June 10th, 2003, 02:10 PM
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posted 01-11-2001 07:10 PM
does anyone here have any ideas about making grenades that dont use fuse but rather use an impact detonation?
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posted 01-11-2001 07:31 PM
fill a pill bottle full of unwashed AP and throw it on the ground
(hmmm wait thats not safe...)
impact grenades are hard to get to work if you only have one end with an impact sensitive explosive you need fins or streamers like some WWII german grenades had
the best advice I can give you is to just get nbk2000's file
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posted 01-11-2001 07:35 PM
i was thinking maybe a double end ignition, and nbk's file doesnt load right on my pc
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Agent Blak
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posted 01-11-2001 07:49 PM
3 words.
Potato Masher Grenade.
I am sure the boys will fill you in. You can read up on the in the PMJB vol 1. it works off a Shot gun Shell Primer.
Do you have Adobe Acrobat? If not that is why you can't read NBK's Stuff
A wise man once said:
"It has To Start Some Where, It Has To Start Some Time;
What Better Place Than Here, What Better Time Than Now!!"
Agent Blak-------OUT!!
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posted 01-11-2001 08:48 PM
hmmm it won't load right on mine either
(damn pdf files) how about a nitroglycerine molotov cocktail unsafe is an understatement...
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posted 01-11-2001 11:22 PM
balloons do the trick nicely if you cut the neck off of two or three of 'em and tape them to the bottom of your container put something like black powder in the bottom then fill the rest of the container with HE put tassles on the end and voila. Another fun thing to do with ballons is fill them up to where they are just a little bigger than the deflated balloon (there will be some pressure on the rubber) then massage the balloon so the gunpowder is completely packed in and has no way of misfiring and then tie it off and throw it at something
Posts: 2306
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posted 01-12-2001 07:58 AM
"gunpowder" (whatever that is) won't go off if you simply throw a ballon full of it at something!
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posted 01-12-2001 04:09 PM
To get the grenades to land face down (or wherever the impact sensitive charge is) you simply put something really heavy on the place where the impact sensitive charge is, and when you chuck it, the bit which is heavy will hit the ground. Or you could just completely coat the grenade with the sensitive shit.
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posted 01-12-2001 11:22 PM
i had the greatest idea fora grenade, its not gonna blow someone to bits but it does what im looking for,
remember the pengun idea? well just fill it with some powder(your choice) then add some bb's or lead to the end where the metal cap is (thats what hits for the impact) then just tape or stick a cap on the front and throw!! the weight from the lead or bb's should pull the nose down and hit it, if that doesnt work just tie a streamer on the back, and dont spin it when you throw, just toss it, ive only been able to throw them a good 30-40 feet though
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posted 01-13-2001 08:18 AM
well a sort of impact grenade i made was just a shoty shell with a marball glued to the primer the ones i made i took the bb's out of the shell so the weight would be different if you left them in these were very relyable just make shure the bb's are steel not lead because when i used lead ones they just got bent out of shape and diddnt set anything off
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From: Petersburg
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posted 01-20-2001 07:47 PM
What if you tookl a marbel sized ball of epoxy or resin and pushed some nail heads in it then you cut a ping pong ball open and lined it with AP filled percussion caps then put the spike bal inside so that when the grenade hit the ground any way it hit the nail ball would hit a percussion cap(put one of these in a softball sized grenade then fill it with RDX get a nice big boom,Sorry If I said alot to say alittle (PLEASE NO BAD KARMA!! :rolleyes
"Oh Sh".::BOOM::((later
in front of saint peter))
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From: the cretaceous period
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posted 01-20-2001 09:57 PM
Im suprised Pyro 500 hasn't said anything about his quarters taped together with AP in between the quarters.
Not really an anti-personnel weapon but it does make a loud report when thrown hard at concrete
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posted 01-21-2001 01:55 AM
i know about the quarter thing, i just use some pennies and matchpowder, a nice little bang, not an anti personell thing but why would i need an anti personnel weapon in the first place?
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posted 01-23-2001 06:56 PM
Impact Grenades are a subject of weaponry where there are may possibilities, here are just some off the top of my head:
1)Grenade Full Of Shock Sensitive Mixture
2)Shock Sensetive explosive to set off a secondary explosive
3)Device with a seperator that when struck, breaks the seperator and allows chemicals to mix.
Posts: 2306
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posted 01-23-2001 07:34 PM
1) and 3) sound *very* dangerous.
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From: dunno
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posted 01-23-2001 07:50 PM
all explosive mixtures are dangerous, especially impact grenades, a grenade that is meant to go off when it is struck, that is exactly the thing most wise pyrotechnicians fear the most, what if you were to drop it in the lab, or you sneezed and for ther split second you closed your eyes, bumbed your desk, so when you say soihd very dngerous, any impact intended device is very dangerous, i wasnt trying to criticize, just hoping to use your statement as an example towards anyone interested in creating an "Impact Grenade"
Posts: 1465
From: somewhere in florida
Registered: SEP 2000
posted 01-23-2001 09:03 PM
I had the idea for a long, missle like bomb with an impact sensitive nose made with a jar lid jutted against the tip of the bomb ( filled with ap of cource and have some sensitive compound between that and the explosive (like flash powder) and to get it to go land nose first tie a bit of rope to the oppisite, I forgot, tape the nose on gently!!!!!) end and loop it above your head and let go, kinda like throwing a rock tied to a short piece of rope, if you attach fins, even cheest ones it should have a better chance of landing on it's nose.
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posted 01-24-2001 03:11 AM
Here's an idea I've been mulling over: a grenade case full of explosive filler,with a seperated two-part shock-sensitive initiator which is mechanically mixed,immediately before use.Havn't figured out the logistics yet,but I'm workin' on it!.
"That which does not kill us,makes us stronger"
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posted 01-24-2001 01:58 PM
Got an ok idea, how about using a 555 monostable timer to set a delay of about 3 seconds, and then it switches on. This turns the rest of the electronics in the grenade on, which are basically a lod of push switches in parallel (i think, or is it series?) and so when one hit, it completes the circuit and so ignites igniter etc, and boom.
The good thing about the delay is that it won't go off prematurely (hopefully) when you're holding it. Ideas please!
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posted 01-24-2001 05:56 PM
That sounds like a great idea :-) You'de have to test the circuit thoroughly first, and use it in a dummy grenade. With the dummy grenade, you should deliberately try and get it to malfunction, or at least carry out many firings. Experiment with different battery power levels, including dead/half charged batteries. Make sure the circuit's watertight. Immerse the dummy in water for a day or two and open it up. Drop it, throw it, then open it up to make sure nothing's come loose. If it 'goes off' during these tests, find out what went wrong and fix it before using it in a live device.
I've built many circuits, I don't think any have worked first time and none were without problems. With this kind of application, an error could mean more than a few burnt out components!
Just a few thoughts.
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posted 01-25-2001 12:02 PM
Yes that's a good idea, but I would used a motion/vibration switch instead of the push switches. If you had the delay fail safed then at the worst you would have a grenade with a 3sec delay (I would increase to 5sec). 9volt batteries can last a long time I found one that is at least 2 years old and is fine.
"ARE YOUR PAPERS IN ORDER" -- Jack Booted Thug
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posted 01-25-2001 02:15 PM
Surely a motion switch (possibly vibration too) would, if you threw the grenade, detonate it as soon as it armed?
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posted 01-26-2001 03:39 PM
yeah, possibly you could have a 10sec timer running as well, so if the impact didn't set it off, then the timer would
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[This message has been edited by zaibatsu (edited January 26, 2001).]
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posted 03-07-2001 02:29 AM
i was thinking of making some ammonium-triiodide ( i know its highly unstable, but there might be a way to make it less sensitive? dilute the ammonia? anyway...)and taking some of those pill casings they sell -that people put medication in- and then either filling them with the ammonium triiodide, or fill one half with that, and the other with BP. not quite a grenade, but because of the small size you could throw them quite discreetly, and have a load of fun in a movie theatre .
the early worm gets eaten by the bird.
[This message has been edited by ASSGREMLIN (edited June 27, 2001).]
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posted 03-07-2001 08:22 AM
The stuff your thinking about using ASSGREMLIN is dangerous, almost as dangerous as using Armstrongs Explosive (which isn't that bad of a possibility). You definitely got to scratch the nitrogen tri-iodide mix, besides iodine is hard to get.
~Semper Fi~
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posted 03-07-2001 02:06 PM
I'll second that.
Ni3 is extremely sensitive to shock, so much in fact, that an ant crawling on it can detonate it. Plus, it isn't very powerful, it doesn't actually detonate, it just decomposes *very* rapidly.
Posts: 2306
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posted 03-07-2001 03:54 PM
No, I think it actually detonates. nitrogen triiodide has not practical uses since it is so amazingly sensitive. It's for demos only.
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posted 03-08-2001 12:49 AM
I beileve Kurt mentioned that Nitrogen tri-iodide is a fulminate in one of the PMJBs'.
[This message has been edited by BoB- (edited March 08, 2001).]
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From: Danbury,CT,U.S.A
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posted 03-12-2001 12:53 PM
Well,i had a similar idea to assgremlins(love the name) but it was more fun and effective.What you do is take a huge empty pill casing and fill it up with your favorite shock sensitive HE(perhaps even flash)ans stick a blowgun dart into it very gently.Then shoot it out of that same caliber blowgunlater-Pyro
Mr Cool
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posted 03-12-2001 01:56 PM
Nitrogen tiiodide is not a fulminate, quite simply because it doesn't contain a fulminate group (ONC-). There's no carbon or oxygen in it.
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posted 03-12-2001 11:15 PM
I never said it was *safe*, cause really, what is? I was thinking about diluting the ammonia with pure water, maybe making it more stable? anyone know if it would work?
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posted 03-13-2001 01:27 AM
No, you'll just get a smaller yeild of the same product, You'll probably never make it stable.
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posted 03-16-2001 09:01 PM
I got some recipies for making cracker balls and globe torpedoes. These work realy well as impact sensitive detonators and you can scale them up or down depending on what you are detonating. If anyone wants me to post these then i will. I haven't tried them but they are from a very reliable source (professional pyrotechnics thing)
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posted 03-16-2001 10:46 PM
Forget nitrogen triodide. Saxton is a guy that admits blowing his fingers off trying to grind a mixture of KClO3 and red phosphous with a mortar and pestle.
If you want to try a impact or motion switch try powering it with a thermocouple heated by a pyrotechnic heat source. The heat source is ignited by a conventional grenade fuse, instantanous. Power becomes available 2 or 3 seconds after leaving your hand.
Otherwise go with a percussion fuze and a body configuration that will orientate the grenade for fuze activation.
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posted 04-06-2001 07:07 PM
I have an idea. I was looking at the insides of a toy that said somthing when you through it on the ground. Anyway, you could have a a battery with two wires on each end + and - and have the positive wire connected to one wire of an ignitor, and on the other wire of the ignitor there is a wire leading to a spring in a small short tube on the end of the wire. And the wire from the negative side of the battery is connected to the tube.So that when it is hit hard enough the spring will touch the side of the short tube and will complete the curcuit and the igniter will start and ignite your explosive. This might work, but I dont know if it would ignite the igniter because the spring doesnt stay on the side of the short tube too long.
[This message has been edited by Frosty (edited April 06, 2001).]
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posted 05-27-2001 10:53 PM
Hello all of u who r looking for ways to make grenades ....check out my postings in the 2nd page (near the end) of A big charge of AP in explosive peroxides. Post any questions there.
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posted 05-27-2001 11:46 PM
KClO3 and red phosphous isn't nitrogen tri iodide, it's armstrongs mix, witch could be used here
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posted 05-28-2001 03:13 AM
How about that idea you frequently see on KeWl BomBarZ type sites? That is, filling a tennis ball up with safety matchheads (don't even fucking think about using strike anywheres)... It should be comparitively safe, some improvised explosives books (IMH, PMJB, etc.) even suggest making pipe bombs from them, but I'd still only carry it around in a plastic bag on the end of a long stick.
Posts: 1465
From: somewhere in florida
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posted 05-28-2001 04:21 AM
safety matches wont go off that way they are just a potassium chlorate and they form armstrongs mix when you strike it on the red phosphorus it ignites but it is very difficult to detonate in a tennis ball! however you can do it with a hammer (saposedly) the strike anywhere or kitchen matches ignite without the striker beacuse the chlorate and red p is already mixed. you should be reasonably safe with a new box of them, I have been unable to light the new kitchen matches on anything but hard things like walls, my bots, and other hard and dry surfaces
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posted 05-28-2001 05:33 AM
Safety matches contain potassium chlorate and antimony trisulfide, incidentally, the same composition used for impact firecrackers. You obviously haven't seen what a rock of powdered matchhead stuff binded with dextrin will do when thrown at a hard surface.
Agent Blak
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posted 05-28-2001 10:20 AM
We used to always make tennis ball grenades as adolescents. We would get some Red Birds set up an assembly line and go to work.
we never had any problems with them...ever.
we would go out on a friday usually saturday(we had time to prep that way) and would reak havoc with Tennis Ball grenades and KNO3/Sucrose Smoke bombs...
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posted 05-28-2001 06:19 PM
Agent Blak, please elaborate on your experiences. I get get tens of thousands of matches for a few bucks (it's like 500 for 36c), and I live near a tennis court. Sounds like it could be a fun new hobbie! *evil grin*
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posted 01-11-2001 07:10 PM
does anyone here have any ideas about making grenades that dont use fuse but rather use an impact detonation?
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posted 01-11-2001 07:31 PM
fill a pill bottle full of unwashed AP and throw it on the ground
(hmmm wait thats not safe...)
impact grenades are hard to get to work if you only have one end with an impact sensitive explosive you need fins or streamers like some WWII german grenades had
the best advice I can give you is to just get nbk2000's file
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posted 01-11-2001 07:35 PM
i was thinking maybe a double end ignition, and nbk's file doesnt load right on my pc
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Agent Blak
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posted 01-11-2001 07:49 PM
3 words.
Potato Masher Grenade.
I am sure the boys will fill you in. You can read up on the in the PMJB vol 1. it works off a Shot gun Shell Primer.
Do you have Adobe Acrobat? If not that is why you can't read NBK's Stuff
A wise man once said:
"It has To Start Some Where, It Has To Start Some Time;
What Better Place Than Here, What Better Time Than Now!!"
Agent Blak-------OUT!!
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posted 01-11-2001 08:48 PM
hmmm it won't load right on mine either
(damn pdf files) how about a nitroglycerine molotov cocktail unsafe is an understatement...
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posted 01-11-2001 11:22 PM
balloons do the trick nicely if you cut the neck off of two or three of 'em and tape them to the bottom of your container put something like black powder in the bottom then fill the rest of the container with HE put tassles on the end and voila. Another fun thing to do with ballons is fill them up to where they are just a little bigger than the deflated balloon (there will be some pressure on the rubber) then massage the balloon so the gunpowder is completely packed in and has no way of misfiring and then tie it off and throw it at something
Posts: 2306
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posted 01-12-2001 07:58 AM
"gunpowder" (whatever that is) won't go off if you simply throw a ballon full of it at something!
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posted 01-12-2001 04:09 PM
To get the grenades to land face down (or wherever the impact sensitive charge is) you simply put something really heavy on the place where the impact sensitive charge is, and when you chuck it, the bit which is heavy will hit the ground. Or you could just completely coat the grenade with the sensitive shit.
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posted 01-12-2001 11:22 PM
i had the greatest idea fora grenade, its not gonna blow someone to bits but it does what im looking for,
remember the pengun idea? well just fill it with some powder(your choice) then add some bb's or lead to the end where the metal cap is (thats what hits for the impact) then just tape or stick a cap on the front and throw!! the weight from the lead or bb's should pull the nose down and hit it, if that doesnt work just tie a streamer on the back, and dont spin it when you throw, just toss it, ive only been able to throw them a good 30-40 feet though
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posted 01-13-2001 08:18 AM
well a sort of impact grenade i made was just a shoty shell with a marball glued to the primer the ones i made i took the bb's out of the shell so the weight would be different if you left them in these were very relyable just make shure the bb's are steel not lead because when i used lead ones they just got bent out of shape and diddnt set anything off
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From: Petersburg
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posted 01-20-2001 07:47 PM
What if you tookl a marbel sized ball of epoxy or resin and pushed some nail heads in it then you cut a ping pong ball open and lined it with AP filled percussion caps then put the spike bal inside so that when the grenade hit the ground any way it hit the nail ball would hit a percussion cap(put one of these in a softball sized grenade then fill it with RDX get a nice big boom,Sorry If I said alot to say alittle (PLEASE NO BAD KARMA!! :rolleyes
"Oh Sh".::BOOM::((later
in front of saint peter))
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From: the cretaceous period
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posted 01-20-2001 09:57 PM
Im suprised Pyro 500 hasn't said anything about his quarters taped together with AP in between the quarters.
Not really an anti-personnel weapon but it does make a loud report when thrown hard at concrete
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posted 01-21-2001 01:55 AM
i know about the quarter thing, i just use some pennies and matchpowder, a nice little bang, not an anti personell thing but why would i need an anti personnel weapon in the first place?
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From: dunno
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posted 01-23-2001 06:56 PM
Impact Grenades are a subject of weaponry where there are may possibilities, here are just some off the top of my head:
1)Grenade Full Of Shock Sensitive Mixture
2)Shock Sensetive explosive to set off a secondary explosive
3)Device with a seperator that when struck, breaks the seperator and allows chemicals to mix.
Posts: 2306
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posted 01-23-2001 07:34 PM
1) and 3) sound *very* dangerous.
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From: dunno
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posted 01-23-2001 07:50 PM
all explosive mixtures are dangerous, especially impact grenades, a grenade that is meant to go off when it is struck, that is exactly the thing most wise pyrotechnicians fear the most, what if you were to drop it in the lab, or you sneezed and for ther split second you closed your eyes, bumbed your desk, so when you say soihd very dngerous, any impact intended device is very dangerous, i wasnt trying to criticize, just hoping to use your statement as an example towards anyone interested in creating an "Impact Grenade"
Posts: 1465
From: somewhere in florida
Registered: SEP 2000
posted 01-23-2001 09:03 PM
I had the idea for a long, missle like bomb with an impact sensitive nose made with a jar lid jutted against the tip of the bomb ( filled with ap of cource and have some sensitive compound between that and the explosive (like flash powder) and to get it to go land nose first tie a bit of rope to the oppisite, I forgot, tape the nose on gently!!!!!) end and loop it above your head and let go, kinda like throwing a rock tied to a short piece of rope, if you attach fins, even cheest ones it should have a better chance of landing on it's nose.
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posted 01-24-2001 03:11 AM
Here's an idea I've been mulling over: a grenade case full of explosive filler,with a seperated two-part shock-sensitive initiator which is mechanically mixed,immediately before use.Havn't figured out the logistics yet,but I'm workin' on it!.
"That which does not kill us,makes us stronger"
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posted 01-24-2001 01:58 PM
Got an ok idea, how about using a 555 monostable timer to set a delay of about 3 seconds, and then it switches on. This turns the rest of the electronics in the grenade on, which are basically a lod of push switches in parallel (i think, or is it series?) and so when one hit, it completes the circuit and so ignites igniter etc, and boom.
The good thing about the delay is that it won't go off prematurely (hopefully) when you're holding it. Ideas please!
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Posts: 602
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posted 01-24-2001 05:56 PM
That sounds like a great idea :-) You'de have to test the circuit thoroughly first, and use it in a dummy grenade. With the dummy grenade, you should deliberately try and get it to malfunction, or at least carry out many firings. Experiment with different battery power levels, including dead/half charged batteries. Make sure the circuit's watertight. Immerse the dummy in water for a day or two and open it up. Drop it, throw it, then open it up to make sure nothing's come loose. If it 'goes off' during these tests, find out what went wrong and fix it before using it in a live device.
I've built many circuits, I don't think any have worked first time and none were without problems. With this kind of application, an error could mean more than a few burnt out components!
Just a few thoughts.
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posted 01-25-2001 12:02 PM
Yes that's a good idea, but I would used a motion/vibration switch instead of the push switches. If you had the delay fail safed then at the worst you would have a grenade with a 3sec delay (I would increase to 5sec). 9volt batteries can last a long time I found one that is at least 2 years old and is fine.
"ARE YOUR PAPERS IN ORDER" -- Jack Booted Thug
Posts: 2306
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posted 01-25-2001 02:15 PM
Surely a motion switch (possibly vibration too) would, if you threw the grenade, detonate it as soon as it armed?
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posted 01-26-2001 03:39 PM
yeah, possibly you could have a 10sec timer running as well, so if the impact didn't set it off, then the timer would
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[This message has been edited by zaibatsu (edited January 26, 2001).]
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From: NIL
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posted 03-07-2001 02:29 AM
i was thinking of making some ammonium-triiodide ( i know its highly unstable, but there might be a way to make it less sensitive? dilute the ammonia? anyway...)and taking some of those pill casings they sell -that people put medication in- and then either filling them with the ammonium triiodide, or fill one half with that, and the other with BP. not quite a grenade, but because of the small size you could throw them quite discreetly, and have a load of fun in a movie theatre .
the early worm gets eaten by the bird.
[This message has been edited by ASSGREMLIN (edited June 27, 2001).]
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posted 03-07-2001 08:22 AM
The stuff your thinking about using ASSGREMLIN is dangerous, almost as dangerous as using Armstrongs Explosive (which isn't that bad of a possibility). You definitely got to scratch the nitrogen tri-iodide mix, besides iodine is hard to get.
~Semper Fi~
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posted 03-07-2001 02:06 PM
I'll second that.
Ni3 is extremely sensitive to shock, so much in fact, that an ant crawling on it can detonate it. Plus, it isn't very powerful, it doesn't actually detonate, it just decomposes *very* rapidly.
Posts: 2306
From: England
Registered: SEP 2000
posted 03-07-2001 03:54 PM
No, I think it actually detonates. nitrogen triiodide has not practical uses since it is so amazingly sensitive. It's for demos only.
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posted 03-08-2001 12:49 AM
I beileve Kurt mentioned that Nitrogen tri-iodide is a fulminate in one of the PMJBs'.
[This message has been edited by BoB- (edited March 08, 2001).]
Frequent Poster
Posts: 104
From: Danbury,CT,U.S.A
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posted 03-12-2001 12:53 PM
Well,i had a similar idea to assgremlins(love the name) but it was more fun and effective.What you do is take a huge empty pill casing and fill it up with your favorite shock sensitive HE(perhaps even flash)ans stick a blowgun dart into it very gently.Then shoot it out of that same caliber blowgunlater-Pyro
Mr Cool
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From: None of your bloody business!
Registered: DEC 2000
posted 03-12-2001 01:56 PM
Nitrogen tiiodide is not a fulminate, quite simply because it doesn't contain a fulminate group (ONC-). There's no carbon or oxygen in it.
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Registered: MAR 2001
posted 03-12-2001 11:15 PM
I never said it was *safe*, cause really, what is? I was thinking about diluting the ammonia with pure water, maybe making it more stable? anyone know if it would work?
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posted 03-13-2001 01:27 AM
No, you'll just get a smaller yeild of the same product, You'll probably never make it stable.
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posted 03-16-2001 09:01 PM
I got some recipies for making cracker balls and globe torpedoes. These work realy well as impact sensitive detonators and you can scale them up or down depending on what you are detonating. If anyone wants me to post these then i will. I haven't tried them but they are from a very reliable source (professional pyrotechnics thing)
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Registered: FEB 2001
posted 03-16-2001 10:46 PM
Forget nitrogen triodide. Saxton is a guy that admits blowing his fingers off trying to grind a mixture of KClO3 and red phosphous with a mortar and pestle.
If you want to try a impact or motion switch try powering it with a thermocouple heated by a pyrotechnic heat source. The heat source is ignited by a conventional grenade fuse, instantanous. Power becomes available 2 or 3 seconds after leaving your hand.
Otherwise go with a percussion fuze and a body configuration that will orientate the grenade for fuze activation.
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posted 04-06-2001 07:07 PM
I have an idea. I was looking at the insides of a toy that said somthing when you through it on the ground. Anyway, you could have a a battery with two wires on each end + and - and have the positive wire connected to one wire of an ignitor, and on the other wire of the ignitor there is a wire leading to a spring in a small short tube on the end of the wire. And the wire from the negative side of the battery is connected to the tube.So that when it is hit hard enough the spring will touch the side of the short tube and will complete the curcuit and the igniter will start and ignite your explosive. This might work, but I dont know if it would ignite the igniter because the spring doesnt stay on the side of the short tube too long.
[This message has been edited by Frosty (edited April 06, 2001).]
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From: New Delhi, India
Registered: MAY 2001
posted 05-27-2001 10:53 PM
Hello all of u who r looking for ways to make grenades ....check out my postings in the 2nd page (near the end) of A big charge of AP in explosive peroxides. Post any questions there.
"Go out in a BLAZE OF GLORY"
Posts: 1465
From: somewhere in florida
Registered: SEP 2000
posted 05-27-2001 11:46 PM
KClO3 and red phosphous isn't nitrogen tri iodide, it's armstrongs mix, witch could be used here
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From: Your Nightmares
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posted 05-28-2001 03:13 AM
How about that idea you frequently see on KeWl BomBarZ type sites? That is, filling a tennis ball up with safety matchheads (don't even fucking think about using strike anywheres)... It should be comparitively safe, some improvised explosives books (IMH, PMJB, etc.) even suggest making pipe bombs from them, but I'd still only carry it around in a plastic bag on the end of a long stick.
Posts: 1465
From: somewhere in florida
Registered: SEP 2000
posted 05-28-2001 04:21 AM
safety matches wont go off that way they are just a potassium chlorate and they form armstrongs mix when you strike it on the red phosphorus it ignites but it is very difficult to detonate in a tennis ball! however you can do it with a hammer (saposedly) the strike anywhere or kitchen matches ignite without the striker beacuse the chlorate and red p is already mixed. you should be reasonably safe with a new box of them, I have been unable to light the new kitchen matches on anything but hard things like walls, my bots, and other hard and dry surfaces
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From: Your Nightmares
Registered: NOV 2000
posted 05-28-2001 05:33 AM
Safety matches contain potassium chlorate and antimony trisulfide, incidentally, the same composition used for impact firecrackers. You obviously haven't seen what a rock of powdered matchhead stuff binded with dextrin will do when thrown at a hard surface.
Agent Blak
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posted 05-28-2001 10:20 AM
We used to always make tennis ball grenades as adolescents. We would get some Red Birds set up an assembly line and go to work.
we never had any problems with them...ever.
we would go out on a friday usually saturday(we had time to prep that way) and would reak havoc with Tennis Ball grenades and KNO3/Sucrose Smoke bombs...
Frequent Poster
Posts: 383
From: Your Nightmares
Registered: NOV 2000
posted 05-28-2001 06:19 PM
Agent Blak, please elaborate on your experiences. I get get tens of thousands of matches for a few bucks (it's like 500 for 36c), and I live near a tennis court. Sounds like it could be a fun new hobbie! *evil grin*