Tomorrow Belongs to Me

"Tomorrow Belongs to Me" (known in German as Der Morgige Tag ist Mein) is a "chilling anthem",[1] written for the 1966 musical Cabaret.File:Wikipedia's W.svg The song has subsequently gone through various adaptations.[2]

A lunatic Chaplin imitator
and his greatest fans

First as tragedy
Then as farce
v - t - e

Racial Origins

The song was written by two Jews,[3] who were both allegedly gay (although not with each other);[4] this hasn't stopped antisemitic rock acts such as Skrewdriver, Saga, and Prussian Blue[5] from performing it at their rallies, as it is often confused for a genuine Nazi anthem.[6] Expert on all things Nazi, Stormfront, claims: "The German folk song 'Tomorrow Belongs to Me' that predates the nazi era was adapted and slightly altered for [Cabaret]",[7] and "a rabbinical person" wrote to one of the songwriters "saying he had absolute proof it was a Nazi song"[8] (proof of a Zionist conspiracy engulfing Stormfront bit-by-bit). However, no evidence seems to have emerged for those claims.

Modern usage

It has been used for political purposes in Britain, in the form of reductio ad Hitlerum by political opponents or satirists: Satirical puppet show Spitting ImageFile:Wikipedia's W.svg satirised the re-election of Margaret Thatcher with this song[9] (which apparently even some Conservatives found funny),[10] and Nigel Nelson mocked the Reich Chancellor George Osborne's budget proposals, by saying: "For one horrifying moment I thought the Chancellor might whip off his suit to reveal lederhosen and a German boy scout uniform and break into a chorus of 'Tomorrow Belongs to Me.'"[11]

It has also found the bizarre usage as an unofficial student anthem of the Computer Science of Copenhagen University in an adapted version including much student humor and computer-slang.

It is also sung by a young German Nazi scout in the first episode of the third season of The Man in the High Castle, a dystopic TV show produced by Amazon Video that narrates a parallel reality where the Nazi and the Japanese empires win World War II.

The song has often been mistakenly linked to the Quebec's sovereigntist movement. There is a Demain nous appartient ("Tomorrow belong to us") song often heard at sovereigntist rallies, but it has nothing to do with the Cabaret song as its author explained[12].

gollark: Oh, right, Moore neighbourhood.
gollark: As nā†’āˆž what is the behaviour?
gollark: At timestep t=n after this, each tile at a Manhattan distance of n or less from the origin (an arbitrary point somewhere) is replaced with the most common color amongst its neighbours (in case of a tie it remains unchanged).
gollark: Initially the tiles are initialized randomly.
gollark: Anyway, knijn, imagine an infinite grid of tiles which can be red, black, yellow or cyan.


  1. On Stage: Goodbye Berlin, Washington Life Magazine, 26 May 2015
  2. Hailton, Andrew. Tomorrow Belongs to Me,
  3. Kander and Ebb; see Kander and Ebb.
    Interestingly, these two Jewish individuals are one of a select few (including Jesus Christ) who are not marked by a Judenstern on the neo-Nazi spinoff of Wikipedia known as Metapedia (at least not on the German version ā€“ see here for the Metapedia page on Tomorrow Belongs to Me [NSFW, unless your boss is a literal Nazi].
  4. Gay Influence: Kander and Ebb, Gay Influence (Blogspot)
  5. Fraternal twins Lynx & Lamb Gaede, who comprised Prussian Blue, have since renounced their former affiliation with the White Supremacist cause. - Change of heart: Former Nazi teeny boppers are singing a new tune (KYTX CBS19)
  6. Cabaret IMDb trivia.
  7. Tomorrow Belongs To Me, Stormfront. Same warning goes as for previous Metapedia link: NSFW.
  8. Tomorrow Belongs to Me, Rosie Bell (Typepad)
  9. Spitting Image 1987 Election Special, "Tomorrow Belongs to Me, YouTube.
  10. Wroe, Nicholas. Laughing matters, The Grauniad. Saturday 11 April 2009 00.01 BST.
  11. Nelson, Nigel. Budget sketch: George Osborne had a budget box full of kitchen gags but little else, The Mirror. 18 March 2015.
  12. Letter by Stephane Venne, (third letter)
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