QAnon map dissection
QAnon is a grand unified conspiracy theory which posits that President Trump is a secret agent working against an evil conspiracy run by the Democratic Party. It has hit the point where just about anything can and has been shoehorned into the narrative. QAnon believers have helpfully created a map of all the bullshit they think feeds into the [-conspiracy theory]].[1] Since the map is an absolute cartoonish clusterfuck that reminds us of the work of crazy people in movies drawing a bunch of lines from paper to paper, we've provided a mostly readable version below. The dissection roughly follows the original map left-to-right and top-to-bottom:
- Technology/Spirituality
- ✡️ [Star of David
File:Wikipedia's W.svg symbol]- "Divide & Conquer"
- The Vatican Catholicism
- "The Key"
- "God's Soldiers"
- War/Violence
- Ignatius of Loyola,
File:Wikipedia's W.svg founder of the Jesuits 8.15.1534, First Superior General, d. 1556- Hyperborea
- Archons
File:Wikipedia's W.svg - Demiurge
File:Wikipedia's W.svg - Demonology
- Khazarian Mafia, est. 700-1200 AD, Khazania, (Ukraine)
- Jesuits, Society of Jesus
- Knights Templar, Catholic military order, 1118
- Los Alumbrados,
File:Wikipedia's W.svg Christian mysticism, 1492- Medici Bank,
File:Wikipedia's W.svg 15th century- Nostradamus, 1556
- Atlantis
- Lemuria
- Mu
- The Leviathan Cross [symbol], Lucifer/Satan/Baal, Tower of Babel
- Gnosticism
- Paganism
- Saturnalia
File:Wikipedia's W.svg - Rome
- 777
- Black nobility
File:Wikipedia's W.svg - Purge of the Templar, Friday 13 October, 1307
File:Wikipedia's W.svg - Papal bloodlines, Aldobrandini Orsini???:
File:Wikipedia's W.svg Superior Jesuit General [Black Pope];File:Wikipedia's W.svg Somaglia [Italy]; Vatican; BreakspearFile:Wikipedia's W.svg - Grey Pope est. 1814, Black Pope, White Pope, Pope Pius VII
File:Wikipedia's W.svg 1814, Jesuit restoration- Villa Farnese;
File:Wikipedia's W.svg Jesuit War Room
- Sumerians
- Cuneiform 3000 BC
- Jesus crucified d. 33 CE
- Kabbalah, Isaac the Blind d. 1235
- Talmud, "Goyim"
- Pope Clement XIV's
File:Wikipedia's W.svg suppression of the Society of Jesus, 1773- Bavarian Illuminati, founded May 1st, 1776; Adam Weishaupt, Jesuit professor, created to protect Jesuits
- 1561 UFO;
File:Wikipedia's W.svg Battle of Nuremberg
- The Sphinx, 7000 BC?
- Gold mines of Enki, Adam's calendar
File:Wikipedia's W.svg - Marduk
File:Wikipedia's W.svg - Nimrod, Babylon, Nebuchadnezzar II d. 562 BC
- Caligula, reign AD 37-41, Vatican obelisk[2] — Heliopolis, Egypt
- Human sacrifice, adrenochrome
- Enki
- Enlil
File:Wikipedia's W.svg - Baalbek
File:Wikipedia's W.svg - Declaration of Independence July 4th, 1776
- "Out of Chaos comes order"
- "The end justifies the means"
- Stonehenge
- 𓂀 [Eye of Horus
File:Wikipedia's W.svg symbol], RaFile:Wikipedia's W.svg - Temple Mount
- Jerusalem
- Corpus Hermeticum, 3rd century
- Occult symbolism in Washington D.C.
- "Give me control of a nation's money and I care not who makes it's laws"[note 1]
- "Who is on the Dollar Bill?"; George Washington, 1798 Letter re: Illuminati, Washington Monument, 1888
- Native American Genocide
- Philip, Duke of Wharton,
File:Wikipedia's W.svg Hellfire ClubFile:Wikipedia's W.svg 1718- Dracula, Vlad the Impaler d. 1476, Transylvania, Vampirism
- Isis
File:Wikipedia's W.svg [no, not that ISIS], OsirisFile:Wikipedia's W.svg - Pyramids of Giza, Obelisks
- Thoth
File:Wikipedia's W.svg - Siege of Jerusalem 587 BCE,
File:Wikipedia's W.svg Solomon's Temple, Boaz & Jachin- Plotinus
File:Wikipedia's W.svg d. 270, NeoplatonismFile:Wikipedia's W.svg - John D. Rockefeller
- Mentmore Towers,
File:Wikipedia's W.svg built 1852-1854- Bauer
- Twin Pillars
- Rothschild, Zionism
- Freemasonry
- Albert Pike,
File:Wikipedia's W.svg 1809-1891, Morals and DogmaFile:Wikipedia's W.svg 1872- Lincoln assassination 1867 US cuts ties to Vatican
- House of the Temple
File:Wikipedia's W.svg 1915- City of London, Dragon worship, changed name 1917, House of Windsor, German descent, Queen Elizabeth II shapeshifter
- Rosacrucian Order
- Maya, Teotihuacan,
File:Wikipedia's W.svg Kukulkan,File:Wikipedia's W.svg Geoglyphs- Aztec, 1300-1500 AD, Quetzalcoatl, Bosnian pyramids
- Saturn
- Astrology, Alchemy
- Iamblechus,[sic]
File:Wikipedia's W.svg d. 330 "Theurgy"- Helena Blavatsky 1831-91, Theosophical Society
- Baphomet
- Aleister Crowley 1875-1947
- Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn
- OTO Ordo Templi Orientis
- Unification of Italy 1815-1871, Kingdom of Italy, Vatican annexed, Italy
- Hindu Vimana
File:Wikipedia's W.svg - Harran,
File:Wikipedia's W.svg Temple of sin- Yonaguni
- "Monolith"
- Abraxas
File:Wikipedia's W.svg - Pythagoras
File:Wikipedia's W.svg d. 495 BC- Plato d. 348 BC
- Picatrix,
File:Wikipedia's W.svg translated 1256, "Behold, I will make them of the Synagogue of Satan, which say they are Jews, and are not, but do lie." Revelation 3:9- Magick
- Thelema, "Do what the wilt shall be the whole of the law."
- ONI, Office of Naval Intelligence,
File:Wikipedia's W.svg est. 1882- Titanic, 1912 killed off opposition to the Federal Reserve
- Banking cartels fund both sides of every war
- Napoleonic Wars 1803-1815; Battle of Waterloo,
File:Wikipedia's W.svg Rothschild $$$ takeover
- Zoroastrianism, Zarathustra ~1000 BC
- Oracle of Delphi
File:Wikipedia's W.svg - Allegory of the cave
- Owl symbolism; Bohemian Grove
- FBI 1908
- "The Creature from Jekyll Island"
- Stanley Kubrick, 2001 a Space Odyssey,
File:Wikipedia's W.svg 1968; Eyes Wide Shut,File:Wikipedia's W.svg 1999- Library of Alexandria,
File:Wikipedia's W.svg 3rd century BC- The Rockefeller Foundation
- Moloch
File:Wikipedia's W.svg - Federal Reserve System 1913
- Henry Ford, Model T
- Kybalion
File:Wikipedia's W.svg 1908- "Protocols of the Elders of Zion" 1903
- Archduke Franz Ferdinand
File:Wikipedia's W.svg - CFR, Council on Foreign Relations, 1921
- WWI, Treaty of Versailles, 1919
- Black Hand Society
File:Wikipedia's W.svg - Chemical & Biological Warfare
- The Royal Institute of International Affairs, Chatham House
File:Wikipedia's W.svg 1920- Boeing
File:Wikipedia's W.svg 1916- "War creates debt"
- 1918 Flu Pandemic, 50 million dead
- USSR; Lenin; Stalin; Marxism; KGB;
File:Wikipedia's W.svg socialism; communism- Mussolini, PM: 1922-1943; National Fascist Party;
File:Wikipedia's W.svg The Lateran TreatiesFile:Wikipedia's W.svg 1929; Vatican State recognized
- "The Coming Race",
File:Wikipedia's W.svg Edward Bulwer-LyttonFile:Wikipedia's W.svg 1871- Maria Orsic, Yugoslavia, disappeared 1945[note 2]
- IBM; IG Farben,[note 3] Zyklon B
- Walt Disney est. 1923; Club 23
- Manly P. Hall
File:Wikipedia's W.svg 1901-1990, "The Secret Teachings of All Ages", 1928, Hand of the MysteriesFile:Wikipedia's W.svg - "Brave New World"
File:Wikipedia's W.svg - Adolph Hitler
- Black Tuesday, 10.29.1929
- 1917 October Revolution, Bolsheviks
- Aldebaran star system
- Vrill Society;
File:Wikipedia's W.svg Thule Society- The Holocaust; Josef Mengele
- Waffen-SS (symbol)
- Swastika (symbol); Nazi Germany
- Reichstag Fire;
File:Wikipedia's W.svg Neuschwabenland- Franklin D. Roosevelt; Pearl Harbor *advance knowledge
- P2 Lodge
File:Wikipedia's W.svg - "The Man of Providence" [Mussolini, according to Pope Pius XI[6]:65-66]
- The Holy Grail; Aryan race
- Ahnenerbe
File:Wikipedia's W.svg [the SS's think tank]; Electrogravitic propulsionFile:Wikipedia's W.svg - Order of Black Sun; occultism scrubbed from WWII history
- Cloning; Die Glocke
- Eugenics
- 1944 Bretton Woods Conference
File:Wikipedia's W.svg established the U.S. Dollar as the global reserve currency, "He who holds the gold makes the rules."- The Pentagon, est. 9.11.1941; OSS, Office of Strategic Services,
File:Wikipedia's W.svg 1942-1945,- Escape to Argentina, U-977
File:Wikipedia's W.svg - Antarctica
- Manhattan Project; Los Alamos; COINTELPRO
File:Wikipedia's W.svg 1956-1971, surveilling, infiltrating, discrediting and disrupting domestic political organizations- "Terror Bombing"; Hiroshima & Nagasaki
- Winston Churchill; Battle of Los Angeles
- Destruction of Dresden; Port Chicago disaster
File:Wikipedia's W.svg
- Agartha,
File:Wikipedia's W.svg Inner Earth- Zero point energy
- Nicola Tesla, d. 1943
- Haunebu II, Nazi UFOs
- Swiss banking Act
File:Wikipedia's W.svg of 1934- HQ?
- Operation Highjump
File:Wikipedia's W.svg 1947, Admiral Richard E. Byrd- Philadelphia Experiment 1943
- Nuremberg Trials
- Solar Warden, Naval space command
File:Wikipedia's W.svg - Foo Fighters [no, not those Foo Fighters
File:Wikipedia's W.svg ]- Time travel
- John G. Trump,
File:Wikipedia's W.svg FBI raided Tesla- Unacknowledged special access projects MJ-12, Majestic-12, President Harry Truman in 1947
- Project Blue Book 1952-69, UFO threat analysis
- "1984", 1949; RAND Corporation
File:Wikipedia's W.svg 1948- Geneva
- UN 1945; Neo-feudalism
- CIA 1947, Langley Virginia
- Israel 1948; Mossad
- Irgun
File:Wikipedia's W.svg 1931-1948- Disinformation,
File:Wikipedia's W.svg Operation MockingbirdFile:Wikipedia's W.svg - The Cold War 1947-1991
- Psyops;
File:Wikipedia's W.svg Anderson Cooper;File:Wikipedia's W.svg VanderbiltFile:Wikipedia's W.svg - The New York Times; Gannett
File:Wikipedia's W.svg
- Moon landings; Break away civilization
- Roswell UFO Crash 1947
- DUMB's, "Deep Underground Military Base"
- 1952 Washington, D.C. UFO incident
File:Wikipedia's W.svg - Bilderberg Group 1954
- Project Paperclip,
File:Wikipedia's W.svg Nazi US citizenship- Prince Bernhard
File:Wikipedia's W.svg - NATO 1949
- Operation Ajax, 1953 Iranian coup d'état
File:Wikipedia's W.svg - Operation Gladio,
File:Wikipedia's W.svg NATO "stay behind" 56-90- Mika Brzezinski
File:Wikipedia's W.svg - Hegelian dialectic, problem→reaction→solution, "cognitive dissonance"
- CNN 1980; Tegna
File:Wikipedia's W.svg
- Mars, Cydonia
- Jason Society 1960 Illuminati
- S-4
- DARPA, Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency
File:Wikipedia's W.svg - Wright-Patterson AFB,
File:Wikipedia's W.svg Dayton, OH- Dulse,[sic] NM genetic engineering [The small town of Dulce is a center for ufologists.[7]]
- Wernher von Braun
File:Wikipedia's W.svg - NASA 1958, "Never A Straight Answer"
- Secret space program
- Dwight D. Eisenhower military industrial complex 1961
- Allen Dulles,
File:Wikipedia's W.svg CIA Director '52-'61- NSA 1952, "No Such Agency"
- Operation PBSuccess, 1954 Guatemalan coup d'état
File:Wikipedia's W.svg - Bay of Pigs
File:Wikipedia's W.svg 1961- Operation Northwoods
File:Wikipedia's W.svg - "Ratlines"; CIA drug trafficking,
File:Wikipedia's W.svg Cocaine Import Agency- D.I.D., Dissociative identity disorder; Ritual abuse "alters"; LSD; "Triggers"; "Multiples"; Trauma based mind control; Depatterning & psychic driving;
File:Wikipedia's W.svg "Trance formation of America" Cathy O'Brien; Project Monarch; "Thanks for the Memories" Brice Taylor- Totalitarian tiptoe; Super soldiers, "The Black Awakening"
- Television, introduced 1950s, alpha state hypnosis
- Scientology, L. Ron Hubbard 1954
- Anton LaVey, Church of Satan 1966
- The Kissinger Report 1974[8]
- Henry Kissinger, Secretary of State, National Security Advisor, War criminal
- Club of Rome,
File:Wikipedia's W.svg Limits to Growth 1967- Vietnam
- JFK Assassination 11.23.63; "King Sacrifice"; "Zapruder film"
File:Wikipedia's W.svg - Gulf of Tonkin;
File:Wikipedia's W.svg Agent Orange- Chile coup (CIA) 9.11.1973; Operation Condor
File:Wikipedia's W.svg - Pablo Escobar
File:Wikipedia's W.svg - Mobutu of Zaïre
File:Wikipedia's W.svg
- Predictive programming
- 1967 Freedom of Information Act
File:Wikipedia's W.svg - THX 1138
File:Wikipedia's W.svg - J. Edgar Hoover, FBI Director, heart attacked[sic] 1972
- Depopulation; 1970s appropriations: super germ request; CBW's [Chemical and Biological Weapons] banned 1971
File:Wikipedia's W.svg - MK-ULTRA;
File:Wikipedia's W.svg Richard Nixon 1969-1974; Watergate- Montauk project
- Psychic warfare; Remote viewing; Time travel
- Lee Harvey Oswald; Jack Ruby
File:Wikipedia's W.svg
File:Wikipedia's W.svg 1969, birth of the internet- Michael Aquino,
File:Wikipedia's W.svg military intelligence, Temple of Set 1975- "Nixon Shock", 1971 decoupling of the US dollar to gold; Fiat currency
- Fort Detrick;
File:Wikipedia's W.svg Robert GalloFile:Wikipedia's W.svg - Special virus cancer program [This National Cancer Institute program tried to identify cancer-causing viruses in humans.[9]]
- Pentagon Papers
- Illuminati card game 1982
- The Church Committee
File:Wikipedia's W.svg 1975- Andrew Basiago, Project Pegasus; Project Looking Glass
- Stewart Swerdlow
- Weather warfare,
File:Wikipedia's W.svg researched since 1960s- Sirhan Sirhan
File:Wikipedia's W.svg - Charles Manson 1969 murder spree, Helter Skelter
- Philip Schneider, Battle of 1979 [Schneider alleged that there was a human-alien battle in 1979.[10]]
- Raëlism 1974
- New Age
File:Wikipedia's W.svg est. 1960- 1973 oil crisis
File:Wikipedia's W.svg - Litton Bionetics
File:Wikipedia's W.svg - Hep B vaccine
- 4th dimensional negative entities
- "Loosh"[note 4]
- NRO, National Reconnaissance Office
File:Wikipedia's W.svg 1961
- Bill Gates, Microsoft
- ALEC, American Legislative Exchange Council 1973
- The Petrodollar system 1973
File:Wikipedia's W.svg - The Trilateral Commission 1973; Zbigniew Brzezinski
File:Wikipedia's W.svg - Merovingian bloodline
File:Wikipedia's W.svg - Pindar;
File:Wikipedia's W.svg Council of 13; Committee of 300;File:Wikipedia's W.svg Think tanks; The Round Table; Finance resources- Saturnalian Brotherhood
- Iran-Contra 1985-7
- Bill Cooper, Behold a Pale Horse
- FEMA camps; Plastic coffins; Guillotines; RFID chips
- Challenger disaster
File:Wikipedia's W.svg - MLK murdered 1968
- Jim Jones, Jonestown 1978
- Racial division
- Steve Jobs, Apple $666
- Ra Material, "The Law of One" 1982-98
- Satanic Panic
- Vaccines
- Trading with the Enemy Act
File:Wikipedia's W.svg in 1942- Prescott Bush,
File:Wikipedia's W.svg US Senator; Barbara BushFile:Wikipedia's W.svg - Georgia Guidestones 1980, Population of 500,000,000
- George H. W. Bush, 41st President 89-93, Vice President 81-89, CIA Director 76-77
- The cabal
- "Bloodlines of the Illuminati";
File:Wikipedia's W.svg Incubator hoax; Gulf War- Silent weapons for queit[sic] wars; ≈ 1992 NYT
- Chernobyl disaster
- OJ Simposon 1993
File:Wikipedia's W.svg
- Project Blue Beam; False flags
- Monsanto; Chemtrails; GMOs; Geoengineering
- Agenda 21; "Climate change"
- 322 Skull & Bones Society, Yale
- "New World Order"; Hillary Clinton; Bill Clinton
- Highway of death;
File:Wikipedia's W.svg Gulf War syndrome- Fall of Berlin Wall 1989; Russian Federation; SVR;
File:Wikipedia's W.svg Vladimir Putin; FSB;File:Wikipedia's W.svg "The New World Order worships Satan"- Northrop Grumman
File:Wikipedia's W.svg 1994- HAARP 1993
- Waco, Texas 1993; "Child sacrifice"
- Gun grabs
- Dark secrets; Saturn symbolism
- Infowars; Alex Jones; David Icke
- Endgame; Moon matrix
- Carbon tax;
File:Wikipedia's W.svg Denver International Airport 1995- JonBenét Ramsey;
File:Wikipedia's W.svg Nanothermite- Princess Diana 1997 "Queen sacrifice"
- Lockheed Martin
File:Wikipedia's W.svg 1995- Afghanistan; Taliban; Opium production
- Oklahoma City Bombing 1995
- "Arkancide", The Clinton Body Count
- Steve Quayle, "Empire Beneath the Ice"
- WiFi 1998
- Getty Center
File:Wikipedia's W.svg 1997, "Templar Fortress"- NAFTA 1994
- Aurora, Flight 93
File:Wikipedia's W.svg /ONI- Vigilant Guardian;
File:Wikipedia's W.svg 9/11 UFOs- Operation Tripod;
File:Wikipedia's W.svg Al Qaeda; Osama bin Laden- George W. Bush; 9.11 "Tower Sacrifice", WTC7
- Anthrax attacks on media;
File:Wikipedia's W.svg Saudi Arabia- George Soros
- PNAC, "Project for the New American Century", "A new Pearl Harbor"
- Larry Silverstein
File:Wikipedia's W.svg leasted WTC June 2001 "pull it"- Columbine Massacre
- Bill Cooper executed[sic] 2001
- TR-3B Air Force X-37B
File:Wikipedia's W.svg - Ancient Aliens; Anunnaki "those who from heaven to earth came"; Crop circles; Draco-reptilians; Pleiadians, Lord Ashtar;
File:Wikipedia's W.svg Galactic Federation of Light; Ascended masters- Black Knight satellite;
File:Wikipedia's W.svg Nibiru- Dick Cheney
- 9/11 Memorial, "As above so below"[note 5]
- Hologram plane theory
- Missing gold;
File:Wikipedia's W.svg "Why We Fight"File:Wikipedia's W.svg - Patriot Act
- Iraq invasion
- Missing 28 pages 9/11 Commission Report
- 7/7 London Bombings 2005
- Space Shuttle Columbia disaster
File:Wikipedia's W.svg 2003
- Abductions; Cattle mutilation
- The Greys; Phoenix lights
- Ziggurat of Ur;
File:Wikipedia's W.svg Stargate- WMDs
- Illegal weapons, depleted uranium; white phosphorus
File:Wikipedia's W.svg - Michelle Obama
File:Wikipedia's W.svg transgender- Obama, Kenya
- Syria; ISIS
- Arab Spring; Destruction of Levant history
- Blackwater, Erik Prince
- Mass surveillance
File:Wikipedia's W.svg - "Dark Knight Rising" shooting 2012
- Sumatra tsunami 2004
File:Wikipedia's W.svg
- Barbara Marciniak[12]
- Norwegian spiral anomaly 2009
- Haliburton[sic], KBR
File:Wikipedia's W.svg - "Peak oil" hoax
- Chicago Mob
File:Wikipedia's W.svg - Wikileaks, Julian Assange
- TPP, drafted 2015, withdrawal
- Pizzagate, blackmail, pedophilia, sex trafficking
- Ukrainian coup 2014
File:Wikipedia's W.svg - Black Lives Matter
- Heroin epidemic
File:Wikipedia's W.svg 2008; Snowden; Academi- NSA spy grid, Utah Data Center
File:Wikipedia's W.svg - Boston Marathon bombing
- Sandy Hook, "Nobody died…" 2012
- Hurricane Katrina 2005
- Deepwater Horizon
File:Wikipedia's W.svg 2010
- Law of Accelerating Returns;
File:Wikipedia's W.svg Ray Kurzweil- Clinton Foundation;
File:Wikipedia's W.svg Benghazi; Uranium 1File:Wikipedia's W.svg - Melania,
File:Wikipedia's W.svg Yugoslavia 6 languages- Trump v. Hillary election 11.8.16; MAGA
- Election rigging
File:Wikipedia's W.svg - Antifa
- PMCs, private military company; G45
- Bataclan bloodbath, Friday 13 November 2015
File:Wikipedia's W.svg - Fukushima 3.11.2011
- D.C. earthquake 2011
File:Wikipedia's W.svg
- CERN, "portal to Hell", Shiva statue
- Life Extension; Nanotechnology; Boston Dynamics
File:Wikipedia's W.svg - The Singularity; transhumanism
- Jeff Bezos;
File:Wikipedia's W.svg AmazonFile:Wikipedia's W.svg - Podesta emails
- Donald Trump inauguration 1.20.17, "We are transferring power from Washington, D.C., and giving it back to you, the people."
- "Drain the swamp"; military stands behind Trump
- Women's March;
File:Wikipedia's W.svg travel banFile:Wikipedia's W.svg - Pulse Nightclub, "50 perverts"; Manchester Arena Cangerous Woman
File:Wikipedia's W.svg - Bastille Day truck rampage 2016
File:Wikipedia's W.svg - Edward Snowden 2013 leak
- Tianjin kinetic bombardment
File:Wikipedia's W.svg
- Solar eclipse 8.21.27[sic]
File:Wikipedia's W.svg - Hyperloop; Paypal;
File:Wikipedia's W.svg Elon Musk; SpaceX;File:Wikipedia's W.svg Tesla;File:Wikipedia's W.svg Whole Foods; The Washington Post- Spirit cooking;
File:Wikipedia's W.svg codewords- Vault 7,
File:Wikipedia's W.svg CIA electronic surveillance- "Fake news"
- Charlottesville, Unite the Right
- North Korea "Rocket Man"
- 2017 hurricanes, Harvey,
File:Wikipedia's W.svg Irma,File:Wikipedia's W.svg Maria,File:Wikipedia's W.svg "geostorm"File:Wikipedia's W.svg - Scalar weapons; polar vortex
File:Wikipedia's W.svg
- Celtic knot
File:Wikipedia's W.svg [symbol], Church of AI, Anthony Levandowski,File:Wikipedia's W.svg techno-luciferism- Alphabet,
File:Wikipedia's W.svg Google, Eric SchmidtFile:Wikipedia's W.svg resigned CEO 12.21.17- Mark Zuckerberg,
File:Wikipedia's W.svg Facebook- David Rockefeller dead 3.20.2017
- Vegas massacre 10.1.2017, "pyramic sacrifice"
- Russia probe
- Jack & Ace; Harvest ritual; Gun runner; Route 91
File:Wikipedia's W.svg - Janet Airline;
File:Wikipedia's W.svg The Luxor;File:Wikipedia's W.svg Mandalay BayFile:Wikipedia's W.svg - California inferno
- DEWS: Direct Energy Weapons
File:Wikipedia's W.svg
- Palantir
- 5G kill grid [the idea that 5G WiFi will cause forced vaccinations]
- "We stand at the birth of a new millennium, ready to unlock the mysteries of space, to free the Earth from the miseries of disease, and to harness energies, industries and technologies of tomorrow."
- Mohammad bin Salman
- Trump SA visit; Sword dance; Mystery machine;
File:Wikipedia's W.svg Saudi purge, Nov 2017; Q anon on 4chan !ITPb.qbhqo- Soros; Roths; Saudi
- Mandela effect; Akashic Records
- Fractal time [2012 apocalypse nonsense by Gregg Braden[13]]
- 2012 Mayan calandar[sic]; Revelations; Age of Aquarius; Apocalypse; Quantum ascension; Solar shift
- #Tyler; "the nanosecond"
- Hivemind
- pROjECT Mayhem
File:Wikipedia's W.svg 2020- US Embassy Jerusalem, Third Temple
File:Wikipedia's W.svg - "The Storm"
- ISIS defeated
- Mansour bin Muqrin
File:Wikipedia's W.svg helicopter crash- Qmap
- "Breadcrumbs"; Pleiadian guidance
- Pole shift; Antichrist
- Schuman Resonance[sic]
- Mystery "booms"
- Executive Order: Human Rights Abuse 12.21.17 [Executive Order 13818]; Follow the White Rabbit
- Al-Waleed bin Talal;
File:Wikipedia's W.svg investor in Twitter, Citigroup,File:Wikipedia's W.svg 4 Seasons,File:Wikipedia's W.svg sent Saudi air force snipers to Vegas- "Remember nothing is random. Everything has meaning."
- _FREEDOM-_Conf-go; v.12312017
- This and variant quotes have been alleged by conspiracy theorists to be from Mayer Amschel Rothschild
File:Wikipedia's W.svg (1744–1812). The earliest known attribution was in 1913, a century after his death.[3] - Maria Orsic is a fictional character in the book The Morning of the Magicians that is often referenced by conspiracy theorists.[4]
- IG Farben was a German chemical and pharmaceutical company that committed war crimes and crimes against humanity during World War II.[5]
- "A term applied to energy produced by human beings and animals that other entities use to feed from."[11]
- "As above, so below"
File:Wikipedia's W.svg is a hermetic phrase indicating that the heavens influence the Earth.
gollark: Just rename it "esocoin".
gollark: Secure and usable ones yes, but basic ones?
gollark: Cryptocurrencies aren't THAT hard.
gollark: Idea: take bitcoin or something, substitute all the "bit" for "eso", deploy everywhere?
- Q anon connections – chart of globally organized corruption networks
- See the Wikipedia article on St. Peter's Square § Obelisk.
- Talk:Conspiracy Wikiquote (archived from 10 Feb 2019 22:59:37 UTC).
- See the Wikipedia article on The Morning of the Magicians.
- See the Wikipedia article on IG Farben.
- Fascist Spectacle: the Aesthetics of Power in Mussolini's Italy by Simonetta Falasca-Zamponi (2000) University of California Press. ISBN 0520226771.
- Move over, Roswell. Dulce is home to true UFO believers by Daniel J. Chacón (May 7, 2016) Santa Fe New Mexican.
- National Security Study Memorandum: NSSM 200, Implications of Worldwide Population Growth For U.S. Security and Overseas Interests (The Kissinger Report) (December 10, 1974) USAID.
- When AIDS Was a Cancer by Matthew Tontonoz (August 08, 2014) Cancer Research Institute.
- Alien-Human Battle of 1979 in New Mexico: Alleged Eye-Witness Report: Looking back on the story of Phil Schneider by Tara MacIsaac (April 7, 2014 6:45 pm; Last Updated: May 8, 2016 1:50 pm) Epoch Times (archived from January 6, 2018).
- Loosh Ascension Glossary (archived from 22 Mar 2018 18:37:58 UTC).
- #1930: Barbara Marciniak (November 28, 2017) Encyclopedia of American Loons.
- Fractal Time: The Secret of 2012 and a New World Age by Gregg Braden (2010) Hay House. ISBN 1401920659.
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