June 18th, 2003, 03:51 PM
New Member
Posts: 33
From: MO,USA
Registered: JAN 2001
posted 06-02-2001 10:22 AM
Last weekend I got really bored. So, I was messing with different mixtures of gas and oil. Then I tried burning just oil. I put a bit in the bottom of a cut off soda can. Then I put just a little gas on top and did not mix it. I lit it, and nothing spectacular happened. Its when the gas burned off is when the spectacular stuff happened. The aluminum heated up and boiled the oil. Just a little bit of a sizzle, bigger, bigger, until it was shooting boiling oil about 3 inches from the can. While this is not spectacular, if you scaled it up a bit, it sure could be. Imagine this in a riot or something. Just a can stitting by the street with a little bit of a flame, maybe 3 feet past the top of the can, just burning away. I doubt the police would take the time to put it out if people are throwing petrols and other such stuff at the police. Then, while the police are advancing, this thing starts shooting off hot oil. I doubt there would be a whole lot they could do for a person covered in hot oil. There is no flame, so rolling around would not put out the heat. Anybody up to trying this with maybe a 55 gallon drum and a few gallons of oil? I doubt it mainly because this would be quite easy to spot. But, since its not explosive, you would not get in too much trouble if you had a way of putting it out if somebody came. I imagine the lid to the can would work quite well.
Give me immortality or give me death!
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From: England
Registered: SEP 2000
posted 06-02-2001 04:04 PM
Well, I can't comment on it really, because I haven't seen it happen, but if I was a rioter, as the police started charging up, i'd just kick it over, surely that'd spread burning fuel better? Or find someway of throwing water at it, have you ever seen that on one of those fire videos?
Frequent Poster
Posts: 73
From: Melbourne, Australia
Registered: SEP 2000
posted 06-03-2001 01:09 PM
Yeah when I was younger I used to heat up oil in a can and throw bugs and slugs and stuff in, they would instantly boil and spray oil every where which would ignite.
"By the power of Grayskull, I HAVE THE POWER!" He-man
Check this out
[This message has been edited by Dracul (edited June 03, 2001).]
New Member
Posts: 33
From: MO,USA
Registered: JAN 2001
posted 06-03-2001 01:44 PM
Zaibatsu, the point of my idea really isnt to spread flaming oil on the ground. It is more to launch boiling oil through the air. If you could get the oil to be burning through the air, thats even better. But the ground is next to useless. Oil will spread out quite a bit and not have huge flames. You dont NEED huge flames if it is attached to your clothing or face though.
Give me immortality or give me death!
Posts: 1465
From: somewhere in florida
Registered: SEP 2000
posted 06-03-2001 04:28 PM
yes, but if there's a crowd then there are going to be people in the way of the oil and it will set their feet on fire. and people can walk over burning oil. also it's hard as hell to knock a 55 gallon drum filled with anything over esp if it is searing hot
Posts: 2306
From: England
Registered: SEP 2000
posted 06-03-2001 08:28 PM
Well the idea worked wuite well in ye olde Medieval times. When a castle was under seige the occupants would heat big cauldrons of oil over fires and when it was boiling hot, they'd just pour it over the walls onto the people trying to kick down the gates. Must ahve been quite a painful death.
New Member
Posts: 27
From: Florida, USA
Registered: MAY 2001
posted 06-04-2001 08:46 PM
How about heating the oil to a certain
temperature and then dropping an explosive
charge into it, thus throwing the oil, and
shrapnel all over the place?
Agent Blak
Frequent Poster
Posts: 766
From: Sk. Canada
Registered: SEP 2000
posted 06-05-2001 12:59 AM
I work in a seafood resteraunt with deep fryers all the time. The burns aren't that get used to it. the oil we use it around 350-360(doesn't say whether it is C or F). I don't think it would kill you but would deffinately make me chose another way to be-seige a castle.
A wise man once said:
"...There Will Be No
Stand Off At High Noon
... Shoot'em In The Back
And, Shoot'em In The Dark"
Agent Blak-------OUT!!
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Posts: 134
From: uk
Registered: MAR 2001
posted 06-05-2001 11:37 AM
viper...that wouldnt be a good idea!
Posts: 2306
From: England
Registered: SEP 2000
posted 06-05-2001 02:57 PM
Yeah but you don't cook with boiling oil and a splatter on your arm cools a lot faster than several gallons dumped on your head. I think they might have set fire to the oil as well.
I don't see why a dispersing charge would be a bad idea.
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Posts: 92
Registered: DEC 2000
posted 06-05-2001 03:24 PM
Greek fire is one hell of a weapon if you use it right. It's almost like a Napalm flamethrower except it hurts a hell of a lot more than regular burns. It's best to use crude oil mixed with something like gasoline or other highly flammable substance to keep it going.
FYI: Back in the day (150 B.C), the Greeks created and mounted a new weapon on their ships. It's first use was in an ambush (The first naval ambush in recorded history). When the enemy came sailing in after the bait, WHAM. Needless to say the Greeks won.
Posts: 2306
From: England
Registered: SEP 2000
posted 06-05-2001 03:38 PM
Greek Fire contained KNO3, it's a fuel oxidiser mixture rather than napalm
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Posts: 679
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posted 06-05-2001 10:55 PM
Water's boiling temperature is much lower than oil's, if water were poured into the hot oil, the water would boil, causing the oil to fly everywhere.
I once dropped an ice cube into a pot of oil when we were making enchillada's, causing a splatter, instantly the sweat on my skin started to boil, when I wiped it off with a wet sponge alot of skin came with it.
Posts: 1465
From: somewhere in florida
Registered: SEP 2000
posted 06-06-2001 01:32 AM
what if you had a pressure washer and you arcked it into the burning oil container so it splashed eveywhere, also what if a fire hose was attached in the bottom and you turned the water on spraying water and burning oil everywhere?
New Member
Posts: 33
From: MO,USA
Registered: JAN 2001
posted 06-02-2001 10:22 AM
Last weekend I got really bored. So, I was messing with different mixtures of gas and oil. Then I tried burning just oil. I put a bit in the bottom of a cut off soda can. Then I put just a little gas on top and did not mix it. I lit it, and nothing spectacular happened. Its when the gas burned off is when the spectacular stuff happened. The aluminum heated up and boiled the oil. Just a little bit of a sizzle, bigger, bigger, until it was shooting boiling oil about 3 inches from the can. While this is not spectacular, if you scaled it up a bit, it sure could be. Imagine this in a riot or something. Just a can stitting by the street with a little bit of a flame, maybe 3 feet past the top of the can, just burning away. I doubt the police would take the time to put it out if people are throwing petrols and other such stuff at the police. Then, while the police are advancing, this thing starts shooting off hot oil. I doubt there would be a whole lot they could do for a person covered in hot oil. There is no flame, so rolling around would not put out the heat. Anybody up to trying this with maybe a 55 gallon drum and a few gallons of oil? I doubt it mainly because this would be quite easy to spot. But, since its not explosive, you would not get in too much trouble if you had a way of putting it out if somebody came. I imagine the lid to the can would work quite well.
Give me immortality or give me death!
Frequent Poster
Posts: 407
From: England
Registered: SEP 2000
posted 06-02-2001 04:04 PM
Well, I can't comment on it really, because I haven't seen it happen, but if I was a rioter, as the police started charging up, i'd just kick it over, surely that'd spread burning fuel better? Or find someway of throwing water at it, have you ever seen that on one of those fire videos?
Frequent Poster
Posts: 73
From: Melbourne, Australia
Registered: SEP 2000
posted 06-03-2001 01:09 PM
Yeah when I was younger I used to heat up oil in a can and throw bugs and slugs and stuff in, they would instantly boil and spray oil every where which would ignite.
"By the power of Grayskull, I HAVE THE POWER!" He-man
Check this out
[This message has been edited by Dracul (edited June 03, 2001).]
New Member
Posts: 33
From: MO,USA
Registered: JAN 2001
posted 06-03-2001 01:44 PM
Zaibatsu, the point of my idea really isnt to spread flaming oil on the ground. It is more to launch boiling oil through the air. If you could get the oil to be burning through the air, thats even better. But the ground is next to useless. Oil will spread out quite a bit and not have huge flames. You dont NEED huge flames if it is attached to your clothing or face though.
Give me immortality or give me death!
Posts: 1465
From: somewhere in florida
Registered: SEP 2000
posted 06-03-2001 04:28 PM
yes, but if there's a crowd then there are going to be people in the way of the oil and it will set their feet on fire. and people can walk over burning oil. also it's hard as hell to knock a 55 gallon drum filled with anything over esp if it is searing hot
Posts: 2306
From: England
Registered: SEP 2000
posted 06-03-2001 08:28 PM
Well the idea worked wuite well in ye olde Medieval times. When a castle was under seige the occupants would heat big cauldrons of oil over fires and when it was boiling hot, they'd just pour it over the walls onto the people trying to kick down the gates. Must ahve been quite a painful death.
New Member
Posts: 27
From: Florida, USA
Registered: MAY 2001
posted 06-04-2001 08:46 PM
How about heating the oil to a certain
temperature and then dropping an explosive
charge into it, thus throwing the oil, and
shrapnel all over the place?
Agent Blak
Frequent Poster
Posts: 766
From: Sk. Canada
Registered: SEP 2000
posted 06-05-2001 12:59 AM
I work in a seafood resteraunt with deep fryers all the time. The burns aren't that get used to it. the oil we use it around 350-360(doesn't say whether it is C or F). I don't think it would kill you but would deffinately make me chose another way to be-seige a castle.
A wise man once said:
"...There Will Be No
Stand Off At High Noon
... Shoot'em In The Back
And, Shoot'em In The Dark"
Agent Blak-------OUT!!
Frequent Poster
Posts: 134
From: uk
Registered: MAR 2001
posted 06-05-2001 11:37 AM
viper...that wouldnt be a good idea!
Posts: 2306
From: England
Registered: SEP 2000
posted 06-05-2001 02:57 PM
Yeah but you don't cook with boiling oil and a splatter on your arm cools a lot faster than several gallons dumped on your head. I think they might have set fire to the oil as well.
I don't see why a dispersing charge would be a bad idea.
Frequent Poster
Posts: 92
Registered: DEC 2000
posted 06-05-2001 03:24 PM
Greek fire is one hell of a weapon if you use it right. It's almost like a Napalm flamethrower except it hurts a hell of a lot more than regular burns. It's best to use crude oil mixed with something like gasoline or other highly flammable substance to keep it going.
FYI: Back in the day (150 B.C), the Greeks created and mounted a new weapon on their ships. It's first use was in an ambush (The first naval ambush in recorded history). When the enemy came sailing in after the bait, WHAM. Needless to say the Greeks won.
Posts: 2306
From: England
Registered: SEP 2000
posted 06-05-2001 03:38 PM
Greek Fire contained KNO3, it's a fuel oxidiser mixture rather than napalm
Frequent Poster
Posts: 679
Registered: SEP 2000
posted 06-05-2001 10:55 PM
Water's boiling temperature is much lower than oil's, if water were poured into the hot oil, the water would boil, causing the oil to fly everywhere.
I once dropped an ice cube into a pot of oil when we were making enchillada's, causing a splatter, instantly the sweat on my skin started to boil, when I wiped it off with a wet sponge alot of skin came with it.
Posts: 1465
From: somewhere in florida
Registered: SEP 2000
posted 06-06-2001 01:32 AM
what if you had a pressure washer and you arcked it into the burning oil container so it splashed eveywhere, also what if a fire hose was attached in the bottom and you turned the water on spraying water and burning oil everywhere?