May 31st, 2003, 10:43 AM
Frequent Poster
Posts: 160
From: USA
Registered: OCT 2000
posted 04-08-2001 10:40 PM
Ok, this isn't about how to download nbk's files or anything, it is about questions pertaining to them. The most important one for me is about the shotgun grenade. You recommend AP Putty as a filler, and I was wondering if you are sure it is able to withstand the shock. And you also imply that you are using the shell of a slug, is it ok to use a #8 bird/clay shot with a 1300 fps velocity and a 1 1/8 oz load (is their a significant difference in the fps that will give a dangerously greater shock)? And by your wording, I assume it is compatible with automatic/pump action 12 gauges? And I don't completely understand how you are to glue the tire tube to the back of the projectile (is the rubber supposed to cave into the cartridge or go around the outside)? Thanks a lot, anyone. Not that I would ever consider using this potentially dangerous and illegal shell, or the one that shreds bullet proof vests described in your pdf .
Posts: 1096
From: Guess
Registered: SEP 2000
posted 04-11-2001 06:31 PM
Firstly, if you read the end of the file you would see that I said:
"I haven't made or fired one of these since that would be illegal and dangerous so don't do it either. This is purely speculation on my part." This is the truth.
I only went as far as drop testing primed shells to see if they'd go off from impact (they did) with concrete and brick.
As for the filling, it was discussed in the original topic that the grenades were discussed in and it was concluded that as long as the AP was pure, and the AP had no air gaps in it, that it would be stable to the shock.
But even so, it would be best to test fire a lot of these shells using a cheap pipe shotgun remotely fired by pulling a string. This is needed to determine if it is safe, and if it turns out not to be, than you're still alive and only lose a $10 pipe gun.
"...a very thin rubber gasket disk cut from an inner tube on top of the explosive filler then seal the end with bondo epoxy.." I don't see how much plainer it can be made. You put the rubber gasket on top off the explosive to prevent any contact of the explosive with the bondo putty used to seal the end.
Since the grenade fits inside the shotgun shell it will cycle through any weapon the shell can fit in. However, it may not cycle a gas operated weapon like an 1100. And since it's lighter than a lead projectile, I'd cut the powder charge in half, just to be safe. You can always bump up the powder charge after you've gained some experience with the round.
"The knowledge that they fear is a weapon to be used against them"
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Frequent Poster
Posts: 160
From: USA
Registered: OCT 2000
posted 04-11-2001 08:07 PM
Ok, thanks. These should be quiet a bit of fun when I get to make them . I wonder what the people at the range will think?
Posts: 2306
From: England
Registered: SEP 2000
posted 04-12-2001 03:37 PM
They might say:
"you're fucking banned! Get the hell out of here before I call the police!"
Frequent Poster
Posts: 160
From: USA
Registered: OCT 2000
posted 04-12-2001 04:28 PM
Not where I live, Oklahoma. I didn't even know they made inside ranges until I went to Michigan with my dad. And boy, they totally shit them selves when I walk in holding my .22 and 9mm and asked to shoot. They was like what the FUCK? You have to be 18... The range here (about a mile from school, conviently placed I guess) has/had a sign that said something like you have to have a license to shoot here, but people (the ones that get drunk after church with their shotguns and SKS's) totally blew the mother fucker away (barely a pole left). Its just a long flat place with a big long hill at the end. The other day I went there to get some shells (to make detonators) and had just bought a cap gun to make a detonator for my grenades. I got bored and started shooting at targets to waist time. Then a guy with a fucking HUGE sniper rifle walked up behind me to the other seat and I didn't see him. Boy I felt stupid . Anyway, I very rarely see anyone there so I should be safe. And besides, who would fuck with a guy and his explosive ammo? I should be fine, hell if anyone does see me I bet they will just ask if they can shoot some of my shells .
Frequent Poster
Posts: 679
Registered: SEP 2000
posted 04-12-2001 04:37 PM
A non-shock sensitive low explosive would still be fun, but launching anything explosive at a high velocity can never be considered safe.
Frequent Poster
Posts: 160
From: USA
Registered: OCT 2000
posted 04-12-2001 04:44 PM
That's what I was thinking about, but I don't know of a good way to seal the bottle. I would like to make a more stable explosive, but I just don't have the money, or equipment.
Posts: 2306
From: England
Registered: SEP 2000
posted 04-12-2001 07:44 PM
Sounds like a fun range
I'd start with a LE too, like pyrodex or something and seal those things damn well! You son't want to let someone have a go and it blows their face off. Actually, with pyrodex, if one went off in the barrel it *might* not bust the gun open. AP definitely would.
CO2 cartridges aren't more than 3" long are they? If so, could you cut the neck down till a primer fits it. Fill the cartridge from the neck like a regular COB and then prime. They wouldn't be as stable in flight but the rear of the cartridge is 100% garaunteed sealed.
I'd use plenty of wadding whatever you do because the propellant gas could heat easily heat the AP on the base of the grenade to ignition point as steel is a good conductor as we all know.
Frequent Poster
Posts: 160
From: USA
Registered: OCT 2000
posted 04-12-2001 10:43 PM
I was also thinking about that, but I already made the cut (and it was my last one). I had to use a hacksaw and it is very crooked, have to file it down. While cutting it, I cut my thumb, it cut in on the top down past where my fingernail starts. Hurt too. I will most likely use an entire capsule when I get a shotgun, to see if it fits and all that stuff (I am getting a single shot barrel break). It will be a lot more powerful also . It wont work in automatics or pumps, but I don't need to shoot them quickly (ie shoot out). Just for personal security, fun, hunting and fishing (if it will work). I hope I can get a job soon (if I ever get up), I will do all kinds of neat shit.
Frequent Poster
Posts: 160
From: USA
Registered: OCT 2000
posted 04-08-2001 10:40 PM
Ok, this isn't about how to download nbk's files or anything, it is about questions pertaining to them. The most important one for me is about the shotgun grenade. You recommend AP Putty as a filler, and I was wondering if you are sure it is able to withstand the shock. And you also imply that you are using the shell of a slug, is it ok to use a #8 bird/clay shot with a 1300 fps velocity and a 1 1/8 oz load (is their a significant difference in the fps that will give a dangerously greater shock)? And by your wording, I assume it is compatible with automatic/pump action 12 gauges? And I don't completely understand how you are to glue the tire tube to the back of the projectile (is the rubber supposed to cave into the cartridge or go around the outside)? Thanks a lot, anyone. Not that I would ever consider using this potentially dangerous and illegal shell, or the one that shreds bullet proof vests described in your pdf .
Posts: 1096
From: Guess
Registered: SEP 2000
posted 04-11-2001 06:31 PM
Firstly, if you read the end of the file you would see that I said:
"I haven't made or fired one of these since that would be illegal and dangerous so don't do it either. This is purely speculation on my part." This is the truth.
I only went as far as drop testing primed shells to see if they'd go off from impact (they did) with concrete and brick.
As for the filling, it was discussed in the original topic that the grenades were discussed in and it was concluded that as long as the AP was pure, and the AP had no air gaps in it, that it would be stable to the shock.
But even so, it would be best to test fire a lot of these shells using a cheap pipe shotgun remotely fired by pulling a string. This is needed to determine if it is safe, and if it turns out not to be, than you're still alive and only lose a $10 pipe gun.
"...a very thin rubber gasket disk cut from an inner tube on top of the explosive filler then seal the end with bondo epoxy.." I don't see how much plainer it can be made. You put the rubber gasket on top off the explosive to prevent any contact of the explosive with the bondo putty used to seal the end.
Since the grenade fits inside the shotgun shell it will cycle through any weapon the shell can fit in. However, it may not cycle a gas operated weapon like an 1100. And since it's lighter than a lead projectile, I'd cut the powder charge in half, just to be safe. You can always bump up the powder charge after you've gained some experience with the round.
"The knowledge that they fear is a weapon to be used against them"
Go here to download the NBK2000 website PDF.
Go here to download the NBK2000 videos.
Frequent Poster
Posts: 160
From: USA
Registered: OCT 2000
posted 04-11-2001 08:07 PM
Ok, thanks. These should be quiet a bit of fun when I get to make them . I wonder what the people at the range will think?
Posts: 2306
From: England
Registered: SEP 2000
posted 04-12-2001 03:37 PM
They might say:
"you're fucking banned! Get the hell out of here before I call the police!"
Frequent Poster
Posts: 160
From: USA
Registered: OCT 2000
posted 04-12-2001 04:28 PM
Not where I live, Oklahoma. I didn't even know they made inside ranges until I went to Michigan with my dad. And boy, they totally shit them selves when I walk in holding my .22 and 9mm and asked to shoot. They was like what the FUCK? You have to be 18... The range here (about a mile from school, conviently placed I guess) has/had a sign that said something like you have to have a license to shoot here, but people (the ones that get drunk after church with their shotguns and SKS's) totally blew the mother fucker away (barely a pole left). Its just a long flat place with a big long hill at the end. The other day I went there to get some shells (to make detonators) and had just bought a cap gun to make a detonator for my grenades. I got bored and started shooting at targets to waist time. Then a guy with a fucking HUGE sniper rifle walked up behind me to the other seat and I didn't see him. Boy I felt stupid . Anyway, I very rarely see anyone there so I should be safe. And besides, who would fuck with a guy and his explosive ammo? I should be fine, hell if anyone does see me I bet they will just ask if they can shoot some of my shells .
Frequent Poster
Posts: 679
Registered: SEP 2000
posted 04-12-2001 04:37 PM
A non-shock sensitive low explosive would still be fun, but launching anything explosive at a high velocity can never be considered safe.
Frequent Poster
Posts: 160
From: USA
Registered: OCT 2000
posted 04-12-2001 04:44 PM
That's what I was thinking about, but I don't know of a good way to seal the bottle. I would like to make a more stable explosive, but I just don't have the money, or equipment.
Posts: 2306
From: England
Registered: SEP 2000
posted 04-12-2001 07:44 PM
Sounds like a fun range
I'd start with a LE too, like pyrodex or something and seal those things damn well! You son't want to let someone have a go and it blows their face off. Actually, with pyrodex, if one went off in the barrel it *might* not bust the gun open. AP definitely would.
CO2 cartridges aren't more than 3" long are they? If so, could you cut the neck down till a primer fits it. Fill the cartridge from the neck like a regular COB and then prime. They wouldn't be as stable in flight but the rear of the cartridge is 100% garaunteed sealed.
I'd use plenty of wadding whatever you do because the propellant gas could heat easily heat the AP on the base of the grenade to ignition point as steel is a good conductor as we all know.
Frequent Poster
Posts: 160
From: USA
Registered: OCT 2000
posted 04-12-2001 10:43 PM
I was also thinking about that, but I already made the cut (and it was my last one). I had to use a hacksaw and it is very crooked, have to file it down. While cutting it, I cut my thumb, it cut in on the top down past where my fingernail starts. Hurt too. I will most likely use an entire capsule when I get a shotgun, to see if it fits and all that stuff (I am getting a single shot barrel break). It will be a lot more powerful also . It wont work in automatics or pumps, but I don't need to shoot them quickly (ie shoot out). Just for personal security, fun, hunting and fishing (if it will work). I hope I can get a job soon (if I ever get up), I will do all kinds of neat shit.