Free Talk Live

Free Talk Live is a radio program originating from Keene, New Hampshire, U.S. which is carred on many talk radio stations in the U.S. or can be heard over streaming audio. The show features a rotating lineup of several program hosts who espouse a radical variant of libertarianism best described as voluntaryist which tends to shade over into anarchism. The hosts are especially enthusiastic about Bitcoin, the Free State Project, the anti-police abuse group CopBlock, and ongoing civil disobedience activism in the college town of Keene around various issues including marijuana, public nudity, and jury nullification. Whether this viewpoint could be considered left-wing or right-wing is a matter of debate and probably of personal preference. The hosts claim they are neither left-wing nor right-wing, but "pro-freedom, on every issue, all the time".

You gotta spin it to win it
Stop the presses!
We want pictures
of Spider-Man!
  • Journalism
  • Newspapers
  • All articles
Extra! Extra!
  • WIGO World
v - t - e

The show is refreshingly free of the usual Alex Jones-style conspiracy theories and the "patriotic" Constitutionalist/militia/flag waving stuff one might expect to hear on a show of this sort. In fact the hosts are rather skeptical toward conspiracy theories and anything smacking of nationalism or American exceptionalism. Well, not always; they have had Gene Ray on the show at least twice to discuss at his Time Cube crankery.

They are, however, hard-core laissez-faire free market advocates, so don't expect Marxism, or even middle-of-the-road liberalism, to get a favorable hearing on the show.

On the whole, it provides several clues as to where 1960s style radicalism, or at least the closest thing to it, can be located today: take Woodstock Nation, remove the Maoist elements, and replace them with equal parts Ludwig von Mises and Samuel Edward Konkin III. Whether the latter is a positive development is another matter for debate...

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