May 24th, 2003, 02:48 PM
New Member
Posts: 9
Registered: MAR 2001
posted 03-29-2001 11:18 PM
If any of you play airsoft you know the prices are insane. I was thinking I could modify a normal Benji 392 .22 pellet rifle to shoot the 6mm plastic BBs. The velocity would increase but I could control how fast it would go by the number of pumps I give it.
Would it be possible to do?
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posted 03-29-2001 11:55 PM
The problem with that is the reload time, And, my airsoft feild inspects guns for regulations.
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posted 03-30-2001 12:15 PM
True, but it would be a sniper rifle. Long distance.
Posts: 2306
From: England
Registered: SEP 2000
posted 03-30-2001 01:30 PM
An Airsoft plastic BB won't go long range it's far too light, even if it did accuracy would suck.
BTW Airsoft BB's are 6mm, .22 is 5.5mm so they might not even fit.
New Member
Posts: 9
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posted 03-30-2001 01:43 PM
Yah I know,
Couldn't you get a .243 Winchester Barrel or a 6mm barrel and just weld it on?
Accuracy does sucks for airsoft but there are airsoft "sniper" rifles but they cost around 500. Just trying to make a Poor Man's sniper rifle.
HMTD Factory
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Posts: 225
Registered: FEB 2001
posted 03-30-2001 07:40 PM
SKS...hmmm...another gun fan in the room.
Unfortunatly .243(6mm) bores isn't exactly 6mm. its larger (a 6mm BB isn't exactly 6mm neither, it's 5.97) plus the rifling groove will leak gas, anyway it's complicated and unfit for BB.
Since you are using non-firearm, barrel
material is not restricted to metal. The fact that 6mm pipes are such rare find is bothering. Here's how you can make a
plastic/metal composite barrel for BB guns :
first you can get a thin metal pipe from hobby store (long ones, aluminum)
The outside diameter of the pipe has to be exactly 6mm or slightly larger than 6mm.
Adjust(lathe) the outside dia. of the pipe into 6mm (some hobbist have small lathe, you can ask them to do it for you, I ask my hobby
store owner to do some of my chores by paying him a small fee.)
Lap(or hand polish) the outside so it's mirror smooth.
Mix Acraglas(R) and "paint" the outside one section at a time, avoid bubbles in the resin by letting it set in a cool environment
. You need to paint it many times to get it
coated and thick enough(the resin should be thick enough for rigidity, say 5mm). Do not touch the surface of the resin while working, your sweat and fat will weaken it as impurities sandwich between layers of resin.
Now you have a long metal tube coated with super hard resin. The surface isn't even in diameter so you take this piece to a lathe again. Use the inner metal tube as a centerline for lathe. "Turn it to a desired thickness so it can fit snugly into another
metal tube."
Now you have a metal tube covered with resin in even thickness.
Soak the composite tube in acid to remove the inner metal tube. (Acraglas is not effected)
Now you have a plastic tube with inside diameter exactly 6mm.
Remember the resin tube is turned into a diameter just enough to fit in another metal
tube? Insert the resin tube into a thick, metal one.
Use glue or mini screw to secure the resin tube inside the metal tube.
Cut the bore mouth and square up the breech face.
Add protection to the muzzle end.(crowning)
Now you have a long tube of resin/metal composite, with inner dia of 6mm.
Some notes :
Acraglas Gel(R) is better than Acraglas(R) cuz the latter will run like liquid.
Acraglas(R) is "extremely" tough.
K&S Engineering sells very good quality tubes
, can be found in hobby stores.
A regular 6mm BB weight about 1.8 grains. That means you will get high velocity reading
if fired in a .22 modified airgun, it can harm and kill.
Hope these helps.
New Member
Posts: 9
Registered: MAR 2001
posted 03-30-2001 10:21 PM
Thanks alot HTMD,
I think I could have saved you from typing all of that though. You could get 6mm barrels that were meant for airsoft guns. There either copper, brass or steel.
Here's a link:
I was thinking how to attach it. Could you just get the regular barrel and just bore it a little. Make it a mm or so wider. Just enough to fit this new barrel and epoxy it in. Like 2 barrels in one.
It would be easier then ripping off the barrel and attaching a new one. Also how hard would it be to shave off a 1-1.5mm from the original barrel?
Also would you need to adjust any valves or o-rings or anything else to compensate for the larger barrel.
New Member
Posts: 9
Registered: MAR 2001
posted 03-30-2001 10:33 PM
Also here's a pic of a Benji 392$All)/FFDE1F685A3B8E2785256976004BF4AD/$File/L392.jpg
HMTD Factory
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Posts: 225
Registered: FEB 2001
posted 03-31-2001 02:11 PM
Boring inside a tube is a complete different story compare to turning outside of a tube.
When turning the outside, only a cutting blade is needed. When boring inside, a drill
longer than barrel is nescessary. So that's why I typed the weird plastic barrel process.
This is how a firearm barrel is bored before the rifling process.
A. a guiding drill is drilled through the barrel blank.(If the hole is drilled off-center, it will be discarded)
B. another drill slighly smaller than desired
bore dimension drills through.
C. a reamer turn the inside to exact dimension.
D. a button pull through the bore to smooth out and true up the inside of the bore.
If you can bore out the original barrel for fitting the 6mm tube, bore it to exact dimension to ensure bore cocentricity. Use just a wee-bit of epoxy or lock-tite to secure it.
Making your own barrel isn't all without its advantages. For example, a 5.99mm bore can definitly shoot more accurate than 6.04mm bore due to tight tolerance.(a 0.002" difference in the bore can make a difference)
Another advantage of self-made barrel is that they can be made thicker than conventional barrels, therefore much stiffer, fluting of the barrel is also possible.
Optimum barrel length can be optained in a DIY barrel as well. You don't see people walking around with a sawed-off PSG because people sacrifice velocity for the authentic look of the firearm.
You don't really have to adjust anything in the original gun, it will probably shoot faster. So the trajectory changes, old adjustment on the rear sight won't work, should mount a scope.
Hmmm...the Benji 392 is a pump action...that means two-piece stock. It's harder to make a two-piece-stock gun shoot better than a one-piece-stock gun, generally speaking(since you are using it for sniping). You might want to bed the action or find another experiment gun with one-piece stock...just my thoughts.
Agent Blak
Frequent Poster
Posts: 766
From: Sk. Canada
Registered: SEP 2000
posted 04-02-2001 12:24 AM
How can you have the "Poor mans' Sniper Rifle" if the Accuracy is shitty? If it has shitty accuaracy it is not a sniper rifle; not even for a poor man.
A wise man once said:
"...There Will Be No
Stand Off At High Noon
... Shoot'em In The Back
And, Shoot'em In The Dark"
Agent Blak-------OUT!!
Frequent Poster
Posts: 258
From: Australia
Registered: SEP 2000
posted 04-02-2001 04:47 AM
god, keep your air rifle, buy a proper airsoft gun. you can snipe an AEG user with a SPAS 12, the game is not to scale on realistic terms, just ask for a good gun for sniping for around (insert $)
Frequent Poster
Posts: 228
From: UK
Registered: SEP 2000
posted 04-02-2001 05:29 PM
Aha! A fellow airsoft player
Where you from? UK? US? Russia (SKS is a clue maybe)...
Save up for a proper airsoft sniper rifle like the APS-2 (not the Marui PSG-1).
If you carried out you modification you'd be hard pressed to find a site that would let you play with your mod'ed gun; needless to say that I would'nt trust someone with a converted rifle like that!
New Member
Posts: 9
Registered: MAR 2001
posted 04-03-2001 10:39 PM
I live in New York.
Hmmm. Everyone seems so negative about the whole idea. Would the gun be worse than a normal "sniper" airsoft rifle if I did this modification in terms of accuracy and range? It's essentially the same thing, right?
I think you people are automatically assuming that airguns that shoot lead pellets and are used for hunting and target practice should not be combined with airsoft which is a sport like paintball that involves shooting people. My idea is basically the same thing though. Air moving through a 6mm barrel. And the barrel is designed for an airsoft gun so it would be even better.
Its the same shit.
"I love the smell of napalm in the morning"
[This message has been edited by SKS (edited April 03, 2001).]
Posts: 1465
From: somewhere in florida
Registered: SEP 2000
posted 04-04-2001 03:08 PM
I want to machine some solid metal stock bar the same diamater as the outside of a shotgun barrel and reaming out the inside to fit a 50 cal bmg then modding it to fit on the shotgun! any suggestions to making anythinbg like this?
HMTD Factory
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Posts: 225
Registered: FEB 2001
posted 04-06-2001 02:48 AM
I assume that you know all the details about the modification.
Shotgun actions are not designed to meet
rifle pressure though. Modern shotshells generate highest around 11000psi, .50BMG as high as 60000psi.....BANG!
HMTD Factory
Frequent Poster
Posts: 225
Registered: FEB 2001
posted 04-06-2001 03:18 AM
SKS...your comment about people being negative should exclude me, I am totally supportive.
It's coincidence that I get the chance to check out a Benji on a gun show few days ago
(Got myself a Swedish Mauser M96 in Excellent condition for 120$CDN without tax, normally it will cost around 300+$US, quite a steal. The gun will be drilled+tapped for scope and bolt bent next week.)
Turns out the benji is a under-lever pump gun with a thin barrel on top of its reservoir. (Too thin, really)
There's a few reason why I won't modify a benji for a sniper rifle.
1. The frame limits barrel thickness.
2. The reservoir under the barrel will obstruct normal barrel harmonics. The barrel should be free floated for best accuracy.
3. The gun is expensive (Used one with 200$ CDN price tag)
4. Under-lever is hard to operate in prone(sniper's favorite) position. (Side lever is the best.)
5. The gun is a pre-charged pump gun so the performance is not consistent as a single stroke piston gun. The point-of-impact changes, in other words, "the gun don't hold its zero".
So if you ask me "what's your idea", the answer will be "Get a side-lever piston gun with a barrel that doesn't touch anything except the receiver. Scope + bipod".
My 2 cents.
Frequent Poster
Posts: 104
From: Danbury,CT,U.S.A
Registered: MAR 2001
posted 04-08-2001 09:29 PM
I was thinking about doing the same thing but I wouldn't dick around with a more high-end airgun like the benji. I was thinkin' maybe just a crosman .22 cal pellet rifle repeater(CO2,i don't like the idea of pumping in the prone position,or if a few enemies raid your fortification). Also, is there any constructive idea's about this, or is it all "shit on the creative guy" day?-Pyro
HMTD Factory
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Posts: 225
Registered: FEB 2001
posted 04-09-2001 01:51 AM
If CO2 is used to power the modified airgun...wouldn't it be just like shooting a CO2 airsoft...?
It would be simple then. Have a gunsmith remove the original airgun barrel. Purchase
a 6mm barrel, have the gunsmith thread the breech and install it for you. (The breech should have a rubber "chamber" to temporarily hold the "chambered" BB in place)
The barrel modification is universal. The modifications on magazine and feeding mechanism vary depend upon the original design, use your common sense, improvise.
Frequent Poster
Posts: 104
From: Danbury,CT,U.S.A
Registered: MAR 2001
posted 04-09-2001 02:31 PM
Yeah, that's what i had in mind. But the rifle i was talking about is a bolt-action single shot pellet, so i don't think a clip would be worth what you'd have to do to the rifle. Any idea's on that would be a help to,thanks.Here's one more gun fan for the room-Pyro
New Member
Posts: 9
Registered: MAR 2001
posted 04-09-2001 10:55 PM
Isn't the whole free-floated barrel idea a little much. I mean this is only a plastic 6mm BB not a .308. I don't think the resevoir would really affect it. I would understand if you were sniping with a larger caliber over hundreds of yards but not this.
Yes the fact that the Benji is pnematic might be lower consistency but again we're only talking a few yards. 90 at the most. If I got a system down and practiced it once in a while I think I could have very consistent and accurate shots.
I think the underlever would be a little hard to manage if I was in prone but it's all I have. There aren't really any side lever pnematics. There are side-lever springs like my RWS but there velocity is way too high and wouldn't be appropiate. Again I could get a system down.
The barrel is thin but we're only shaving off .5mm at the most plus it would be reinforced with the second barrel so it would be made up for.
What I want to do to it is make an adjustable hop-up so I could increase its range. Also possibly make a homemade silencer to dampen the sound.
"I love the smell of napalm in the morning"
HMTD Factory
Frequent Poster
Posts: 225
Registered: FEB 2001
posted 04-09-2001 11:49 PM
Pyro, if the rifle is a single-shot breech-feed then it only takes barrel modification.
SKS, you seem to have a solid idea in your mind already, why bother asking people here?
But it would be wise to believe my comments
on ballistics. Listening to other people's ideas may make you feel you've been turned down but that's the nature of "listening to others' ideas."
Maybe I said too much, if I said "excellent idea!" or "It is possible" do you think that helps?
New Member
Posts: 9
Registered: MAR 2001
posted 03-29-2001 11:18 PM
If any of you play airsoft you know the prices are insane. I was thinking I could modify a normal Benji 392 .22 pellet rifle to shoot the 6mm plastic BBs. The velocity would increase but I could control how fast it would go by the number of pumps I give it.
Would it be possible to do?
Frequent Poster
Posts: 679
Registered: SEP 2000
posted 03-29-2001 11:55 PM
The problem with that is the reload time, And, my airsoft feild inspects guns for regulations.
New Member
Posts: 9
Registered: MAR 2001
posted 03-30-2001 12:15 PM
True, but it would be a sniper rifle. Long distance.
Posts: 2306
From: England
Registered: SEP 2000
posted 03-30-2001 01:30 PM
An Airsoft plastic BB won't go long range it's far too light, even if it did accuracy would suck.
BTW Airsoft BB's are 6mm, .22 is 5.5mm so they might not even fit.
New Member
Posts: 9
Registered: MAR 2001
posted 03-30-2001 01:43 PM
Yah I know,
Couldn't you get a .243 Winchester Barrel or a 6mm barrel and just weld it on?
Accuracy does sucks for airsoft but there are airsoft "sniper" rifles but they cost around 500. Just trying to make a Poor Man's sniper rifle.
HMTD Factory
Frequent Poster
Posts: 225
Registered: FEB 2001
posted 03-30-2001 07:40 PM
SKS...hmmm...another gun fan in the room.
Unfortunatly .243(6mm) bores isn't exactly 6mm. its larger (a 6mm BB isn't exactly 6mm neither, it's 5.97) plus the rifling groove will leak gas, anyway it's complicated and unfit for BB.
Since you are using non-firearm, barrel
material is not restricted to metal. The fact that 6mm pipes are such rare find is bothering. Here's how you can make a
plastic/metal composite barrel for BB guns :
first you can get a thin metal pipe from hobby store (long ones, aluminum)
The outside diameter of the pipe has to be exactly 6mm or slightly larger than 6mm.
Adjust(lathe) the outside dia. of the pipe into 6mm (some hobbist have small lathe, you can ask them to do it for you, I ask my hobby
store owner to do some of my chores by paying him a small fee.)
Lap(or hand polish) the outside so it's mirror smooth.
Mix Acraglas(R) and "paint" the outside one section at a time, avoid bubbles in the resin by letting it set in a cool environment
. You need to paint it many times to get it
coated and thick enough(the resin should be thick enough for rigidity, say 5mm). Do not touch the surface of the resin while working, your sweat and fat will weaken it as impurities sandwich between layers of resin.
Now you have a long metal tube coated with super hard resin. The surface isn't even in diameter so you take this piece to a lathe again. Use the inner metal tube as a centerline for lathe. "Turn it to a desired thickness so it can fit snugly into another
metal tube."
Now you have a metal tube covered with resin in even thickness.
Soak the composite tube in acid to remove the inner metal tube. (Acraglas is not effected)
Now you have a plastic tube with inside diameter exactly 6mm.
Remember the resin tube is turned into a diameter just enough to fit in another metal
tube? Insert the resin tube into a thick, metal one.
Use glue or mini screw to secure the resin tube inside the metal tube.
Cut the bore mouth and square up the breech face.
Add protection to the muzzle end.(crowning)
Now you have a long tube of resin/metal composite, with inner dia of 6mm.
Some notes :
Acraglas Gel(R) is better than Acraglas(R) cuz the latter will run like liquid.
Acraglas(R) is "extremely" tough.
K&S Engineering sells very good quality tubes
, can be found in hobby stores.
A regular 6mm BB weight about 1.8 grains. That means you will get high velocity reading
if fired in a .22 modified airgun, it can harm and kill.
Hope these helps.
New Member
Posts: 9
Registered: MAR 2001
posted 03-30-2001 10:21 PM
Thanks alot HTMD,
I think I could have saved you from typing all of that though. You could get 6mm barrels that were meant for airsoft guns. There either copper, brass or steel.
Here's a link:
I was thinking how to attach it. Could you just get the regular barrel and just bore it a little. Make it a mm or so wider. Just enough to fit this new barrel and epoxy it in. Like 2 barrels in one.
It would be easier then ripping off the barrel and attaching a new one. Also how hard would it be to shave off a 1-1.5mm from the original barrel?
Also would you need to adjust any valves or o-rings or anything else to compensate for the larger barrel.
New Member
Posts: 9
Registered: MAR 2001
posted 03-30-2001 10:33 PM
Also here's a pic of a Benji 392$All)/FFDE1F685A3B8E2785256976004BF4AD/$File/L392.jpg
HMTD Factory
Frequent Poster
Posts: 225
Registered: FEB 2001
posted 03-31-2001 02:11 PM
Boring inside a tube is a complete different story compare to turning outside of a tube.
When turning the outside, only a cutting blade is needed. When boring inside, a drill
longer than barrel is nescessary. So that's why I typed the weird plastic barrel process.
This is how a firearm barrel is bored before the rifling process.
A. a guiding drill is drilled through the barrel blank.(If the hole is drilled off-center, it will be discarded)
B. another drill slighly smaller than desired
bore dimension drills through.
C. a reamer turn the inside to exact dimension.
D. a button pull through the bore to smooth out and true up the inside of the bore.
If you can bore out the original barrel for fitting the 6mm tube, bore it to exact dimension to ensure bore cocentricity. Use just a wee-bit of epoxy or lock-tite to secure it.
Making your own barrel isn't all without its advantages. For example, a 5.99mm bore can definitly shoot more accurate than 6.04mm bore due to tight tolerance.(a 0.002" difference in the bore can make a difference)
Another advantage of self-made barrel is that they can be made thicker than conventional barrels, therefore much stiffer, fluting of the barrel is also possible.
Optimum barrel length can be optained in a DIY barrel as well. You don't see people walking around with a sawed-off PSG because people sacrifice velocity for the authentic look of the firearm.
You don't really have to adjust anything in the original gun, it will probably shoot faster. So the trajectory changes, old adjustment on the rear sight won't work, should mount a scope.
Hmmm...the Benji 392 is a pump action...that means two-piece stock. It's harder to make a two-piece-stock gun shoot better than a one-piece-stock gun, generally speaking(since you are using it for sniping). You might want to bed the action or find another experiment gun with one-piece stock...just my thoughts.
Agent Blak
Frequent Poster
Posts: 766
From: Sk. Canada
Registered: SEP 2000
posted 04-02-2001 12:24 AM
How can you have the "Poor mans' Sniper Rifle" if the Accuracy is shitty? If it has shitty accuaracy it is not a sniper rifle; not even for a poor man.
A wise man once said:
"...There Will Be No
Stand Off At High Noon
... Shoot'em In The Back
And, Shoot'em In The Dark"
Agent Blak-------OUT!!
Frequent Poster
Posts: 258
From: Australia
Registered: SEP 2000
posted 04-02-2001 04:47 AM
god, keep your air rifle, buy a proper airsoft gun. you can snipe an AEG user with a SPAS 12, the game is not to scale on realistic terms, just ask for a good gun for sniping for around (insert $)
Frequent Poster
Posts: 228
From: UK
Registered: SEP 2000
posted 04-02-2001 05:29 PM
Aha! A fellow airsoft player
Where you from? UK? US? Russia (SKS is a clue maybe)...
Save up for a proper airsoft sniper rifle like the APS-2 (not the Marui PSG-1).
If you carried out you modification you'd be hard pressed to find a site that would let you play with your mod'ed gun; needless to say that I would'nt trust someone with a converted rifle like that!
New Member
Posts: 9
Registered: MAR 2001
posted 04-03-2001 10:39 PM
I live in New York.
Hmmm. Everyone seems so negative about the whole idea. Would the gun be worse than a normal "sniper" airsoft rifle if I did this modification in terms of accuracy and range? It's essentially the same thing, right?
I think you people are automatically assuming that airguns that shoot lead pellets and are used for hunting and target practice should not be combined with airsoft which is a sport like paintball that involves shooting people. My idea is basically the same thing though. Air moving through a 6mm barrel. And the barrel is designed for an airsoft gun so it would be even better.
Its the same shit.
"I love the smell of napalm in the morning"
[This message has been edited by SKS (edited April 03, 2001).]
Posts: 1465
From: somewhere in florida
Registered: SEP 2000
posted 04-04-2001 03:08 PM
I want to machine some solid metal stock bar the same diamater as the outside of a shotgun barrel and reaming out the inside to fit a 50 cal bmg then modding it to fit on the shotgun! any suggestions to making anythinbg like this?
HMTD Factory
Frequent Poster
Posts: 225
Registered: FEB 2001
posted 04-06-2001 02:48 AM
I assume that you know all the details about the modification.
Shotgun actions are not designed to meet
rifle pressure though. Modern shotshells generate highest around 11000psi, .50BMG as high as 60000psi.....BANG!
HMTD Factory
Frequent Poster
Posts: 225
Registered: FEB 2001
posted 04-06-2001 03:18 AM
SKS...your comment about people being negative should exclude me, I am totally supportive.
It's coincidence that I get the chance to check out a Benji on a gun show few days ago
(Got myself a Swedish Mauser M96 in Excellent condition for 120$CDN without tax, normally it will cost around 300+$US, quite a steal. The gun will be drilled+tapped for scope and bolt bent next week.)
Turns out the benji is a under-lever pump gun with a thin barrel on top of its reservoir. (Too thin, really)
There's a few reason why I won't modify a benji for a sniper rifle.
1. The frame limits barrel thickness.
2. The reservoir under the barrel will obstruct normal barrel harmonics. The barrel should be free floated for best accuracy.
3. The gun is expensive (Used one with 200$ CDN price tag)
4. Under-lever is hard to operate in prone(sniper's favorite) position. (Side lever is the best.)
5. The gun is a pre-charged pump gun so the performance is not consistent as a single stroke piston gun. The point-of-impact changes, in other words, "the gun don't hold its zero".
So if you ask me "what's your idea", the answer will be "Get a side-lever piston gun with a barrel that doesn't touch anything except the receiver. Scope + bipod".
My 2 cents.
Frequent Poster
Posts: 104
From: Danbury,CT,U.S.A
Registered: MAR 2001
posted 04-08-2001 09:29 PM
I was thinking about doing the same thing but I wouldn't dick around with a more high-end airgun like the benji. I was thinkin' maybe just a crosman .22 cal pellet rifle repeater(CO2,i don't like the idea of pumping in the prone position,or if a few enemies raid your fortification). Also, is there any constructive idea's about this, or is it all "shit on the creative guy" day?-Pyro
HMTD Factory
Frequent Poster
Posts: 225
Registered: FEB 2001
posted 04-09-2001 01:51 AM
If CO2 is used to power the modified airgun...wouldn't it be just like shooting a CO2 airsoft...?
It would be simple then. Have a gunsmith remove the original airgun barrel. Purchase
a 6mm barrel, have the gunsmith thread the breech and install it for you. (The breech should have a rubber "chamber" to temporarily hold the "chambered" BB in place)
The barrel modification is universal. The modifications on magazine and feeding mechanism vary depend upon the original design, use your common sense, improvise.
Frequent Poster
Posts: 104
From: Danbury,CT,U.S.A
Registered: MAR 2001
posted 04-09-2001 02:31 PM
Yeah, that's what i had in mind. But the rifle i was talking about is a bolt-action single shot pellet, so i don't think a clip would be worth what you'd have to do to the rifle. Any idea's on that would be a help to,thanks.Here's one more gun fan for the room-Pyro
New Member
Posts: 9
Registered: MAR 2001
posted 04-09-2001 10:55 PM
Isn't the whole free-floated barrel idea a little much. I mean this is only a plastic 6mm BB not a .308. I don't think the resevoir would really affect it. I would understand if you were sniping with a larger caliber over hundreds of yards but not this.
Yes the fact that the Benji is pnematic might be lower consistency but again we're only talking a few yards. 90 at the most. If I got a system down and practiced it once in a while I think I could have very consistent and accurate shots.
I think the underlever would be a little hard to manage if I was in prone but it's all I have. There aren't really any side lever pnematics. There are side-lever springs like my RWS but there velocity is way too high and wouldn't be appropiate. Again I could get a system down.
The barrel is thin but we're only shaving off .5mm at the most plus it would be reinforced with the second barrel so it would be made up for.
What I want to do to it is make an adjustable hop-up so I could increase its range. Also possibly make a homemade silencer to dampen the sound.
"I love the smell of napalm in the morning"
HMTD Factory
Frequent Poster
Posts: 225
Registered: FEB 2001
posted 04-09-2001 11:49 PM
Pyro, if the rifle is a single-shot breech-feed then it only takes barrel modification.
SKS, you seem to have a solid idea in your mind already, why bother asking people here?
But it would be wise to believe my comments
on ballistics. Listening to other people's ideas may make you feel you've been turned down but that's the nature of "listening to others' ideas."
Maybe I said too much, if I said "excellent idea!" or "It is possible" do you think that helps?