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May 24th, 2003, 02:43 PM
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posted 03-14-2001 11:10 PM
I have been working on a paintball gun based around the MA's spudgun and was wondering if there were any known difficulties or safety hazzards???
As I walk through the valley of the shadow of death I shall fear no evil. For I am it...... With the Lord as your shepherd beware me, for I am the wolf.....

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posted 03-15-2001 12:37 AM
"MA's spudgun"
Being specific is always appreciated.

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posted 03-15-2001 02:33 AM
MakeShift Arsenal's Spud Gun.
As I walk through the valley of the shadow of death I shall fear no evil. For I am it...... With the Lord as your shepherd beware me, for I am the wolf.....

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posted 03-15-2001 04:35 AM
Still kinda vaque! there were 2 spudguns in the makeshift arsenal, I think Lowry even mentions that his combustion blew up.

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posted 03-15-2001 04:00 PM
combustion will probably just shatter the paintball anyway, search for pneumatic spud gun, or just spud gun and you will get tens of thousands of pages with easy ass plans. On a paintball gun, you may as well buy one, spud guns are really single shot which is worthless for paintballing (unless your tagging random things I guess).

Posts: 2306
From: England
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posted 03-15-2001 04:40 PM
$20 will get you a 50shot C02 paintball gun, you'd be hardpressed to make a single shot penumatic gun for $20.

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posted 03-15-2001 11:58 PM
I live in the UK and the cheapest paintball gun I've seen was £900. Apart from a little kiddy one.
As I walk through the valley of the shadow of death I shall fear no evil. For I am it...... With the Lord as your shepherd beware me, for I am the wolf.....

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posted 03-16-2001 03:23 PM
i paintball and the gun you want is a brass eagle talon it is $23 (US) they sell it at www.thesportsauthority.com however it is a pump action plastic gun i have a tippman 98 custem about $150 (US) i like it but i do also have a talon

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posted 03-23-2001 09:03 AM
Hey lesb,
where did you get your Tippman?
"Oh Sh".::BOOM::((later
in front of saint peter))

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posted 03-23-2001 11:45 AM
i bought mine at a local paintball store but www.countypaintball.com has good prices as does www.paintballgear.com i've bought stuff from both of them and they are both good
[This message has been edited by lesbianloverjon (edited March 23, 2001).]

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posted 04-03-2001 04:36 PM
I made a small combustion paintball gun.I used a 1.5 liter pop bottle for the combustion chamber and a big aluminum tent pole for the barrel. It worked really good. It shot paintballs about, ahh I would say 200 to 250 fps maybe.......

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posted 04-06-2001 10:31 PM
that's about what a talon shoots a tippmann shoots about 300 fps +

Posts: 537
From: Dizneland
Registered: SEP 2000
posted 04-07-2001 06:25 AM
Cheapest £900, ha ha ha ha... where did you find one costing that.... Harrods? Was it gold plated or something...
I own a Pirhana Semi-Auto with a 32oz gas (I think) tank + all equipment for £400 from
"Fat Bobs" (do a search).

You'd never be able to play at a site with a friggin air cannon either.

Whoa, where my fingers?

Posts: 2306
From: England
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posted 04-07-2001 07:10 PM
That's the beauty of hiding some desolate fields or woodland and playing there.
When my mates get sorted with those cheap 12gm CO2 guns (like the $20 ones from Wallmart) I'm gonna show up with a 2" bore compressed air paint shotgun and waste the MoFu's! Muhahahaha

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posted 04-07-2001 09:55 PM
you'll have a backup gun too right?

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posted 04-08-2001 06:05 AM
Good one Anthony, lol
Speaking of spudguns, I know this is a bit off topic, but anyway. I modified my combustion gun so that a 20mm copper pipe can fit on it, I can now shoot marbles!!! HAHAHA! I shot it and it sounded like a bloody gunshot, my God, that's bloody loud. It's the bottle trap gun, with a bunch of funky attachments on it, they came with a sink kit. I can fit paintballs in there as well, but I don't think it would be a nice experience being shot with it. Hmmmm, I might just go and ruin someone's paint job on their car.

Posts: 2306
From: England
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posted 04-08-2001 01:28 PM
I shouldn't need a backup since no one would come near me after getting hit with this thing, can you imagine how much it would hurt getting hit in the chest by 30-40 paintballs at close range???
A backup would be a good idea though incase they all try to rush me when I'm reloading, so probably the shitty $20 "Blade" gun and some paint grenades. Hmm, might be able to setup so paint claymores too, hehe. I love paintball.

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posted 04-08-2001 04:48 PM
I have plans for a paint mine. (I made the plans + the mine) so post here and tell me how u want me 2 send em.
also check out this site
[This message has been edited by lesbianloverjon (edited April 08, 2001).]

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From: Danbury,CT,U.S.A
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posted 04-08-2001 09:18 PM
Fatton:What kind of power are you looking for?How big can it be?How much do you want to spend?I could help if you answered these simple q's.-Pyro

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posted 04-09-2001 11:01 AM

Originally posted by Anthony:

A backup would be a good idea though incase they all try to rush me when I'm reloading, so probably the shitty $20 "Blade" gun and some paint grenades. Hmm, might be able to setup so paint claymores too, hehe. I love paintball.

The "Blade" is essentially the same gun as the "Talon" I mentioned earlier in the topic. The only difference is the shell.

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posted 04-09-2001 11:14 AM
The problem with no rifling (like on a spudgun) is that if you fire the paintball at a high velocity (combustion's are non-adjustable) then the paintball "circles", or "wobbles" in the air, you usually end up missing your target horribly.
If you can find a paintballstore that sells a long enough barell, you could thread the barel to mnpt and use it as a spudgun barell, that would kick ass.

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From: Danbury,CT,U.S.A
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posted 04-09-2001 02:27 PM
Believe it or not, when i built my "sniper rifle" spudgun i got a custom lathed barrel that has, that's right, wet your pants, a rifled barrel. It has 6 grooves and accuracy and range was increased immediately. The guy who did this can be found at www.goldmann.com(with 2 n's).Unfortunately he stopped doing this due to his college work or something.-Pyro

Posts: 2306
From: England
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posted 04-09-2001 03:17 PM
I didn't know that jon. The funny thing about my Blade was that having got it home I dropped it and the barrel snapped off Managed to fix it though, found some smooth bore chromed steel tube of the exact calibre, drilled out the old barrel and the barrel inside the gun and glued it on. Seriously not worth it if I had been able to just buy another gun but at least the barrel is a bit longer now.
I'm gutted Ed Goldmann has shut down business - I need some spudgun bits!

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From: Danbury,CT,U.S.A
Registered: MAR 2001
posted 04-09-2001 08:40 PM
Anthony-I still have some things left over from when i bought an order from him if you want to buy them. I'll sell the same price if your interested. I've got some 100 PSI gauges, 1 1/2" rifled PVC barrel(3'),1 shrader valve,and alot of 3/4-4" PVC pipes(most in 6 or 7 foot lengths).Later-Pyro

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posted 04-09-2001 11:56 PM
Anthony listen to me...don't bother fucking around with the "blade" or "talon" piece of shit guns. Just get a Tippmann '98 Custem. Get a good barrel. I belive it is $125 (us$) from http://www.paintballgear.com Also the spyder 2000 compact is another piece of shit. My friend bought 1 used it 2 times, he sold (for parts b/c it broke) it to somebody in FL (that dicked him out of the money)

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posted 04-10-2001 01:05 AM
This is kind of off the topic, but its still about paintball guns
I'm work on a copy of Brass Eagle's tiger shark. Im making it scratch. The valve is about 1/3 of the way done . Any ways I don't know what I should do for the barrel. I was thinking of using a .40 cal. blow gun barrel. that way I could use the smaller ball, hopefully get more fps and use the blow gun darts. Or do you guys think I should stick to the .68 cal.?

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From: Danbury,CT,U.S.A
Registered: MAR 2001
posted 04-10-2001 11:06 AM
I think that that is an ingenious idea. That's gonna be alot of working making a copy of a commercial though, i hope your in for the long haul. I think you should definitely stick with the .40 cal(although if you are into the idea of blowgun's for barrels i suggest that you get a .50 cal because it has more power and the .50 cal paintballs pop easier than the .40's)but what you should do it rig up some sort of valve to control the amount of CO2/Nitrogen that is let out per shot(if your even using those two).This way when you are on the field you can regulate it down to appropiate speeds(300-400 FPS) and when you want to impress people you can shoot darts at 700 FPS through a TV screen.
My 1 cent-Pyro

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From: England
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posted 04-10-2001 01:51 PM
My problems with homemade air weapons are that you need to really make your own valve, and I can not find any diagrams/plans on how to make these. If anyone could provide these I would be very happy.
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Posts: 2306
From: England
Registered: SEP 2000
posted 04-10-2001 04:31 PM
Jon calm down mate! I only bought it for pissing about. I like paintball but I'd have to play more often to spend £150 on a real gun.
Thanks for the offer pyro but I was going to put an order in for a load of those schrader valves but then he closed down. I found an alternative closer to home today so I'mn alright for valves now Thanks again.

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From: Danbury,CT,U.S.A
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posted 04-10-2001 09:58 PM
No problem,but remeber, if that "close to home" source falls through, you know who to call-Pyro