David Talbott

David N. Talbott (1942–) is a self-taught comparative mythologist and long-time promoter of neo-Velikovskian nonsense. Inspired by Immanuel Velikovsky (1895–1979), Talbott uses ancient mythological tales as evidence (his so-called proof) that Earth was at one time in orbit around Saturn (within recent human memory, no less), and a litany of other equally ridiculous claims.[1]

David Talbott (June 2007)
The fault in our stars
Adding epicycles
v - t - e

Talbott, along with fellow shyster Wallace Thornhill, is directly involved with the day-to-day operation (the business/money side) of the Electric Universe (a cult that masquerades as science[2]); peddling incredulous books and DVDs, and holding exorbitantly-priced workshops and conferences — in short, fleecing the gullible.[3][4] Talbott also runs the Thunderbolts Forum website; a recruitment center for new pockets to be picked.[5]


Talbott received his B.S. from Portland State University, where he majored in education and political science. He also completed a year of graduate work in urban studies.[6] He was the co-founder and publisher (with his brother Stephen L. Talbott as editor) of the journal Pensée (Immanuel Velikovsky Reconsidered) produced by the Student Academic Freedom Forum in Portland, Oregon, which between 1972 and 1974 published a ten-issue series, Immanuel Velikovsky Reconsidered, achieving a circulation of between 10,000 and 20,000 subscribers.[7]

He is the author of several books related to comparative mythology and alternative histories of the solar system, including The Saturn Myth.[8] In 1987[note 1] he founded the journal Aeon, where many of his works are self-published.[9] In 1991, despairing of ever finding a physical solution to the "Polar Configuration", Talbott abdicated his life's work for eighteen months. The sabbatical ended when he was shown a model which, according to his interview in the documentary Remembering the End of the World, "wasn't a complete answer; but it gave me confidence that the dynamical issues could be resolved." Talbott returned to the staff of Aeon in May 1994.[10] In November 1997 he became the founding president of The Mind Exploration Corporation whose mission is "to identify, investigate and market groundbreaking discoveries on the frontiers of science, technology and human understanding" that follow from the dual concepts of the "Polar Configuration" and the "Electric Universe".[11] In early 1999, he announced a relationship with Atlantis Rising magazine "to develop up to eight pages for each issue."[12] He was an invited speaker as "scientist and author" at the "Earth Changes 2000" Conference, Sept. 8-10, in Emigrant, Montana, sponsored by Atlantis Rising and Ancient American magazines[13] where he "use[d] computer animation to argue that the ancients witnessed the catastrophic collision of planetary bodies including Earth and left the record in myths and legends."[14]

Polar configuration

Originally inspired by Velikovsky, Talbott envisioned a congregation of planets physically close to the Earth in ancient times in which "the five planets Jupiter, Saturn, Venus, Mars and the Earth orbited the Sun as a single linear unit, which rotated about a point close to Saturn, before its break-up at the end of the Golden Age".[15] He claims that the violent evolution of this "Polar Configuration" provoked the myth-making epoch of human history.[16] Professor of Social Theory Alfred de Grazia, noted that Talbott was one of several scholars who had "entered the full stream" of Velikovsky's work.[17]



  • The Saturn Myth: A reinterpretation of rites and symbols illuminating some of the dark corners of primordial society (1980) Doubleday & Co., ISBN 978-0-385-11376-2.
  • Thunderbolts of the Gods (co-authored with Wallace Thornhill) (2005) Mikamar Publishing, ISBN 978-0-9772851-0-5. (Official Web site)
  • The Electric Universe (co-authored with Wallace Thornhill) (2007) Mikamar Publishing, ISBN 978-0-9772851-3-6.


  • "Past History of the Planets: The Polar Configuration," Chronology and Catastrophism Review (2008), Society for Interdisciplinary Studies.
  • "On the Nature of Cometary Symbolism", (with Ev Cochrane), Kronos, Vol. XI, No. 1 Fall 1985
  • In Aeon (ISSN 1066-5145): "Reconstructing the Saturn Myth" (Vol. I, No. 1 1988); "The Ship of Heaven" (Vol. I, No. 3 1988); "On Models and Scenarios" (Vol. I, No. 4 1988); "Mother Goddess and Warrior-Hero" (Vol. I, No. 4 1988); "Servant of the Sun God" (Vol. 2, No. 1 1989); "The Mythical History of the Comet Venus" (Vol. 2, No. 4 1991); "From Myth to a Physical Model" (Vol. 3, No. 3 1993); "The Great Comet Venus" (Vol. 3, No. 5 1994); "The Saturn Thesis" (Vol. 4, No. 3 1995), Part II (Vol. 4, No. 5 1996), Part III (Vol. 4, No. 6 1996), Part IV (Vol. 5, No. 1 1997)
gollark: Go prove the Riemann hypothesis or something.
gollark: Or free legal internet resources if you like I guess.
gollark: Yes, piracy is the way forward.
gollark: I probably want to do physics/engineering or something like that.
gollark: There are many vaguely interesting fields, but I have no idea if there's any one thing I care about enough to specialise in for several years.
  • thunderbolts project (Talbott's current web site)
  • YouTube user ThunderboltsProject presents excerpts from Talbott's videos about his catastrophist view of comparative mythology and ancient history


  1. The cover date for the first issue with the title The Cataclysm is January 1988, but the copyright date is December 1987.


  1. "…Talbott is mounting a heresy even more radical than Velikovsky's. He claims, with complete assurance, that Venus, Mars, Saturn, and Jupiter traveled very close to Earth within human memory. He says that together these planets presented a stupendous form in the sky, at times peaceful and at times violent." Parsons, Steve (2005). The Perils of Planetary Amnesia, Chapter 8 in J. Douglas Kenyon (editor), Forbidden History: Prehistoric Technologies, Extraterrestrial Intervention, and the Suppressed Origins of Civilization (Bear & Company, Rochester, Vermont). ISBN 978-1-59143-045-2. p. 68; reprinted from Atlantis Rising Magazine.
  2. The People Who Believe Electricity Rules the Universe: "Electric universe" theory is at odds with everything modern science has determined about the universe. Yet something about it sparks fervor in the hearts of believers. by Sarah Scoles (Feb 18 2016, 6:30am) Vice.
  3. https://www.thunderbolts.info/wp/resources/
  4. https://www.thunderbolts.info/wp/2015/01/31/eu2015-home-page/
  5. http://www.thunderbolts.info/forum/phpBB3/index.php
  6. Wallace Thornhill and David Talbott, The Electric Universe, Mikamar Publishing, 2007, (p. iii).
  7. Henry H. Bauer, Beyond Velikovsky: The History of a Public Controversy, (1984) University of Illinois Press, ISBN 978-0-02-520114-9.
  8. Talbott, David N. (1980), The Saturn Myth, Doubleday & Company, ISBN 978-0-385-11376-2.
  9. "The Saturn Thesis: An In-Depth Interview With David Talbott". Aeon.
  10. Aeon vol. III, no. 5, May 1994. Staff Listing.
  11. The Mind Exploration Corporation (1998). SIS Internet Digest, June, No. 1. ISSN: 1362-7686. pp. 4-5.
  12. Atlantis Rising - Magazine (1999). SIS Internet Digest, April, No. 1. ISSN: 1362-7686. p. 18.
  13. Atlantis Rising No. 23, Sep/Oct 2000, p. 18
  14. Atlantis Rising No. 29, Sep/Oct 2001, p. 8.
  15. Trevor Palmer, Perilous Planet Earth: Catastrophes and Catastrophism Through the Ages (2003) Cambridge University Press, ISBN 978-0-521-81928-2 (p.122)
  16. Talbott, David N. (1980) The Saturn Myth Doubleday & Company, ISBN 978-0-385-11376-2, (pp. 3-4); Talbott, David (2008). Past History of the Planets: The Polar Configuration, Chronology and Catastrophism Review, Society for Interdisciplinary Studies (pp. 68-84). Addressing the S.I.S. conference "Cosmic Catastrophes—Asteroids, Comets and Planets" in 2007 at Fitzwilliam College, Cambridge, Talbott concluded in summary: "My claim is that the archetypes of world mythology trace to stories about the three spheres, Saturn, Venus and Mars, and what happened to them. The spectacular appearance, unpredictable behaviour, and Earth-threatening movements of these bodies provoked an explosion of human imagination. This was the myth-making epoch of human history" (pp. 83-84).
  17. Alfred de Grazia, Cosmic Heretics (1984), Metron Publ., Chapter 4. ISBN 978-0-940268-08-1
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