Ian Juby

"Professor" Ian Juby is a young earth creationist who hails from Ontario, Canada. Juby is the director of the Creation Science Museum of Canada, as well as a member of Mensa Juby is known for using his "high IQ" as an argument from authority when promoting creation science under his YouTube alias Wazooloo. He also allows himself to be presented as a "professor" and a "paleontologist" in his videos despite having no known doctoral degrees (or indeed any degree at all) in any science-related field, or having taught at any university. Juby's repeated crank misrepresentations of the evidence can be found throughout his video series, including claims like "dinosaurs were vegetarians"[1] while presenting an incomplete dinosaur tooth fossil, and "reptiles laid eggs while running from the flood"[2] referring to a 6 egg fossil laid in 2 rows of 3 (showing the animal was so scared it went back to lay another row…).

The divine comedy
Running gags
Jokes aside
Blooper reel
v - t - e

See also


  1. Ian Juby Lying About Dinosaur Bones, Teeth And Miocene Man, November 8th, 2012 by YouTuber Baud2Bits
  2. Rebuttal to Ian Juby’s “’In 7 Days’ Crash Course in Creation” Day 5, May 27th, 2013, by he_who_is_nobody on the League of Reason blog
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