with stickshift gear and let it run downhill (engine on).
I had one of these and all the car drivers in my rear were constantly frightened of the flames it produced when backfiring which it did quite a lot.
At night it was just real fun while riding the car you could see these huge flashes lighting all what's behind your car, hehe...
I've sold that car a year ago. Consumed faaaar too much fuel.
Did I sell it or did I just leave it in a parking lot at a small railway station after damaging the engine beyound repair, destroying its interior with a flash bomb and taking the licence plates with me? Hmm... can't recall...