Family Research Institute

The Family Research Institute is a homophobic and transphobic right wing fundamentalist Christian advocacy group headquartered in Colorado Springs, Colorado. It was founded in 1982 as the Institute for the Scientific Investigation of Sexuality (ISIS[1]) by Dr. Paul Cameron, and is classified as a hate group by the Southern Poverty Law Center.[2]

Gay free zone
Fighting the gay agenda
Judge not
That ye be not judged
v - t - e
not to be confused with the Family Research Council

Dr. Paul Cameron is a homophobic psychologist. He runs the Institute with his son, Kirk,[3] who has a Ph.D. in statistics from Stanford University. You would think with that much academic experience, their research wouldn't be so obviously flawed. However, their advocacy and their broad-brush statements — e.g., gays sexually abuse children at a higher rate than straights — have caused both the American Sociological Association and the Canadian Psychological Association to adopt resolutions criticizing the flawed and biased nature of their "research."

See also


  1. The ironymeter reading is of course an example of what TV Tropes calls "Hilarious in Hindsight", though the equally unintended ancient Egyptian pagan allusionsFile:Wikipedia's W.svg in both abbreviations are not (but perhaps Islamist fundamentalist murderers aren't that concerned with the abbreviation of an English translation of their organization's name...).
  2. Southern Poverty Law Center: Family Research Council
  3. No, not that Kirk.
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